Using an Xbox Live profile on a Jtagged / RGH hacked Xbox 360 and staying safe

Discussion in 'Xbox 360 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. Bluecap89

    Bluecap89 New Member

    May 6, 2011
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    Thanks for the Help, so I think I understand everything now... Signing in to your live profile after the game is loaded is almost always safe. (unless you exit to FSD) And basically leave your live avatar alone while on the Jtag?

    Rite I've finally got it, Thanks again for all your help.
  2. Lewie4

    Lewie4 Resident

    Jun 24, 2010
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    Sunderland, England
    Shame I've just seen this now. I've had a live profile boot a game with xex menu when jtags first became public and that still isnt banned. :)
  3. uberfaker

    uberfaker New Member

    Jun 25, 2011
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    Hey guys, just a thought.
    Has anyone tried connecting to live with a profile which has had information added to it by homebrew and then subsequently recovering the profile from live? Will this unwanted information remain on the profile which you download from live?
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I believe it will delete stuff like the Snes Emulator, however people have also got profile banned for that anyway.
    The whole idea is to avoid getting anything on your profile that should not be, if you have managed to do this just delete your profile and recover it from live (presuming you have not connected to live since)
  5. sqd

    sqd New Member

    Jul 3, 2011
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    First off, thanks Nutter for the guide, I read it just days before I got my JTAG box and has been following the rules of "do not use my gamertag on FSD", since I use the same profile on my non-hacked Live 360.

    But last night, I had friend over who was playing a game - and I never told him to sign out the profile before going back to the dash, which he did.. Now, is there ANY way of somehow deleting the data relating to FSD in my profile? Or is the only way to delete the profile itself (and not the gamesaves) and recover it from Live?

    Any help is greatly appreciated, I'd hate to have my GT banned just because of this :/
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    To be honest the only 100% safe way would be to delete your profile and recover it from live.

    I looked in to deleting GPD's added by 360 homebew and could never get the profile to be identical to what it was from before a homebrew application like FreeStyle Dash was loaded up on it.

    In the image below we have a new profile that has played one game, this can be seen on the left. On the right we have the profile after it has played FSD.


    As you can see data is added to the profile when FSD has been loaded up.

    However if when then delete this GPD (data) added by Freestyle the profile is actually smaller than it was originally.

    Many other things could be happening to the profile apart from this GPD been added added, for example even if you remove the GPD it could log the GPD's that have been on the profile in the past? I honestly dont know enough about 360 profiles to give you any reliable answer on that.

    All i can suggest is to be 100% safe delete the profile from your console and recover it from live, or never go on live again... which i'm guessing is not an option.

    To make things a bit safer in the future you could still have FSD set to auto start, however when you exit to the dashboard using the Y button from the guide you could have that set to go back to the Microsoft dashboard, then have FreeStyle set to launch if you exit to the Microsoft dashboard and hold down B for example.

    That would make it a lot harder to mess your profile up when exiting a game anyway.
  7. sqd

    sqd New Member

    Jul 3, 2011
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    Wow! Thank you for the awesome info and help, really! I guess I'll go with just deleting the GT then, no harm done, since I'll still have my saves anyway, and those are what's important :)

    Again, thanks a lot :D
  8. Whip

    Whip New Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    How bout a test to see if there's any difference between loading a disc on a retail and loading a modded xex of the same game on a JTAG (like a zombie mod on blops) to see if there's a difference in the profile?
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Playing a game with a modded XEX appears to be fine, there is no difference a profile that played Blackops with a modded XEX, compared to just playing it with a non modded XEX.

    It is quite hard to be 100% sure though as games like Blackops save to the profile all the time, however loading up the modded XEX and starting a match did not appear to do anything.

    I would be careful what you do with modded games though, you could easily unlock achievements out of order, or if you gain exp offline when you normally can not you could easily be caught for profile tampering / cheating.

    I would play modded games at your own risk on your main profile.

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  10. Whip

    Whip New Member

    Jul 4, 2011
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    Thanks! I just picked up a JTAG and want to make sure that I keep my profile as Xbox Live safe as possible. :)
  11. 'Ryan Reynolds

    'Ryan Reynolds New Member

    Jul 13, 2011
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    I just happened to pick up an extra xbox to discover it was Jtagable :) as it is my first, i had the questions above, about using it on live. when signing onto live, will it only check the profile that is signing onto live or the whole device?... meaning, can I homebrew with one profile all i want, then have a profile with live (either signed in at main menu, or not homebrewed at all) and be safe?

    Also, minor off topic, how safe is the HDD hack? have a 250 WD scorpio on order to use with the Jtag.. safe for live or no?

  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You can have an offline profile for homebrew, then just your live profile for retail games that will work fine.

    As for the contents of the hard drive been scanned, i'm sure that's more than possible, I *think* this was done in the Xbox 1 days but i'm honestly not sure.

