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xeBuild 1.21 - Latest Dashboard / System Update Builder for Jtag / RGH Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Libxenon Homebrew / Jtag & Reset Glitch Content' started by InsaneNutter, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    FbBuild 0.33 and 13604 data Download - Dashboard / kernel 13604 for Jtagged Xbox 360

    Download FbBuild 0.33

    Download 13604 data

    If you are unsure how to use FbBuild have a look at my guide: Easily update your Jtagged Xbox 360 to Kernel / Dashboard 13604 with FbBuild 0.33

    Read Me:

    fbBuild 0.33

    Sad to hear the rumor of ikari stepping down, and even sadder to hear
    of the profiteers taking advantage of this... we bring you a tribute
    to ikari. If you paid for this, get a refund!

    fbBuild is a NAND image builder made to suit freeBoot style images,
    the included patches and freboot.bin core are based on the original
    works done by ikari.

    It is suitable to build rebooter images for all current JTAG exploit
    compatible xbox 360's. As with ibuild produced images, this version
    only requires a single flash 16MiB in size or larger.

    What's New:
    - add 13604
    - bug fixes

    Current Limitations:
    - STAY THE HELL OFF LIVE! Nuff said, we're not you're mum.

    How To Use:
    - See individual folders for lists of files to provide
    - if desired provide replacement cpu and 1bl keys in text files
    - open a command window in the fbBuild directory
    - on the command line type, for example:

    example - if you provided keys in appropriate text files

    fbbuild.exe -c falcon -d myfalcon myfalconout.bin

    -c falcon = use falcon bl and patch set
    -d myfalcon = a folder is present called "myfalcon" with per machine files
    myfalconout.bin = the file that will be produced

    - type fbbuild.exe -? for command line info

    Block Remapping & nanddump.bin:
    First, don't expect the method used to be perfect for every dump. The idea is,
    if you have a working JTAG you can dump it's current NAND by running something
    like Flash360 on it and the final freeboot image that is produced will mirror
    any existing remappings. Also, fbbuild should be able to take your current
    smc.bin, kv.bin and smc_config.bin straight from the dump (external files
    overrule/replace ones in the dump) provided it can decrypt them when needed.

    Most original.bin dumps using hardware methods will also produce usable
    remappings as well, with the exception of bad dumps which may produce some
    unusual issues with default settings. Corrupt or incomplete dumps will turn up
    a lot of unusual errors, the option "noecdremap" was added to work around such
    issues, and the option "noremap" was added so that a dump can be used to aquire
    smc.bin, smc config and keyvault without applying any remaps to the final image.

    .ini files:
    Just a word on the format... the ini parser is not very robust, the files need
    to be plain ACII, everything after a ; on a line is ignored, and spaces are
    not acceptable (they get removed).

    Things like CPU key and 1BL key, if present in the per box ini file need not be
    placed anywhere else.

    - for those of you using donor data, the security files shouldn't pose a
    problem but make sure the CPU key you use is from the machine that donated
    the kv instead of the target machine you are building the image for.

    controller config can result in problems remapping bad blocks (even manually.)
    If you have a 16M jasper, an additional build type has been added
    'jaspersb', by default the image will be built for jasper with big block
    controller (config 00023010), use this alternate switch to build for small
    block controller (config 01198010.)

    - the /bin and /data folders are legacy folders from ibuild's format, they
    are not required or recommended.

    Multi build/options example:
    when you specify -f 9199 on the command line:
    is parsed instead of data\filelist.ini

    Also the bin directory is used from
    instead of
    allowing anyone to create multiple builds without multiple instances or
    rebuilds/hex edits/hacks of the main app.

