I use a JTAG as well as an unmodded 360 with a LIVE subscription. I transfer my profile between both 360s using a USB stick. Up until now I have only used the official dash on my JTAG with forwarders to games on USB. These are starting to take forever to load though, and I really don't like the new official dash. I understand that using Freestyle Dash leaves some traces on my 360 profile. My question is has anyone ever been banned for having these traces (e.g. if I start using FSD while signed in to my profile on my JTAG am I going to get my profile banned or gamerscore reset when I login to LIVE on my unmodded 360)? I have no interest in using emulators, I just want to use FSD to access my games faster using the nice GUI. Cheers.
Slimwadey got profile banned the other year from what i remember. Using FSD is exactly the same as using an emulator, so if you care about your live profile its not worth it. Best way to use FSD is with an offline profile, then just sign in your live profile once the game has loaded.
I got profile banned for being a twat and using a Jtag online with MW2, it was a stupid error when i used my regular 9 year old XBL profile on a jtag Totally my fault and i regret it, never again 9 years of GS ! gone I do believe insane did a pretty good review of the differences that running FSD and XEX etc make on your profile Slim
Thanks, I've converted from the new official dash to FSD3. Just wondering though - when I delete/move games off my USB drive or rename them, do ]i need to rebuild my whole database or will the unlinked games be deleted from the database automatically? Also, is there any way I can manually add game covers? Many of them are missing or incorrect. Thanks!