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Xbox Offline Xbox Live Downloadable Content [DLC] Installers

Discussion in 'Downloadable Content' started by Harcroft, Nov 16, 2008.

  1. Nosferatu

    Nosferatu New Member

    Jun 18, 2012
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    Has anyone did this for PS2 game updates/DLC?
  2. xayanex

    xayanex New Member

    Jul 30, 2012
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    My xbox 360 has been moded to play copied games. im not sure what the mods name is.
    i tried to burn star wars battle front 2 content download by making it an iso file. when i put it in the xbox 360 it loaded the xbox original title screen and then says error.

    this is the only content i care about for the xbox 360. if my xbox played unsigned disks do you know of a way it can install this content download?

    the annoying thing is i paid for this in the past but when xbox live went down and my original file wont work on my harddrive/xbox i'm left without it.

    i wish all content was put onto a disk and or still on xbox live even if you cant play xbox original games on live.. its a shame.
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You dont need to make an ISO file out of it, burn the files / folders to disc using imgburn.

    You can then load the default.xex with XBMC, if you know how to FTP to your console that would be the easiest thing to do.
  4. xayanex

    xayanex New Member

    Jul 30, 2012
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    Hello, thanks for the fast reply. though ist XBMX only for the original XBOX not the 360.

    I dont think i can install custom software on my 360 i have a feeling my 360 is modded with some kind of LT
    basicly the disk lazer skips a step that checks if it is a real DVD or a copy. so i'm guessing if you have to install with software and it cannot read a .xex file im out of options right?

    FTP with the xbox 360 harddrive wont work without special software, correct?

    thanks again for trying to help me out. this thread is awesome im glad someone has made the effort into creating a catalog of old xbox live data.
    well done.

    EDIT: i read the other thread link you posted and i already use that program thats what i used to make it an iso before burning.
    i know that burning games you need special disks which i have and use however if i am going to try and burn a small content download update can it go onto a 700mb normal disk and do i have to put in a layer break setting as i would if i were burning an xbox original game for the 360?
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I miss read your original post, my bad.

    It will only work with an Xbox 360 that has been hacked to run unsigned code, this would be a Jtag / RGH hacked Xbox 360. With a flashed console you are out of luck sadly, you will not be able to do anything with the content in this thread.
  6. trank

    trank Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    ok so i have a question, when i download the installers and extract them, i see a content folder. Can i take that and inject that folder into a USB and play the dlc like that? also my xbox is not modded in anyway. also i am mainly trying to get Ghost Recon Island Thunder/2 and Summit Strike DlC on to a 360 with a usb. And if it matters i believe before the shut down since the DLC came free i downloaded most of it on the same profile im using now, but i no longer have that 360 with those files anymore. also can i use a USB with xtaf or do i need to get one of those transfer cables.
  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You can not do anything with these then, you needa modded Xbox or a Jtag / RGH hacked Xbox 360 to make any use of them.
  8. trank

    trank Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    i dont mean the installers, just the content folder. i've heard you can move the dlc onto a usb then onto xbox
  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Nope you cant do that, it needs to be signed for your console which is what the installer does.
  10. trank

    trank Member

    Oct 30, 2010
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    ahh i get it. fucking microsoft. like really? why the fuck remove the old servers? are they a brick?
  11. MrMajst3r

    MrMajst3r New Member

    Aug 15, 2012
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    Hi :)
    Thanks for uploading these DLCs!
    I have Demo Discs 10 and 31, I can upload it if you want.
    I have also complete "The Ultimate Halo Companion DVD Set".
  12. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Long time no updates. So...I wanted to share something I managed to find some time for and have been working on all freaking night.
    I'll post more details (and hopefully an installer!) tomorrow.
    Photo Album - Imgur
  13. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You have received a nice JPN Xbox with some rare Metal Wolf DLC on it? probably revived the console in some way (going by whats hooked up to it) and got the content from it?

    Interesting photos anyway.
  14. hobojoe44

    hobojoe44 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Very Nice Harcroft!
  15. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Before I get into the details:
    Metal Wolf Chaos fans rejoice, here is your DLC
    (see first post for installer)
    I can verify the DLC is working on my old NTSC U DLC test/xbox live box.