    The example provided is the last version of 9199 patch set from dash launch and
    other files to build freeboot 9199

    example use:
    fbbuild -c xenon -f 9199 -d myxenon x9199out.bin -o nodvd -o cygnos

    -c xenon : specifies xenon patchset and bootloaders
    -f 9199 : use .\9199\filelist.ini, and .\9199\ for firmware files, .\9199\bin\ for rebooter files
    -d myxenon : use .\myxenon for per build files (cpu key, keyvault, security files etc.)
    -o nodvd : uses alternate tray check in bootstrap for those with problems with default one
    -o cygnos : sets UART speed to cygnos compatible in bootstrap
    x9199out.bin: override auto generated name and produce .\x9199out.bin as the final NAND image

    note, if -d ***** is not specified it will still use the original /data and /bin dirs

    Without ikari this would not have been possible, thanks!
    __ ____ ___ ___ _____
    / _|_ __ ___ ___| __ ) / _ \ / _ \_ _|
    | |_| '__/ _ \/ _ \ _ \| | | | | | || |
    | _| | | __/ __/ |_) | |_| | |_| || |
    |_| |_| \___|\___|____/ \___/ \___/ |_|
    [v0.07 - inspired by ikari]

    Thanks and greetz to everyone who has contributed to hacking this
    wonderful machine. Thanks to the engineers and countless others who made
    the machine what it is... we only wish they had listened and RROD was
    not a problem. If we were to list everyone here, there would be no time
    left to play on the machine!

    Big thanks to the folks at #freeboot on efnet for the tireless
    hours of help you all give freely. Thanks to the testers who tirelessly
    made sure stuff worked.

    Don't believe what random people *cough* write on forums ..


    - corrected bug with ini parsing and dvd region when left blank
    - add 13604

    - fixed yet another bug in the ini parser (affected lhelper.xex integration)
    - corrected bad block detection bug on large block dumps (nandmu)
    - correct mobile dat extraction on small block dumps for big block controllers
    - corrected wording (oops!) of ECD option in ini sample file
    - added option to ini file to try to retain NAND MU data on big block machines
    - added option to ini file to set which power-on reason starts xell when not using oldvd/nodvd
    - -v messages are now automatically logged to a file regardless of specifying -v on command line
    - core and ini updated to allow specifying a power reason to cause dual NAND !SWITCH command
    - add 13599

    - corrected some ini parser flaws, ';' is no longer required to terminate entries
    newline at end of file no longer required
    - added errors/warnings when providing a command line option but no arg
    - added checks for odd flash header data when seeking kv/smc binaries (xenon images)
    - removed need of , in filelist.ini when no crc is provided on crc-optional sections

    - correction to allow relative paths in ini files (using ..\
    and similar in flash files segment only)
    - upgrade freeboot core and payload for embedding and buildtime customization
    - add command line options to set cygnos UART speed and dvd tray state check in bootstrap
    - starting xell based on tray state depreciated, now starts based on console
    powerup reason being eject button; 'olddvd' and 'nodvd' options ovveride this.
    - correct spare data for big block system reserve size (previously handled via
    kernel patch; better known as big block nand MU corruption)
    - simplify command line options via per build files for options and console type
    - xell is now checked for as "xell-2f.bin" first in per build folder, then firmware /bin,
    then root/beside exe. First found is what is used.
    - config_raw.bin and keyvault.bin added as alternate names for smc config and keyvault files
    - level1 output now shows info on smc config data like fan speed and similar
    - removed perbuild dir requirement so it is again possible to use old ibuild folder layout
    - (optional) perbuild ini file for options and setting some smc config variables added (options.ini)
    - nanddump.bin, providing console dump can provide smc/smc_config/kv and LBA mappings, can auto
    remap bad blocks and blocks with ECD issues (options to disable provided)
    - added USB reset to OHCI on xell boots, xell should pick up USB sticks without unplugging the console
    - add 13146 base files
    - various bug fixes

    - scriptable file lists
    - no longer any need for .meta files
    - encrypts crl/secdata/dae/extended
    no .meta needed, but will use if found
    must supply .meta when using pre-crypted files
    - fixed random byte generator (yes, it was a bug)
    - better checks for hacked SMC and encrypted security files

    - add "jasper16a" LBA method as default for jasper
    - add SMC check for encrypted and known hack SMC
    - search for valid smc_config hash instead of hard coded
    offsets, support filename "config.bin"
    - refine KV encryption check
    - disable extended DVD auth for OSIG keyvaults (aka: AP25)
    - random non-critical changes

    Attached Files:

  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    ggBuild 0.33 and 13604 data Download - Dashboard / kernel 13604 for Reset Glich hack!

