Hi guys, i will really appreciate your help in this ^_^ I have a PS3 running custom FW 3.5, but one of my friends accidentally updated it from a game disc to OFW 3.55 How can i install custom rogero 4.2? i really wanna play the last of us. Thanks very much.
I can't remember the specifics as I haven't had to go from OFW for some time but a quick google says that you can. Here's a link i picked at random so please have a check around yourself as I can't guarantee the accuracy of this guide but the first line does state you can come from 3.55 OFW. Rogero's CFW 4.40 v1.02 Released - PSX-Scene
I recently updated my 3.55 PS3 to Rogero CEX-4.40 v1.03 This is how i did it, as always do so at your own risk. I'm not responsible for your console, just helping you out. Download: Rogero_CEX-4.40_v1.03 - https://mega.co.nz/#!ocIG1J5a!Oh5UzR6mB6TQVDHQ76ZhEz9SWgRQkcyFrXGV77K56bk Format a usb memory stick to FAT32 Create the following folders on the memory stick PS3 > UPDATE Rename Rogero_CEX-4.40_v1.03.PUP to PS3UPDAT.PUP Place PS3UPDAT.PUP in the UPDATE folder you created Take any disc out the PS3, unplug the network cable then put the PS3 in to Safemode In safemode update the system from the memory stick When the PS3 re starts you will be on 4.40 Custom Firmware Optional: Download 4.41_Version_Spoofer_2.3 - https://mega.co.nz/#!9EYRhJzY!V16M3Fu8N2IxmGrIJ-BPISU6kSsCGpjdUxY1PSbULc0 This will let you use the PSN, apparently if you play newer games like Blackops 2 you will get banned, so do so at your own risk. I only used it to download the BBC iPlayer / TV on demands apps, the PSN appeared to work fine. Although i wouldn't load any homebrew or apps like multiman when connected to the PSN. Ill have to try and connect again sometime and see if im banned, as this was a few weeks ago now. Here is the version of multiman i used too - https://mega.co.nz/#!BEJzCAqT!fSGXEjBjOAoowAJ3mMeLvysnKz9LM_a6IwBoz765z34 If you manage to hack the PS3 fine you might want to make a nand backup with multiman, if you some how brick your PS3 at a later date you can recover it with a hardware flasher. I think ive covered / provided you with everything i did anyway, you might want to Google yourself and double check.
I have a problem My PS3 is 3.6 OFW, what can i do? i followed ur instructions but it says the file is corrupted
Nothing you can do with just a software solution sadly if you are past 3.55. You might be able to downgrade the PS3 with the e3flasher, however that's something i have no experience with. I do believe if the PS3 shipped with a firmware lower than 3.55 you can downgrade, thats something you would need to research though.
I personally get single player games on ps3 or pc and for multi player games I actually care about I'll buy for xbox.
I can go online with my PS3. It's on Rebug 4.41 firmware. Just can't seem to play CoD games or else you'll get banned. Fine with me since the whole series is garbage. There's also something called region free gaming, which is a lovely feature you get with modding a console, emulation too. It may be pointless to you but not everyone else and really didn't help the original poster. Also, suggesting others to pirate is not allowed. So that post has been deleted. Also, when it comes to youtube videos showing PS3s that are jailbroken, I suggest staying away from them. Most if not all are fake, they want to you do some survey (which gives them money) and isn't actually a jailbreak. If you're really interested in it, there are websites dedicated to modding ps3s like PS3Crunch. As you would have to flash your console with an E3 Flasher or Progskeet, your best bet is to go there as there are a few people who know all about the installation of them.
If you're on 3.55 or under, you can very easily update to any CFW firmware with just a USB stick but if you're past that firmware, then the exploit that you need in order to do that has been patched so you'd need a E3 Flasher or Progskeet to flash the firmware to the NAND or NOR flash. Phat PS3s have NAND (EXCEPT for the very last phat consoles, those are NOR) and all slims are NOR.