Game you have never completed, but want to.

Discussion in 'Gaming Hangout' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 31, 2008.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    For me the first game that springs to mind is Tomb Raider 2, I played this so much back in the days before I had the internet and worked most of the puzzles out without a guide, I’ve still got my save game on a floppy disk from about 8-9 years ago... I really must complete it someday.

    Same for Tomb Raider 3, I got really far on that back in the day... however I lost my save game and only played the first few levels again.

    What about you guys? Any games you want to complete but have just never finished?
  2. Assassin

    Assassin Addict

    Dec 9, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    Nice thread idea!
    One game I want to finish is the first Resident Evil. I have the remake for my gamecube. I got half way at some point and then got annoyed by not being able to save because I didn't have enough ink for those typewriters. Still, I'd like to see the ending some time.

    Also Carmageddon TDR 2000. I always liked the first Carmageddon game, can't say I really liked the second, but TDR 2000 is great as well. I finished the first game but never managed to finish this one. I actually made it to the last mission in the game, destroying the chief of police's car, but it's impossible. I got through the whole game without upgrading my car once, then at that stage I fully upgraded it with armor and offence and stuff, but still there's no way to destroy the guy. It's ridiculous. Still, lovely game to pick up now and then and just drive for a bit.

    Tiberian Sun is also a game that just gets too hard after a while. You can easily get through the first levels but after a while you don't have time to build a proper base before getting raped. Also there's way too many missions in which you just get a small team of units and have to get through the entire level. I don't want that, I want to build a base. I just can't get through that game.

    Fallout 1 and 2. I got this pack with Fallout 1, 2 and Tactics some time ago but never really played them. I hear a lot of good things about the games, and I have tried playing them some times as well, but they really bore me very quickly. It's just too slow paced, there's not much of a story to keep me going. I want to see what people like later on in the games, but I find it too boring to go on.

    Final Fantasy VI, one of my favourite RPGs out there, yet I never finished it. When I was younger I thought it was too hard and never felt like levelling. Now I got it for GBA, I just don't have the patience to play through a longer game anymore.

    Metroid Prime 2, got to the final boss, the big alien thing, but thought it was too difficult and got bored with it. I liked Metroid Prime 1 better, I'm not really into the dark world thing Nintendo does with a lot of games these days, but still I'd like to see how to story goes on.

    Paper Mario 2, same as with Final Fantasy VI, I get bored after a while and don't have the patience for a longer game anymore.

    There's loads of games I bought once without ever really playing them as well, like Silent Hill 2, Silent Hill 4, Red Faction 2 and some more. Also some Tomb Raider games, like InsaneNutter. I only really played 3 when I was younger though, but I still have 1 to 40 lying around and never really played any of them.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Don’t that just annoy you? I’m the same I’ve got many games where I have never done much more than pass the first couple of levels. Crysis, Doom 3 and Farcry spring to mind... I think it’s a case of I liked the game for the graphics then didn’t find the game that interesting.

    If I have a good go at the game It don’t really bother me too much, but If I don’t even pass the first few level’s for whatever reason that’s annoying to me when I look back and think why did I get this.
  4. Assassin

    Assassin Addict

    Dec 9, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    Most of the times when I buy games like that, it's because I heard good things about them, like Silent Hill 2 or, like you already mentioned, Farcry. At a point it started becoming more collecting than actually playing for me I guess and I'd just buy those games because I just had to have them. I kind of stopped doing that now though. I don't really mind having them though, I bought most of them for like 5 to 10 euro anyway, so it's not a big loss. But you're right, looking back it's really kind of a waste to spend money on them without ever really playing them.
  5. Trebor

    Trebor Dolphin Fan

    Jun 1, 2007
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    West Yorkshire
    Hmmm two spring to mind for me right now. Metroid Prime, great game and really loved playing it but no matter how many upgrades I have I still can't get past Ridley. He kills me everytime, I almost beat him once but we were both low on HP and he got the killing blow on me :(. I have actually bought Prime 2 and 3 for whenever I mange to finish the first one. The other game is Beyond Good and Evil. I have got to the last boss to find it too hard to beat it. I can get about half way before the game decides to reverse your controls and then find it too hard to complete the sequence of moves in time, it's almost impossible. Seriously the game is really fun and challenging up until the last boss when it just gets stupid. Only bad part of the game if I'm honest :(.
  6. Cpp