    Hacked Dashboard for Reset Glitch hacked Xbox 360's

    ggBuild 0.33 Download

    Download 13604 data

    Read Me:

    It's a new hack, congrats to gligli and co.

    What's New:
    - slim/fat glitch hack support for 13599/13604
    - ability to build clean/retail images (v7371+) with -retail flag on command line
    - ability to patch clean smc if required for glitch reset (limited to those in imgbuild python script)
    - power boots patched dash, eject boots xell-gggggg.bin
    - todo: remove fcrt.bin requirements from glitched kernel
    - todo: virtual fuses for glitched kernel
    - todo: verify glitched kernel is working on zephyr

    Current Limitations:
    - STAY THE HELL OFF LIVE! Nuff said, we're not you're mum.

    How To Use:
    - See individual folders for lists of files to provide
    - if desired provide replacement cpu and 1bl keys in text files
    - open a command window in the ggBuild directory
    - on the command line type, for example:

    example - if you provided keys in appropriate text files

    ggBuild.exe -c falcon -d myfalcon myfalconout.bin

    -c falcon = use falcon bl and patch set
    -d myfalcon = a folder is present called "myfalcon" with per machine files
    myfalconout.bin = the file that will be produced

    - type ggBuild.exe -? for command line info

    -take original console dump, put it in mytrinity folder as nanddump.bin
    -set CPU key and 1BL key in ini file, and set CF LDV to whatever highest number CF LDV shows in flash tool on nanddump.bin
    -use flash tool to extract fcrt.bin and fcrt.bin.meta via security files (set ibuild compat files option), and put those in mytrinity folder
    -build (ggbuild.exe -d mytrinity -f 13599), flash and hopefully life is good

    .ini files:
    Just a word on the format... the ini parser is not very robust, the files need
    to be plain ACII, everything after a ; on a line is ignored, and spaces are
    not acceptable (they get removed).

    Things like CPU key and 1BL key, if present in the per box ini file need not be
    placed anywhere else.

    controller config can result in problems remapping bad blocks (even manually.)
    If you have a 16M jasper, an additional build type has been added
    'jaspersb', by default the image will be built for jasper with big block
    controller (config 00023010), use this alternate switch to build for small
    block controller (config 01198010.)

    Multi build/options example:
    when you specify -f 13599 on the command line:
    is parsed instead of data\filelist.ini

    Also the bin directory is used from
    instead of
    allowing anyone to create multiple builds without multiple instances or
    rebuilds/hex edits/hacks of the main app.

    The example provided is the last version of 13599 patch set from dash launch and
    other files to build freeboot 13599

    example use:
    ggBuild -f 13599 -d myfalcon x13599out.bin

    -f 13599 : use .\13599\filelist.ini, and .\13599\ for firmware files, .\13599\bin\ for patches
    -d myfalcon : use .\myfalcon for per build files (cpu key, keyvault, security files, ini etc.)
    x13599out.bin: override auto generated name and produce .\x13599out.bin as the final NAND image

    note, if -d ***** is not specified it will still use the original /data and /bin dirs


    Thanks and greetz to everyone who has contributed to hacking this
    wonderful machine. Thanks to the engineers and countless others who made
    the machine what it is... we only wish they had listened and RROD was
    not a problem. If we were to list everyone here, there would be no time
    left to play on the machine!

    Big thanks to the folks at #freeboot on efnet for the tireless
    hours of help you all give freely. Thanks to the testers who tirelessly
    made sure stuff worked.

