hopeful needs help with clean instal of vista

Discussion in 'Computer and Technology Discussion' started by hopeful, May 8, 2013.

  1. hopeful

    hopeful New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Vista 32 bit premium OEM on HP Pavilion desktop. Loads of crashes, fed up so decided to try to do a clean install. Got a Vista DVD (including SP1), got the OEM number, got the CD number, ran the install, entered CD number. Spent/wasted hours and hours installing updates, progs etc. Will not activate.

    Tried procedure provided by InsaneNutter using file from the download (copied into Win32), ran command, entered instruction (not sure about caps, spaces, quotes etc so tried several versions) each response was “ not recognized as an internal or external command”.

    Have gone though a drive image folder and in Win32 I found a folder called OEM, inside is a file with a licence number and underneath that is a text doc which when opened says PID and nothing else.

    Am quite fed up now, have been at this for days and days (about a week), I know nothing about computers and so don’t know next step to take.

    It is a genuine product bought from John Lewis in about 2009. Have tried Windows 7, hated the Libraries and the ‘nanny’ type system, not too keen on Windows 8 (at least so far), so have to go back to Vista but I don’t want all the **** that was preloaded.

    Can anybody help please

  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    So your using the CD Key magical jelly bean keyfinder gave you? just to confirm.

    Some screenshots of the command your typing / what your doing would be of help so i can see exactly what your doing and where you might be going wrong.

    For example if your typing the command i used word for word that will not work for you.

    The above commands presumes you have got the .XRM-MS file from the Vista DVD and its in the root of your C:\ drive and named ACER.XRM-MS

    Your file might be called HP.XRMS for example.

    Show me what your doing and i'm sure we can sort it.
  3. hopeful

    hopeful New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    I've been trying to think back to when I first got this computer and can't remember if Service Pack 1 was pre installed or whether I had to download and install it myself.

    I've looked at the System Information which was dated April 14 2009 and it says Operating System is MS Windows Vista Home Premium edition (x32) Service Pack Service Pack 1, Build Number 6001, Directx version 10.0,

    The specification that came with the computer (dated 13th June 2008 - which was the day that I bought the computer) just says Operating System Installed - Genuine Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit - there is no mention of Service Pack 1. I've mentioned this just in case that makes a difference to what I'm doing and might be causing any problem.

    The CD key that I used was found by Winkey Finder 1.75 and I entered that number at the very beginning of the installation process. In control panel - system the number that is showing is the OEM number which shows 30 days to activate. The previous installation attempt showed something like 14 days left to activate, I had installed it only a few days earlier and had loaded all sorts of programs on the computer. I mention this also in case it makes a difference to what I'm doing and might be causing any problem.

    I've got a screenshot of the files that I found in the OEM folder on a drive image taken before I decided to do a clean install, I can access the drive image and look for more files if required.

    I downloaded the 3 zip files from your post, extracted them and wasn't sure which one to use so I went for the HPQOEMSLIC-MPC one, I copied that and put it as shown in the attached screenshot called computer local disk windows (C) system 32.

    I then typed in the command prompt. I haven't learnt computer speak so I don't really understand the format for entering info at the command prompt (eg caps or lower case, spaces, quotes etc etc) so I tried various versions all of which failed.

    Just going through the process again to get some screenshots it occurred to me that on my first attempt by entering SLMGR.VBS-ilcC:\HP.XRM-MS then pressing enter (typed exactly and with no spaces and no quotes) might have been the wrong stuff to enter. So I just tried entering the same stuff again except that this time I typed HPQOEMSLIC-MPC but it came back with the same message.

    So basically, I haven't got a clue. I suppose I could always do a restore from a drive image but I so wanted to get rid of all the ****.

    Still hopeful

    Attached Files:

  4. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    If u download a activation loader they can usually activate your oem machine I do believe oem activationis 2 way the software and the slick on the bios but from what it sounds the oem cert isn't installed
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Copy your XRM-MS to the root of your C:\ drive, like this:


    Then in command prompt type:


    Note 1: Copy and paste the above if it helps, there is a space between -ilc and C:\
    Note 2: be sure to right click on command prompt and run it with Administrator rights


    After a minute or so a message should appear saying it has been registered successfully.
  6. hopeful

    hopeful New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    I've attached a screen shot of the 2 files that I've got, and neither of them have the same name as your file the name of your file seems to change when it goes into the C drive by adding XRM MS. Mine doesn't change.

    I tried putting both in the C drive as attached sceen shots to see if anything changed it didn't. I've deleted both files from the C. I'm wondering why the file name changed for you but didn't change for me?

    Attached Files:

  7. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    You file could well be named different to mine, i dont own a HP laptop and was just using that as an example to show you.

    Copy them both there, so nothing happens when you try install either licence?



    SLMGR.VBS -ilc C:\hp.XRM-MS
  8. hopeful

    hopeful New Member

    May 8, 2013
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    Hi, I'm sorry, I didn't make nmyself clear,my head is spinning with all this computer stuff,

    what I was trying to say is that the file in the XRM-MS folder that I downloaded from your site is called HPQOEMSLIC-MPC there is no dotXRM-MS on the end,

    but in your screenshots the file name seems to change from HPQOEMSLIC-MPC TO HPQOEMSLIC-MPC.XRM-MS after it's copied into the windows32 folder.

    And yes nothing happens whichever of my 2 files i use.

    Could it be the missing dotXRM-MS bit that's stopping it? or the fact that the computer is 5 years old and things were differently set up in 2008?

  9. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The file is not copied in to the Windows\System 32 folder. It should be copied in to the C:\ drive

    Your computer will be set not to show known file extensions, which is why when its not in the zip file the .XRM-MS file extension is not visible.

    It might be better if you use Windows Loader

    That is an application designed to let people crack / pirate Windows, however it also installs the XRM-MS certificate. As you already own Windows Vista i dont really see any problem with you using it.

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