    I would have a hard drive in each console, then keep your legit profile and saves on a USB memory stick and swap it between the consoles if you want to be 100% safe. I have no idea if the contents of your drives are scanned or not, so that one is really up to you. I would personally not want any random files from my jtag on my legit console anyway.
  13. 'Ryan Reynolds

    'Ryan Reynolds New Member

    Jul 13, 2011
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    well my original Xbox got banned in the huge wave year and a half ago, the reason for getting a cheap new system. but since it is the rarity of it being Jtag'able, I am doing that. just figuring how i can use it for that and keep my online function. I only play couple random games online and netflix.... and you didnt mention, do you know if the HDD hack will be instant ban or can i get away with that as well? thanks
  14. darklord1488

    darklord1488 Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    hey everyone, just got my spare jasper jtagged and pretty much in the same boat as everyone here:
    i have my live profile of 3 years, abour 15000 gamerscore, and now that i can play free games, id obviously like to play those games, while earning offline achievements, then to put that profile back onto my main xbox and continue to use live and not have my gs reset to zero.

    i currently have it autobooting to fsd, which is a no no if i want to do this right.

    so my question, and sorry if this has been asked a bunch, i have re-read everything and i just want to make sure i'm doing this 'correctly'

    1)boot up regular console, copy profile to usb, put it into jtagged xbox
    2)set jtag to boot to nxe with no profile signed in, copy profile to hard drive.
    3)in nxe/retail dash, go to games (have been installed using iso2god) in games menu, pick which game id like to play, and then when asked to sign into my account, pick the legit live account. play game/earn achievements.
    4)when done, sign out of profile within game, and return to nxe menu. move profile back to usb, then to retail xbox.
    (heres where i'm confused, as i tried the above, and when i loaded my profile it showed everything normally from my test gamertag, but then avatar turned grey, couldnt load/see achievements, it would say gs was 0, or sometimes would show it, and couldnt earn anymore)
    what i did was sign out, delete profile from hard drive, but kept the items etc, and recovered it, and everything was normal, and 35 gs was there from etc.

    so would i have to load the profile from the usb drive, then sign out, and recover it to the hard drive for everything to update?

    sorry if this is confusing you, its confused me too! lol

    Nutter, thanks for your awesome work!

    Edit: while on offline profile i got a few achievements today and when i looked at them on fsd i noticed the date i unlocked them was 12:00 am, jan 1 1601... any reason why? and wouldnt this be a red flag had i used a normal live account and gotten achievements?

    i checked console date and its deff not 1601 lol
  15. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Yes that's correct you don't want to be auto booting to FSD.

    You can make things easier for your self and just keep your profile on the USB stick, along with all your saves. That way you can plug it in to any console you like and just continue playing.

    You dont want to be deleting / recovering your profile, i'm not totally sure why your even doing that? As for achievements just look at them like you would on a retail console, if you unlock them offline they will be no time stamp on the MS dash.

    Basically all you need to do is keep your profile on a usb drive, along with any saves and swap this between your consoles. Just dont load any homebrew or betas of games on your profile and you will be fine.
  16. darklord1488

    darklord1488 Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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  17. darklord1488

    darklord1488 Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    "You dont want to be deleting / recovering your profile, i'm not totally sure why your even doing that? As for achievements just look at them like you would on a retail console, if you unlock them offline they will be no time stamp on the MS dash." Nutter

    Basically what I did was move a test live account over to jtag, play a game over retail dash, an iso2god game, got an achievement and put profile back to USB then when loaded on retail xbox everything
    Was greyed out for the avatar and gs was 0, so I deleted and recovered profile and everything showed up normally and gs was there

    Edit: if i have a backup of a disc, Saw for example and i want to replay it again, can i just copy it with FSD, then load up the regular dashboard and play it on my live account like that? kind of worried about that, if they can tell its a backup etc

    thanks again for all your information!
  18. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    That's a strange one, especially as it worked after you recovered it. You should not have to do that though. What dashboard version are your retail and jtag on?

    As for your game backups, just install the game to the hard drive like you normally would on a retail console, after run NXE2God - - this will convert any installed games to GoD's

    As you probably guessed when running homebrew like that just have an offline profile signed in.
  19. darklord1488

    darklord1488 Member

    Nov 30, 2011
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    god dammit! lol i wrote a huge post explaining everything and thanking you for all your help, submitted and it said no because i had a reply which had megashare or whatever in it so it erased all the like 4 paragraphs i wrote lol

    oh well :P i basically praised you for all your help for 3 paragraphs hehehe

    i got everything worked out now thanks to you! you rule!
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Its very rare we get someone with so few posts linking to a 1 click file hosting site, if we did not block them for new users we would get 100's of spam posts a day sadly. Most browsers should let you press the back button and keep your post, i think only IE has problems with that!

    Anyway glad you are all sorted, what was the problem with regards to the profile showing up with 0gs? could help someone in the future! I have never personally seen that before when swapping profiles between a console.

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