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Xbox Offline Xbox Live Downloadable Content [DLC] Installers

Discussion in 'Downloadable Content' started by Harcroft, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. Gakman

    Gakman New Member

    Aug 20, 2010
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    nancy (France)
    I discover this forum with this tread about XBox Live on 1st XBox. I was very sad few months ago when Microsoft stop Live, but your work is very interesting. I'll try to help as I can, first testing with PAL games (I'm French).
    XBox will be still alive !
  2. David Domosh

    David Domosh New Member

    Sep 15, 2010
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    What Xbox mod would you recommend to use the DLC's? Also out of those mods, which softmod and hardmod out of the mod options would be the best?
  3. Bead

    Bead New Member

    Sep 16, 2010
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    Is there still no headway in getting the PGR2 DLC to work on PAL consoles?
  4. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    David Domosh ANY mod will do it. I prefer krayzies ndure softmods.

    Bead DLC will work on any console, just use an NTSC copy of the game. But if you got me a copy of the DLC downloaded with a PAL version of the game. I will make an installer with it which should work with your PAL copy of the game.
  5. KanYozakura

    KanYozakura Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    Alright, sorry for the long delay...tons of crazy stuff going on in my life.

    I have a working Action Replay now and can load a softmod save if I need to. If I'm understanding all of what I've read I can do a Mechassault Linux hacked save, FTP stuff off of my stock Xbox and then just not install the softmod right? Is there an option to quit the softmod or can I just turn the console off without screwing it up? I want to keep my Xbox stock with no ill softmod effects but the harddrive is packed full of content right now and I'd like to make some room.

    Once I get these technical ducks in a row I'm going to have my friend bring over his OG Xbox so I can test it out. As long as that works I'll be able to get that PSO data and anything else you guys need. :)
  6. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Technically you don't even need to install a softmod. When you run an exploited save, you're taken to a homebrew dashboard that has been modified to install the softmod. But in that homebrew dashboard (unleashx) you can run an FTP server, which will let you login and copy whatever files you want from your xbox. Tdata is the important folder on E:\ for DLC.

    Once you've done that, you can remove the softmod savegame file in the MS blades dash, and your xbox will remain 100% stock. Just running an exploit doesn't change anything on the hard drive, it just brings you to a menu where you can install a softmod.
  7. jaydee321

    jaydee321 New Member

    Oct 25, 2010
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    Is there any way to remove the DLC and game updates after they have been installed? Everytime I delete the DLC through the dashboard they always reappear after I restart.
  8. vuurvent

    vuurvent New Member

    Apr 19, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Nice content


    I softmodded my xbox few days ago. And i enjoy these contents. Also the offline arcade thing.
    But i got a problem with Unreal Championship 2 content and Midtown Madness 3.

    I installed the unreal championship 2 content + the update. But now my game is freezing when starting up at the loading screen. Someone knows how i can remove the update of the game? I removed the content but i cant remove the update someone knows how?

    And at midtown madnes 3 it says the content is damaged and it will get removed from my xbox. Someone knows how to fix this? Ive been waiting for years to get this content for that great game.
    Thanks also.

    Hope i get a reply soon with good news!;)
  9. trank

    trank Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    Ok i need a huge amount of damn help! i am new to this moving files to Xbox's stuff. all i wanna know is what do i need(like software etc...)and pretty much how to get the files on the xbox...i am so damn confused all i want is the DLC to Ghost Recon Island Thunder on my xbox 360. plz i need help and thank u if u do give me some..later! i also already have the Island thunder DLC stuff just need it to be in my XBOX. :)
  10. vuurvent

    vuurvent New Member

    Apr 19, 2010
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    To the original xbox you should transfer it with FlashFXP, easy to use.
    I dont know how to transfer it to the 360. I downloaded the ghost recon island thunder content from xbox live before the shutdown. And i downloaded it here for my xbox original.
  11. hobojoe44

    hobojoe44 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    You used the older version of the UC2 Dlc insatller the newer one is in this post https://digiex.net/downloads/downlo...able-content-dlc-installers-27.html#post26189 You need to find out the Title ID (example the Halo 2 one is 4D530064). You can find it out in your dashboard game save manger, depending on your modded dashboard you are using. But the Title ID should be listed in the UC2 installer read me aswell. Find it out then in your dashboard file explorer Tdata -> the UC2 title ID -> and delete the folder in there called $U which is the update/patch. Clear your cache and you should be good to go.
  12. robert_kendo

