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Xbox Offline Xbox Live Downloadable Content [DLC] Installers

Discussion in 'Downloadable Content' started by Harcroft, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. hobojoe44

    hobojoe44 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Ok I just finished testing the latest installers of Unreal Championship 2 and Mechassault 2 on XBSLINK, tested back and forth between 2 players.

    Unreal Championship 2 testing
    You can't join a game with the primary newest title update when you don't have it, and vice versa
    If you joined with the title update to a game without it, the game would freeze as soon as you entered the game, and vice versa, much the same way as the title update in the second installer released did, but we both had the title update installed when I tested that.

    Alternate title update in the package freezes the game just before the main menu, like the title update in the original installer did.

    However it works fine if everybody has the newest primary update installed.

    Mechassault 2 testing
    You can't see a game with the title update when you don't have it, and vice versa

    If everyone has the title update they can all see/join the game.

    You don't need the title update to use all the content, but all the DLC other then the 2 maps from the collector disc will show up with "NULL" as their name in the map list.

    So it seems you were right with Xlink screwing with our connections when I tested Mechassault 2 before.
  2. KanYozakura

    KanYozakura Member

    Mar 3, 2010
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    Long time no post...I still need to get a spare Xbox so I can test the FTP softmod thingy before I use it on my stock console. Then I can try to get the Phantasy Star Online title update and DLC map for you guys.

    Do you need any of the other Microsoft sports DLC? I have the DLC for NBA Inside Drive 04, NHL Rivals 2004, and NFL Fever 2004. I'd like to clear them out of my HDD so I can actually save some damn games but if you guys need it then I'll hold off until I can get it out of my Xbox.
  3. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    If they are not here back them up, stuff like this is very hard to find, so if its hard now it will not exist in a few years time.
  4. johnney5

    johnney5 Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    I would like to contribute these Demo Discs, but Harcroft hasn't responded. My upload speed is very slow 1737411065.png but I have no problem with taking the time to upload them, though it may take a while. Should I just go with MediaFire and upload them one at a time or would it be better to start them all up as a torrent, or seperate torrents for each disc?
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    johnney5 likes this.
  6. johnney5

    johnney5 Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    Awesome, thank you. I think I'm going to leave them in xiso format, ready to burn, because otherwise if I strip the DLC from the demo I wouldn't be able to build the installers like Harcroft has (it might be easier than it sounds, but I don't want to take any chances). If it's untouched, at least it will be usable until we can get an installer made :) I'll try to get the first disc started later tonight or tomorrow.
  7. johnney5

    johnney5 Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    I tried connecting to the FTP with no luck. I used the "implicit TLS/SSL" option when connecting, and a few others just in case, but none worked. I set up a torrent with the first disc, but sadly it doesn't have DLC on it... If you would like to download it anyway, here is a link: demonoid(.ph)/files/details/2919841/5329196/

    ^remove parentheses

    If you could care less about this one, I'll just move on to the next one. I will pause the discs that don't have DLC so we can get them available more quickly. These discs sometimes had Easter eggs though, so hopefully we don't miss any DLC.

    I'll get the next one going very soon.
  8. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    Use these settings and it should connect fine.
    johnney5 likes this.
  9. johnney5

    johnney5 Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    My fault, I was doing explicit (auth tls). I connected without an issue. Does digiex have any use/need for the disc without DLC, though?

    Just wondering if I should bother uploading this one or not since it's going to take a few days.
  10. Rick

    Rick Moderator

    Jul 14, 2010
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    The Matrix
    I'm thinking someone here could do something with these, it also would help the xbox scene.
  11. johnney5

    johnney5 Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    Ok. I'm uploading it now. It says it will take 20 hours. It's split into 63 rars and I may have to pause around the halfway mark and finish the rest of them tomorrow night... The same goes for the rest of the discs, I may need more than one day to get all the rars uploaded.
    Rick likes this.
  12. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Thats fine dont worry, take your time.
  13. hobojoe44

    hobojoe44 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    I went to a local thrift store yesterday and found that someone dumped what seems to be their whole lot of the first 55 OXM (Official Xbox Magazine) discs. They had them in packs of 4 or 5 for the ones in cases, 7 or 8 in the cardboard sleeves. And who ever owned them made custom cases for the first 20, using the disc info insert that came with the magazine.

    Came to $40 for all of them. out of the first 55 it's missing 19, 21, 30, 33, 40, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, and 53. My guess is they didn't put the last few out, so I'll go back in a day or so and see if they bring the last out.

    I own disc #21 already anyway.

    I'll go through them all eventually and list which ones have DLC in some form, as the website only lists playable demos Official XBOX Magazine | OXM Demo Disc Archive

    Odd thing is there are 10 doubles, for some reason the person owned offical thin clear cased versions along with the cardboard inserts for some of the #20+ ones. Even when it comes to the custom cases for the first 20, they have the cardboard sleeve in the case, along with the disc and cardboard sleeve on it's own.
  14. johnney5

    johnney5 Member

    Mar 30, 2012
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    Nice man. I just got disc 04 uploaded. That link does only list the playable demos, you are right. I remember the one time that I got a demo disc in one of those clear inserts was when I bought the magazine at a store. All of the ones that I got from my subscription have the cardboard sleeve.