    Don't believe what random people *cough* write on forums ..


    - corrected bug with ini parsing and dvd region (and others) left blank
    - add 13604

    - slim/fat glitch image building (based on fbbuild 0.32)
    - builds retail images with -retail command line option
    - added autopatch smc option in per box ini file
    - extracts pairing value and highest LDV from nanddump.bin
    (ini cfldv setting overrides nanddump ldv)

    Attached Files:

  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    XeBuild 1.00 and 14699 data Download - Dashboard / kernel 14699 for Jtag-RGH Xbox 360

    Download XeBuild 1.00 (F1) (Dashboard / kernel 14699)
    Download 14699 Data
    Download XeBuild GUI


    XeBuild 1.00:

    After a lot of work, xeBuild brings together ggbuild and fbbuild into
    a single application for building glitch, jtag and clean retail images.

    What's New:
    - builds jtag/glitch/retail images
    - image type specifyer changed, specify -t on command line
    - all ini options are now available on the command line (no spaces allowed!)
    - patch append option, -o <patchname> via command line, see NOMU/NOFCRT below
    or about_patches.S for further info. Up to 16 files can be specified.
    - NOMU and NOFCRT patches are provided as optional patches, please use the
    -a flag on the command line (ie: -a nomu and/or -a nofcrt) if you want
    to use them, nomu disables jasper NAND memory unit, nofcrt will attempt
    to disable FCRT file (not needed if yours isn't corrupt)
    - nonandmu has been changed to nandmu so it's behavior is inverted
    - virtual fuses is no longer being pursued for glitch images as correct
    cpu key is already required to build working trinity images. They remain
    for JTAG images.

    Current Limitations:
    - STAY THE HELL OFF LIVE! Nuff said, we're not you're mum.

    How To Use:
    - See individual folders for lists of files to provide
    - if desired provide replacement cpu and 1bl keys in text files
    - open a command window in the xeBuild directory
    - on the command line type, for example:

    example - if you provided keys in appropriate text files

    xeBuild.exe -t glitch -c falcon -d myfalcon myfalconout.bin

    -t glitch = build a glitch type image
    -c falcon = use falcon bl and patch set
    -d myfalcon = a folder is present called "myfalcon" with per machine files, this uses it
    myfalconout.bin = the file that will be produced

    - type xeBuild.exe -? for command line info

    -take original console dump, put it in mytrinity folder as nanddump.bin
    -set CPU key and 1BL key in ini file, verify LDV from nanddump.bin matches console fuses
    if not set cfldv in ini file
    -build (xeBuild.exe -t glitch -d mytrinity -f 13599), flash and hopefully life is good

    .ini files:
    Just a word on the format... the ini parser is not very robust, the files need
    to be plain ASCII, everything after a ; on a line is ignored, and spaces are
    not acceptable (they get removed).

    Things like CPU key and 1BL key, if present in the per box ini file need not be
    placed anywhere else.

    controller config can result in problems remapping bad blocks (even manually.)
    If you have a 16M jasper, an additional build type has been added
    'jaspersb', by default the image will be built for jasper with big block
    controller (config 00023010), use this alternate switch to build for small
    block controller (config 01198010.)

    Multi build/options example:
    when you specify -f 13599 on the command line:
    is parsed instead of data\filelist.ini

    Also the bin directory is used from
    instead of
    allowing anyone to create multiple builds without multiple instances or
    rebuilds/hex edits/hacks of the main app.