    robert_kendo Active Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    any chance to get a DLC for alan wake??i have no idea how to install the extra level
  13. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Please read the first post, and the thread name before posting. This dlc is all for Xbox, not for 360.
  14. robert_kendo

    robert_kendo Active Member

    Nov 28, 2010
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    oh..sorry for that...my mistake...
  15. dominater01

    dominater01 Member

    Sep 28, 2009
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    hey harcroft i sent you a email with a download link with alot of rosters im just wondering if you got it
  16. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    I just found the email in my spam box, and downloaded the file. I do appreciate the effort, but this is all user created content. All the rosters appear to be updated by users to keep up with the seasons of the games they belong to. Even if some of them were official rosters, I have no way of knowing which ones are. Thanks for sending me all these, but I don't think I can use any of it.
  17. Buraddo

    Buraddo Member

    Jan 10, 2011
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    Thanks so much Harcroft for taking your time to make all this DLC available for everyone that wants it cuz Microsoft got rid of the old Live so its such a great idea thanks heaps cuz i just bought a xbox 1 and was looking for this ^_^
  18. vuurvent

    vuurvent New Member

    Apr 19, 2010
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    any new dlc?

    Hey someone got some new uncollected DLC?
  19. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I have mirrored all the content here on Digiex's server and added links to it in the first post. I realise it was posted here over a year ago, I had exams at the time and never had chance to do it, then must have long since forgot about it. However the first post should be updated with everything Harcroft has released on Digiex.

    I have also noticed the installers work on a Jtagged 360 with the hacked backwards compatibility update, i believe Harcroft did mention that in a previous post anyway.


    With that in mind just a few things I would like to bring up about Halo 2.

    I have installed all the maps ok on my Jtagged 360, however the Jtag does not appear to like the Halo 2 title update installer, the 360 just throws a message up saying its not backwards compatible. Just wondering if anyone else had this on the Xbox 360?


    You can however use the Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack disc and install the 1.1 title update on this disc which allows all 4 map packs to show up and be used in the game fine.

    Halo 2 on my legit 360 is version 1.5 (I downloaded everything for it before live was shutdown for the Xbox 1), i'm not sure what version the one is with the installer here however if its not version 1.5 I can happily contribute that update.

    I also noticed the Midtown Madness 3 installer apparently doesn't work, now I downloaded all the content for this game years ago from live so of course this content works fine on my console. Again if contributing my own copy of this content would be of any help in getting the installer working i will happily do so.
  20. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    I really appreciate the effort InsaneNutter. I've been waiting for someone to do that for about a year:)
    Yes the installers do work with the modified emulator for Jtags as I stated in an earlier post. I've been working on converting the update work on a jtag without crashing. The issue is that you can't launch any second item from a CDX menu without the emulator crashing. It's also why the XBLA launcher doesn't work. I've tried a few things but can't get CDX to launch a second item. So to make the updates work on 360s, they'd need a separate installer, which I do have working. It's just a matter of taking the time to create 40 or so extra installers.

    I would love to get my hands on another copy of the MM3 DLC. I can't find what's wrong with it, just like I can't find what's wrong with the Fight Club stuff. I think they might require a live profile on the xbox. I don't even have a copy of MM3 anymore to test with, I had to trade it in to get other games. I do have the newest version of everything from Halo 2 though, including the last map updated in 2009. The original installer has the 1.5 update so I will have zero issues making it work fine for you.

    The project is not dead, I've just been distracted with other things in real life, in too much pain to work, and too busy to really get into it. My next run through it will be my last, in which I will update all the installers to the new style, add extra title update installers for jtags, and finish building installers for all the remaining missing DLC I still have (which isn't much other than sport updates).

    If you have any questions or contributions, it's really time to get them to me. InsaneNutter please contact with me a way to grab that DLC off you so I can check it over. Thanks for all the support everyone has given myself and AmyGrrl on this project, it's the only way we can get the missing bits these days.

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