Hi all. I have a Jasper rgh. First hd (internal) was a 250gb WD Scorpio Blue, which failed quite quickly. Wouldn't format after the initial failure or mount in any pc/mac. Then got a WD Scorpio Blue 500gb to replace it. It's currently showing 322gb free, yet nothing will DVD extract to it, or FTP. Thought it might be the laser after the first failed DVD extract, but plugging in an external USB hd can extract fine. Am now wondering if anything needs to be done to the hd before i put it on the 360, as its almost like the 360 thinks its full?
This is the process i did to my internal hard drive on my Jtag: https://digiex.net/guides-reviews/c...rd-drive-restore-avatars-xbox-1-emulator.html You dont honestly have to do anything except format it unless you want Xbox 1 game support. What about if you install and Xbox 360 game on the MS dash to the hard drive, does that work fine?
Thanks for the reply. Same doing it through the dash unfortunately. I'm wondering if I back up all my saves and reformat it? I have just successfully moved a game from the internal HD to the external and that works fine, just can't write to it.
Strange dont really know what can be up with it there, could try formatting it and hope for the best.
Formatted on the Xbox, still not working. Anyone got a link as to the internal they use? Looks like another new one for me
You can try doing this. https://digiex.net/downloads/downlo...eguard-diagnostic-western-digital-drives.html Do you buy your hard drives brand new?
Thanks guys for the replies. Yes, always brand new. Formatted on the Mac now and can write to it, and on the Xbox again and it seems fine. Does strike me as odd two WD drives have gone the same way, both brand new.