    So now the story behind this feat.
    Last year (mid 2011?) sometime a user, lets call him Shou offered to send me an original Xbox1 from Japan, you can see from the pictures posted above, it was indeed an Xbox from Japan.
    He sent this later in the year right before I was about to move. After quickly seeing that it was in one piece and functional, I tested a few my my retail games only to receive a nice error message informing me I'm not allowed to play games from a different region. So it got packed up with all my other console stuff and sat in a box for a long long time.
    When I finally did find it, I realized I had no simple way of modding this console. I'm not blowing more money on modchips, I don't have any games for this consoles region.
    So it sat there for a long long time, until Shou started to message me again, telling me there was really critical DLC on this console from a game called Metal Wolf. So I tossed it on top of my work bench and sure enough within a few weeks I decided to take a crack at it.

    Now I could have simply hot-swapped the hard drive and attempted to recover the files that way, but I wasn't going to risk blowing out the hard drive, since this is about the only chance we'll ever get to get real DLC from Japan. Besides Shou wanted me to softmod this thing.

    The next best thing would be to dump the EEPROM data from the motherboard. Sure I thought, I haven't done this in five years and the last PC I did it on is long gone, but lets give it a shot. Of course my old homemade eeprom programmer (seen in the first few images) refused to work with my modding/testbed PC, so I had to dig around for a PC older than most people on xbox live. A seventeen year old Toshiba 420CTD Pentium 90mhz, with 40mb of ram and a 2gb hard drive. Windows 95 was my best bet for such an old machine, there goes another two hours of installing, finding drivers, transferring files over floppies. With a little luck I was able to dump the eeprom. From there I was able to use an old software tool called Liveinfo, this allowed me to change the console XBE region to one compatible with my games. The next step was simply to copy softmod saves onto the console, and run a compatible exploit game. Of course this ended up being over-complicated too. For some reason my multiple copies of Splinter Cell and 007 AUF refused to crash the system and let me softmod it. The next step was to attempt to use Mechassault, but of course this DVD drive refused to read my single copy of Mechassault. After nearly deciding just to throw this beautiful smoke black console through my window onto the street below. After some time away from this brutal pain in the ass console, I decided to try out the dvd drives from my other xboxes. The thing is most of my xboxes are dead, I'm running very low on working consoles, since they all seem to be giving up the ghost after 8-10 years of faithful service. The third DVD drive i tried (after 2 more failures) was an old LG8163B that I modified myself to work in an xbox. Huzzah! It worked, Mechassault launched, the console was softmodded in a matter of minutes, and I acquired the contents of the E drive. Another ten hours of my life blown on acquiring old DLC for people who don't care. After all that, I found out all the "DLC", all twenty-eight pieces were just unlockers. The actual DLC was on disk the whole time!


    That right there is the exact contents of each of the "DLC" files. My first thought was how much of a complete waste of time this was. But hey, I guess some people like this game still, so maybe they'll appreciate it seven years later.

    I realize this is a hell of a long story and very few people will read it, but I just want to get across how how much effort and tme is put into getting some of this DLC out there. This installer alone took me about eight more hours of work. More like 14 hours with breaks to deal with real life.
    Modifying the xbe is easy, but building a menu for 28 pieces of DLC, finding images for 1/2 the DLC online (METAL WOLF CHAOS ` ƒQ[ƒ€ƒVƒXƒeƒ€ - FROMSOFTWARE WEB SITE) then formatting them, capturing screenshots for the rest of the images (found my capture card!) then formatting those, finding the OST for a long dead game, then testing, fixing mistakes, and testing again and again to (hopefully) perfection takes a long long time. This is of course nothing new, AmyGrrl and I had an extremely hard time finding images even when the project started, so we started to just capture our own images, that goes for audio too for the last twenty or so installers I've built. I've also never done this in Windows7 before, getting used to the very different (and sometimes less functional) Wordpad and Paint took some doing. Anyway this was by far the most difficult DLC to find and provide for you guys and gals out there. The Arcade and Music Mixer jobs were a walk in the park compared to this.

    I hope at least a few people truly appreciate how much time and effort was put into this, not to mention the risk and money Shou put into getting this console to me. He also helped me a lot deciphering which DLC was which and what they all were.

    Should I find I still have the effort this project in the next few weeks I'll go through the other DLC I grabbed from Shou's Japanese xbox. There's nothing new/unreleased there, but there might be alternative language versions of some DLC that's already available.

    /End Rant
    Enjoy...for the love of god please enjoy this work.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2012
  16. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    That is an amazing amount of effort you went to there Harcroft, very good of you to do that for everyone.