    The example provided is the last version of 13599 patch set from dash launch and
    other files to build freeboot 13599

    example use:
    xeBuild -f 13599 -d myfalcon x13599out.bin

    -f 13599 : use .\13599\filelist.ini, and .\13599\ for firmware files, .\13599\bin\ for patches
    -d myfalcon : use .\myfalcon for per build files (cpu key, keyvault, security files, ini etc.)
    x13599out.bin: override auto generated name and produce .\x13599out.bin as the final NAND image

    note, if -d ***** is not specified it will still use the original /data and /bin dirs

    Without ikari this would not have been possible, thanks!
    __ ____ ___ ___ _____
    / _|_ __ ___ ___| __ ) / _ \ / _ \_ _|
    | |_| '__/ _ \/ _ \ _ \| | | | | | || |
    | _| | | __/ __/ |_) | |_| | |_| || |
    |_| |_| \___|\___|____/ \___/ \___/ |_|
    [v0.07 - inspired by ikari]
    No this isn't freeboot, it is a clone and has always been since the last
    release of ibuild.

    Thanks and greetz to everyone who has contributed to hacking this
    wonderful machine. Thanks to the engineers and countless others who made
    the machine what it is... we only wish they had listened and RROD was
    not a problem. If we were to list everyone here, there would be no time
    left to play on the machine!

    Thanks to Free60 and Redline99 for providing usable xell builds <3

    Big thanks to the folks at #freeboot on efnet for the tireless
    hours of help you all give freely. Thanks to the testers who tirelessly
    made sure stuff worked. Thanks to rgloader for doing the work yourselves,
    there *is* no spoon, just a glitch in the matrix.

    Don't believe what random people *cough* write on forums ..


    - hotfix - jtag images were being created with incorrect patch file number (xexp1 instead of xexp2)
    - gets security files from nanddump.bin and verifies them (odd.bin is currently not processed)
    - option added to disable extracting security files from nanddump.bin
    - decrypts perbuild security files for verification (crl/dae only currently, updater files work too)
    - zero nonce data in bls before checking crc (inlcuded file lists updated with new crc and explanation)
    - fixed a bug with mobile extraction
    - fixed a bug with fsroot processing
    - (glitch) dynamic SMC patcher, no longer limited to hard coded hash/offsets
    - added more SMC hashes to verify known clean SMCs
    - will attempt to decrypt external encrypted smc.bin if needed
    - whitelist more chars in the file list parser
    - altered so that pairing value will be retreived from nanddump.bin even if ldv is set in ini
    - dual CB is dictated by ini, "none" filename indicates single CB (jtag does not use dual CB)
    - increased logged info when adding files to flashfs
    - odd.bin in encrypted (only!) form is now handled (from file or nanddump.bin)
    - ini options are now available as -o options on command line
    - added -t command line flag for glitch/retail/jtag selection
    - JTAG image creation merged
    - separate retail/glitch/jtag into individual per-firmware ini lists
    - added -noenter command line option to suppres application asking to press enter on completion
    - added proper errorlevel exiting, 1=usage/commandline error, 2=file write err, 3=image build error
    - add 'cygnos' and 'xellbutton' options for glitch images with appropriate bl patches (either may affect fat glitch boot rate!)
    - non-critical spare data fix to the way smc config is added to image
    - update freeboot core and glitch base patches to accept a secondary xell poweron reason
    - rewrote extended.bin handler, given an invalid/undecryptable file it will create a empty extended.bin
    - rewrote keyvault handler, can decrypt and verify kv.bin when it's provided encrypted
    - added patch append -a command, and converted nomu and nofcrt to optional patches
    - added simple explanation of patch file formats in about_patches.S
    - changed nonandmu option to nandmu so it can default to false
    - added corona and winchester console types, currently not supported but there if needed
    - add 14699

    - corrected bug with ini parsing and dvd region (and others) left blank
    - add 13604

    - slim/fat glitch image building (based on fbbuild 0.32)
    - builds retail images with -retail command line option
    - added autopatch smc option in per box ini file
    - extracts pairing value and highest LDV from nanddump.bin
    (ini cfldv setting overrides nanddump ldv)

    Attached Files:

    • gui.png
      File size:
      68.5 KB
  4. acad222

    acad222 Elite Member

    Mar 29, 2011
    Likes Received:
    need more tut,. to understand this great software
    thanks thanks
  5. Hoffman