    Cpp Member

    Aug 26, 2008
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    Rayman 1 is pretty much everything I can think of. We've downed the scorpion boss, but never freed all the cages to enter the candy levels.
  7. Assassin

    Assassin Addict

    Dec 9, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    Yes! There's no way anyone could finish that game without cheating, it's so freaking hard! You would say that looking at the graphics though. I got to the cave levels with the scorpion boss, but never finished all of those. I'd have quit playing after that anyway, since nobody in their right mind would be able to find all those cages without cheating/a FAQ.
  8. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    That’s on GameCube right? turn the controller upside down! I remember doing that on some game that reversed the controls... honestly can’t remember what game now but it made things a lot easier holding the controller the wrong way ;)
  9. Trebor

    Trebor Dolphin Fan

    Jun 1, 2007
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    West Yorkshire
    I have the game on PC. I could pause the game and then turn my keyboard upside down but it might be difficult finding the right keys other than the direction keys. Anyway that wasn't the problem as I mastered the backward controls after a while. It was the fact that the boss got faster as you and your controls got slower. Just to hard to time attacks perfectly, like the game wanted you too just to defeat the last boss :(.
  10. Cpp

    Cpp Member

    Aug 26, 2008
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    Yeah well back in those days I had no clue on how to cheat so I was forced to do it the hard way... not cheat at all. I got to collect about 90% of all cages. Then my cousins decided it's time to destroy the rayman CD and cut a number of deep scratches onto it with some metallic object. That's where I stopped playing. I believe I still have my savegame stored somewhere on a CD... if only I knew where it is.
  11. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    I wanted to complete the legacy of kain defiance game. I've played the soul reavers 1 and 2. I liked them really good. I started playing legacy of kain defiance and I got half way I'd say, though were I got the game from the pawn. It didn't never let me go any farther. I've been wanting to finish it however never have. :(
  12. Assassin

    Assassin Addict

    Dec 9, 2007
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    The Netherlands
    Heh, Defiance is another game I have lying around without ever playing it. Same for Soul Reaver 2. I did finish Blood Omen 2 though. The point is, I'd like to understand the full story behind those games with the pillars of Nosgath and stuff, but it's really hard to find the first Blood Omen and Soul Reaver which I'd like to play first.
  13. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    Final Fantasy would also be yet another game. I did finish final fantasy 8 and X-2. Though I never did beat 7. I dunno why, I believe I was about 75% complete and I just quit playing it. Though out of all the final fantasy there are I like 8 the best. I wish they would remake it with better graphics.
  14. DownfalL

    DownfalL Member

    Oct 23, 2008
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    Hmmm, the first couple of games that Pop up in my head are Star Ocean 2, Final Fantasy 8, and C&C: Generals.
  15. Safinn

    Safinn Addict

    Aug 27, 2008
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    United Kngdom
    All the GTA's lol. I just got caught messing around instead of doing the missions.
  16. Jack86

    Jack86 Member

    Nov 14, 2008
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    Most of games i start to play i finish, the ones i didnt are mostly FPS that got bored and repetitive after some time, like Far Cry, Doom 3 or games i played with my bro and never played single player like Twisted Metal.
  17. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    Half Life 2: Episode one and two

    I completed Half Life 2 and loved it, but I haven't had the time or patience to go through the two additional episodes even though I bought them. Would be nice to finally complete them!
  18. stument

    stument Resident

    Aug 16, 2008
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    Ive finished pretty much every game that i have started... apart from MARIO 3!!! Id love to go back to that and finish it. By far the best super mario ever.
  19. DyNaMiiXx

    DyNaMiiXx Elite Member

    Nov 2, 2008
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    GTA IV, just end up going round beating people up
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Lol I failed to progress in GTA 4, I’m still on the first island.

    I just ended up messing about and playing it online after realising the missions were more of a chore rather than fun.

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