    I'm going to continue attempting to upload the discs that I have. Possibly later tonight I'll start on the next one.
  15. hobojoe44

    hobojoe44 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Official Xbox Magazine disc downloads.

    Ok here goes.

    OXM disc downloads

    Dead or Alive 3 booster pack are on Disc #7, #8, #9, & #10

    OXM #19

    OXM #22 (The first disc with a “Download Centre” section)

    Splinter Cell
    Level:Kola cell

    Run Like Hell
    Skins: Cyber & Eightball
    Level: Arena Death

    ToeJam and Earl III: Mission to Earth
    All the DLC for the game (Earlbot, GeekJam, Suteki, Funkadelic Environment, & Hades Environment)

    OXM #23

    No DLC, just various save files

    OXM #24
    No DLC, just various save files

    OXM #25
    Ghost Recon Island Thunder
    Level: Refinery & Beach

    OXM #26
    No DLC, just various save files

    Music: music from the OXM discs “loop4” (I'll upload it later)

    OXM #27
    No DLC, just various save files

    OXM #28

    Splinter Cell
    Level: Vselka Part One

    OXM #29
    Splinter Cell
    Level: Vselka Submarine

    OXM #30

    OXM #31
    No DLC, just various save files

    OXM #32
    Rainbow Six 3

    OXM #33

    OXM #34
    Secret Weapons Over Normandy
    Content: SWON Mc202 and Tripoli USA - new plane MC-202, camo scheme for Ju-87, Tripoli single player mission.

    OXM #35
    Secret Weapons Over Normandy
    Content SWON Corsair F4U Package USA - new planes P-40 Kittyhawk MK III and F4U-1A, camo scheme for P-38.

    OXM #36
    Rainbow Six 3
    Level: CloseQuarter & Scharins

    OXM #37
    No DLC, just various save files

    OXM #38

    OXM #39

    OXM #40
    Full Spectrum Warrior
    Level: Epilogue 1 and 2

    OXM #41

    Full Spectrum Warrior
    Level: Epilogue 1 and 2

    OXM #42

    OXM #43
    Halo 2
    Bungie's favourite game types: (the same ones listed here)

    OXM #44

    OXM #45

    OXM #46

    OXM #47

    OXM #48

    OXM #49

    OXM #50

    OXM #51

    OXM #52

    OXM #53

    OXM #54

    OXM #55
    Last edited: Jun 27, 2012
  16. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Actually OXM 40 and 41 both had Full Spectrum Warrior Epilogue 1 and 2 on them. But the menu's only had 1 linked in on each disk.

    AmyGrrl and I went through the OXM disks about 5 years ago, and took everything useful off them. I mentioned this years ago, but nobody takes the effort read back any more. So you can go through all those OXM disks but you'll find all the DLC from those disks was uploaded in our first batch of installers.
    hobojoe44 likes this.
  17. hobojoe44

    hobojoe44 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Ok thanks for the heads up. I do recall reading that that about you and AmyGrrl, at some point in the thread.

    I was just making a list so people know what's on what, in case someone can't mod their Xbox for what ever reason. So they could consider buying a disc or two online for certain DLC they want, if they want it badly enough.
    The Raindow Six: 3 demo disc being the oblivious superior way to getting the Ghost Recon, Ghost Recon: Island thunder, and Splinter cell DLC in such a case.

    The Rainbow Six 3 Companion Demo Disc « You Found a Secret Area!
  18. Master13

    Master13 Member

    Jun 10, 2010
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    I appreciate all that has been done here by Harcroft and Amygrl. I would like to ask for some of your guys help with an Xbox project over at EmuXtras. We're attempting to collect hi quality artwork for each xbox game that has ever been released which includes Demo discs and other promos. This means manuals, Full cover, Back, Spin, disc, and title shots. We already have a great deal of this completed thanks to some generous contributors but some of the rarer games are still missing. I'd just like to ask for help here. All the artwork will be packaged together in one download and released once we finish but we need your help. Here's a link to the thread:www.emuxtras.net • View topic - XBOX Xtras
  19. Master13

    Master13 Member

    Jun 10, 2010
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    I'd like to express my apprecaition to Harcroft and Amygrrl for all they've done here while its a tragedy that not all the content was saved at least a great deal was due to these twos efforts. I'd like to ask for some of your guys help though in a project taking place over at Emuxtras(Dot)net. We're attempting to collect and compile hi quality art for every single xbox game ever created which includes promos and demos. This means full covers, back, Spine, disc, Title screen, and wide icons for xbmc. We've already got a great deal done but a few of the rarer games are still missing so if you could help then we'd appreciate it. All the art will be released in a package once the project is done. We have what we think is a complete list of xbox games at a little over a thousand but are still unsure if anything is missing. If you plan to help just go to the site and then the thread marked Xbox Xtras. I'd link but I don't think that's allowed here. Thanks guys sorry for the thread hijack.
  20. hobojoe44

    hobojoe44 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    That Xbox ISO site has a whole section with many game covers, and some Images of the game discs themselves.

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