Hello, I have a 320gb WD BEKT and I'm looking for the .bin file for it. Does someone knows where I can find it or how I can make it (yes I'm probably dreaming). I hope you will be able to help me ! Best regards, rXp>!<
No such thing exists at the moment as there is no 320gig drive available for the Xbox 360, its not possible just to make one. However a 320gb hard drive is set to be released in September with the limited edition Gears of War 3 Xbox 360, if you check back towards the end of September we should have a 320gb security sector. You can use a 250gb security sector on a 320gig drive, however you will only be able to use 250gb of space.
Here Is The Newly Released 320GB Bin I have also Included The A Link To The Guide By InsaneNutter. Xbox 360 -320GB Bin File InsaneNutter - Xbox 360 Hard Drive Guide