    Hoffman Addict

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    RGBuild (Dev) load Xbox 360 XDK (Devkit) Kernel / Dashboard on Reset Glitch 360


    Download RGBuild 0.98 - Dev

    How to use:

    1. Edit build.bat with your CPU-key.
    2. Put your nand image next to this file as "nand.bin"
    3. Create a folder 'DEVKIT' on the xbox hard drive, and copy all the files in the 'hdd' folder to DEVKIT.
    4. Start build process by running build.bat
    5. Output will be in builds/ ....-dev / nandimage.bin
    6. Flash with a USB nand programmer - nandpro usb: @w16 "builds/13599-dev/nandimage.bin"

    Note: If you have ever run rgbuild on that hard drive before you will need to delete your CONTENT folder. (Make sure to back this folder up if you use this hard drive for retail).

    rgbuild_gui.bat is for manually creating a nand image instead of using an INI.

    All credits to the #RGLoader team.

  6. Corona

    Corona Addict

    Sep 1, 2010
    Likes Received:
    you know what im one of the testers on this and have a wayyyy newer version, but you guys need to seriously stop with the leaks, it is beta builds which can currupt you xbox
  7. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
    Likes Received:
    No different than using a regular system update or any other modded firmware out there. Pretty funny you asking people to stop leaking when you've leaked other things yourself, I'm pretty sure they would of had the same regards.
  8. ceckin

    ceckin Member

    Apr 22, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Do you feel special for having "private" files? When are people gonna stop boosting their <removed>. No one gives a f***.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 19, 2012
  9. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
    Likes Received:
    The Internet
    1. You are not one of the testers ;)
    2. Stop copy + pasting what you read on YouTube videos
    3. Corrupt your Xbox? its very easy to flash back to your working RGH nand if this does mess up
  10. konio38

    konio38 New Member

    Jan 5, 2010
    Likes Received:
    i just hope that newer versions allow to flash via software, like rawflash and flash360.
  11. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    RGBuild 2 Beta v100 load Xbox 360 XDK (Devkit) Kernel / Dashboard on Reset Glitch 360

    Download RGBuild 2 Beta v100
    Download 13599 Dev Filesystem
    Download 14699 Dev Filesystem


    How to use (from the read me):

    Filesystem needs to be filled with the files from a devkit 13599/14699 nand.
    (for 13599 you can just copy the 'filesystem' folder over from the 0v98 release)

    Slims require fcrt.bin to play retail DVDs. If you want to exclude this feature (or any files you dont have), delete the fcrt.bin line from defaults/(13599 or 4699)-dev/slim.ini

    You will need .NET Framework 4 installed. May work with Mono.

    Edit build.bat with your CPU_Key.
    Put your nand image next to this file as "nand.bin"

    Create a folder 'Filesystems' (don't forget the 's') on the xbox hard drive.
    (This is where you will store the devkit system files since they won't all fit on a 16MB retail NAND.)

    Copy the devkit files to a folder '13599-dev' (or 14699-dev for ver.14699) inside of 'Filesystems' on

    the HDD.
    ie: hdd:/Filesystems/13599-dev

    Start build process by running build.bat

    Output will be next to this file named: Image._____.bin

    nandpro usb: @w16 "Image._____.bin"

    If you want to flash the image using something other than nandpro you can just have nandpro output to a file instead and then flash the fixed file using whatever you like.

    Save games and profiles are stored in a different CONTENT folder in the dev kernel,
    therefore not everything will transfer between retail and dev.