    I found the story of how you went about getting the content a good, interesting too. I must admit i have never heard of Metal Wolf Chaos before now, It appears to be quite a rare game too with copies off it going on Ebay for anywhere up to $150+! Apparently "one of the most insanely patriotic video games ever" too lol. Might have to find a copy and give the game ago, and of course make good use of the DLC you have provided us with!

    I have mirrored the file on Digiex as as always, and added it to the main post.

    Metal Wolf Chaos DLC Installer (New 17.09.12)

    Thanks again (Y)
  17. hobojoe44

    hobojoe44 Active Member

    Aug 26, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    Thanks a lot man, too many people have abandon their projects and/or sites over the years, yet here is you still plugging along every once and a while, keeping us up to date on any news/progress.
  18. Harcroft

    Harcroft Addict

    Mar 10, 2009
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    Ontario, Canada
    New Metal Wolf Chaos installer!
    See the first post for it.
    The first one will work fine, but I forgot to do something small in the background that nobody will likely notice, but it's important to me and my sources. Anyway please use the new one. Once I get FTP access back on Digiex I'll be able to update them on the first post myself.

    Instead of pushing my way through a different installer tonight I went through about 11gb of DLC archives I have around from various people to see what installers need to be updated with new content, new installers need to be made etc.
    Here is my big to do list:

    Fixes and Updates:
    Amped 2 Add update
    Arcade Release new+updated+fixed Installer
    Brute Force Add 2nd update
    Crimson Skies Add Alt JPN Caverns and Fury add alt update
    DOA Ultimate Add alt JPN update
    Fight Club Music Installer + test savegame as DLC fix (same goes for MM3)
    Forza Add alt update
    Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike Fix TU in installer
    Halo 2 Add alt JPN 1.1 update and add back in old highplains as alt
    Midtown Madness 3 Check with Savegame
    Spikeout Battle Street Add alt JPN update
    Splinter Cell Add 2 alt JPN DlC's
    Splinter Cell Pandora Tmrw Add alt JPN update
    SoF II Double Helix Fix dlc names and kowloon dlc
    Star Wars Battlefront II Add alt Update
    Star Wars Clone Wars Clean up installer add update
    Star Wars KotOR Add Update
    Top Spin Add alt update
    Tron 2.0 Fix website space
    Unreal Championship 2 Add more alt TU's if possible

    All Star Baseball 2004 DLC installer rosters
    All Star Baseball 2005 Full installer rosters
    ESPN NBA 2k5 Full installer rosters
    ESPN NFL 2K5 Full installer rosters
    ESPN NHL 2K5 DLC Installer rosters
    ESPN NHL Hockey 2K4 DLC Installer rosters
    Madden 08 Save Installer rosters
    Madden 09 Save Installer rosters
    NBA 2k3 DLC Installer roster need xbe (cannot build installer without original default.xbe from disk)
    NFL Fever 2004 Full Installer rosters
    NHL 2K6 Full Installer rosters
    NHL Rivals 2004 Full Installer rosters

    DLC Installer means I just need to build a DLC installer with no update
    Full installer denoted an Update needs to be done too
    Save Installer means the rosters were downloaded as saved games, not DLC
    That being explained, Sports are still very much on the bottom of the list. Nobody cares about old rosters.

    I also want to rebuild all the first run installers to include the newer updates like proper images for each piece of DLC, the splash image, ambient music that goes along with the game, cleaned up back end stuff most users wont notice etc etc. Don't get mad if that doesn't happen over night, Borderlands 2 is launching today and I intend to play the crap out of it (and a certain unnamed Mechwarrior Beta) for the forseeable future too.

    New Amped 2 DLC installer. It can be scratched off the list.
    https://download.digiex.net/Consoles/Xbox/DLCInstallers/Amped 2 DLC.rar
    I will update the link in the first thread when it's possible again.

    I spent a few hours setting up a new installer for a new Update someone who shall remain unnamed sent me labeled "Amped 2" turns out it was for some football game! Great waste of time, so I cut off the installer bits and just finished updating the old installer to the new style instead. So to be clear, there is NO update for Amped 2, it was someone elses typo I didn't find until now.
    MasterChief, Rick and InsaneNutter like this.
  19. MasterChief

    MasterChief Addict

    Sep 17, 2009
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    The Internet
    Amazing work Harcroft! I actually own Metal Wolf Chaos so will enjoy this mega rare DLC, thanks for your hard work on this, and continued work on the DLC installers (L)
  20. Xkiller360

    Xkiller360 Member

    Oct 17, 2010
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    thx for you hard work.
    the forza motosport update don't work *-)

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