    Use rgbuild_gui.bat to open the rgbuild UI, which is intended to be a .NET version
    of 360 Flash Tool (which sadly seems discontinued :( )

    Attached Files:

  12. grpracing

    grpracing Member

    Jan 30, 2012
    Likes Received:
    Yeah, is there a noob friendly tut for maybe a jasper bigblock? Thanx for the app!!
  13. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
  14. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    XeBuild 1.01 and 14717 data Download - Dashboard / kernel 14717 for Jtag-RGH Xbox 360

    Download XeBuild 1.01 (Builds 14717 dash)
    Download 14717 data

    What's New:

    - adds 14717 dash support
    - trinity CB_B patches updated to allow glitch image booting on official 14717 updated slims,
    requires having CPU key before building image. Updated fats will likely require new CPLD
    timing, if you wish to continue to glitch a fat for the time being it's advised to not apply
    any update > 14699.
    - included xells updated to xell reloaded v0.991 built 2012-02-19. See xell_info folder for
    usage info and changelog, or find newer builds at libxenon.org
    -note that for xebuild, jtag images use xell-2f not xell-1f
    - added devkit image building (WIP, see info below)
    - added bigffs jasper type (see info below)
    - added a small helper app, ini_creator.exe that will create a basic .ini file with crcs
    for xebuild when batches of files are dropped onto it, ready for sorting
    - bug fixes

    Attached Files:

  15. jessenic

    jessenic Minecraft Guy

    Nov 17, 2008
    Likes Received:
    So slims can be updated ;)

    Source: 14717 RGH - Dual CB Glitch Achieved on Slim - Phat Next - Team Xecuter
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    Great news! if they get the hack working again on Phat 360's i dont think it will be able to be totally patched like on the Slims (as i believe the console would be been exploited the same way as the slim) Good news for people wanting to hack at a later date or dual boot.
  17. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Updated to XeBuild 1.05

    What's new in XeBuild 1.05:
    • Build 16197 nand images for Jtag / RGH consoles
    • added corona4g build target, nanddump.bin minimum size (without ecc) is 0x3000000
    • minor bug fixes


    Download XeBuild 1.05
    Download 16197 Data for XeBuild

    Note: all the old FBbuild and GGbuild threads are now merged in to this one thread that will be updated as updates are released.
    Ajie Prahasto likes this.
  18. vegatooth

    vegatooth Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    hi insanenutter, plz help me... I have jasper 16mb jtag, from dash 13599, I update it to 16197 using nandflash 360 and xeBuild 2.085 with dl 3.04... finish it with 1 problem, can't sig-in to profile... then I update the avatars as to no avail.. still can't sign-in to profile... so what I did was, return to my pc, then open xeBuild again and generate the ORIG_NAND... but this time, to 15774... copy it to my usb stick, together nandflas 360, isert it to my jasper and WRITE NAND... flash with no prob. shutdown, remove power cable and wait for at least 2 minutes... and when I turned the jasper on, after the logo in the intro, just background with no display. only the BACK BUTTON (B) is visible in the screen... so I panic... =( can't access the dashboard, the xexmenu, the hd... theres no way I can reflash again the unit. so I try the eject button and it open. xell reloaded. so what I did was, put the ORIG_NAND to my usb stick, rename it to UPDFLASH and insert to xbox 360 and power the unit with eject button.... it flash the unit with some bad blocks.... and now, this is the problem, it return to dash 9199. cant detect my external hd with fsd. and when I open xexmenu in game library, it says UPDATE IS REQUIRED... update is required to play this game. if you don't apply the update, you cant play this game. apply update now? first I decline so it took me back to dashboard... then the 2nd time I press yes... the unit then restart and error E81 came out... is my jtag DEAD now????? :(
  19. vegatooth

    vegatooth Member

    Sep 29, 2012
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    plz... help me plz....
  20. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Going from what you have said you could well have killed your Jtag. You have essentially restored the nand from the console before it was Jtagged, you then updated with an official system update which blows an efuse, disabling the Jtag hack.

    Now if who ever jtagged your 360 removed the R6T3 resistor on the motherboard then this efuse will not have blown so you can recover your console. You are going to need a usb nand flasher which must be soldered to the 360's motherboard to attempt to recover your console now.

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