Xbox 360 backwards compatibility problems with oem-stock HDD

Discussion in 'Console Help Center' started by Zpidelius, Nov 27, 2018.

  1. Zpidelius

    Zpidelius Member

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Hi everyone.
    I have a strange issue with backwards compatibilty on my stock Xbox 360, I thought I make a thread about it since I have not found any information about it and if anyone else have had this issue and maybe has an working solution for it?

    I have an original console with an 250GB drive, I am the second owner of it and I made an RGH of it for a while, until I came across another console which became RGH'd and reverted this one (my first ever owned slim) back to original state.
    During it's RGH state I used xbox1 partitioner and hacked compat pack, worked perfectly.
    Once reverted back to stock I scratched my head many days why I could not play OG xbox games on it, but my old phat console could play them without any problem.

    I found xplorer360 extreme 2 and the partition2.bin solution and voilá, it worked as it should again after that,, but, here is my issue of today.
    I have an oem/stock/original, whatever it's prefered term is, 320GB HDD, I know it is an oem HDD since it comes from another original console, and I have another oem 250GB HDD which is mounted in an Halo Reach console I have, since it came out of it's original box.
    I would like to upgrade the 250GB in my console with 320GB, just to have room for a couple of extra installed games and content and the Halo Reach console is soon on it's way to a new owner, But!,, the backwards compatibility of OG xbox games is not working as it should with this 320GB or the other 250GB disk in the Halo Reach console, neither when mounted in my black stock console or in the Halo Reach console.
    This is the strange issue,,when I have my original 250GB in my console, it works super after the partition2 restore procedure, I tried Halo, Conker Live & Reloade, Counter Strike, Forza Motorsports etc, no problems,, but with the 320GB and the other 250GB disks only Halo works.
    If I put the Halo disc in and press Play Game, the white background with the OG xbox logo appears and the game starts, but with any other game the white background with logo appears for a brief moment, just a second, then it turns black and I am returned to the dashboard again.
    No error messages, no "This game could not start, try to download it again" popup, it just returns to dashboard.

    I have tried the following:
    Xplorer360 Extr2 restore partition2 procedure wich worked on my original 250GB disk after RGH.
    Made an backup of partition 2 from my working HDD and restored with that through Xplorer360 Extr2 and tried with and without a copy of the Compatability folder from partiton 3 on my working 250GB disk.
    Put them in my RGH, done the Xbox1 compat fix procedure to erase to original Partition 2 space first and then restored them with Xplorer360 Extr2 with both Partition2.bin and my own partition 2 backup.
    Format every partition on the disks with FATXplorer, put them in my stock console, downloaded the new Required Update, which only giver me the "This game could not start" error message.
    Formatted them in my stock console, cleaned Cache.
    Been through all the above steps again in every possible order, still,, I have the same issue with the 320GB and 250GB Halo Reach disks, they can just start Halo, every other game just gives me the white background wit OG logo for a second, turns black and returns me to dashboard.

    Have anyone else been having the same issue, and in that case how is it possible to resolve this strange problem?
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If only Halo works that suggests you might need to download the latest backwards compatibility update, as Halo / Halo 2 were the only games which worked originally.

    Download the original Xbox backwards compatibility update from Microsoft, copy it to a FAT32 formatted USB drive and try update the console with it:

    That should happen if you try play an original Xbox game when connected to Xbox Live, however it's worth manually trying regardless.
  3. Zpidelius

    Zpidelius Member

    Nov 27, 2018
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    I will try that later and see if that works :)
    I tested some November-2007 update I found on the web yesterday, burned to disk and install meny looked like a green version of the Blade dashboard, never the less, when starting a game, instead of a black screen I got an glitched out Win 98 looking screen where I could see an option among the different colored lines that said "Update", so I just pressed A button and on the Halo Reach console I just got an error message, and on my black console it downloaded something with the usual Downloading Update screen,then when it had finished, I just got an black screen and a froozen console, so had to reboot it, and the same scenario just reappeared every time I started something else than Halo, untill I formatted the HDD via the console, then it went back to the usual white OG logo screen again for a brief second and back to dashboard.
  4. Zpidelius

    Zpidelius Member

    Nov 27, 2018
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    No, it became the same as yesterday with that other update I found and burned to a DVD, this time I burned it to a CD and still the same result, white OG logo screen, then the glitched out accept update screen, updating, then balck screen.
    This is really strange.
    IMG_20181128_150841306.jpg IMG_20181128_150854420.jpg IMG_20181128_150911954.jpg
  5. Zpidelius

    Zpidelius Member

    Nov 27, 2018
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    IMG_20181128_152045907.jpg And when I put in the ordinary 250GB HDD,, no problems.
    Still that has been xbox1 partition fix formatted when it was RGH and then recovered with Xplorer360 Extr2 and partition2.bin.
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If you dump your own partition 2 from the working 250GB hard drive and restore that to the hard drive which has issues I really can't see how it would be any different. That's certainly a strange issue.

    Backup partition 2 from the working drive
    Restore partition 2 to the non working drive
    See if that works.

    Although I think you have done that anyway from what you have said.
  7. Zpidelius

    Zpidelius Member

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Yes, I already tried that.
    Dumped the Part2 of the working 250GB HDD a couple of times, by starting Xplorer360 the normal way, as Admin, in XP comp mode with and without Admin rights.
    I just ran Zplorer360 as ordinary without Admin rights or such when I restored the ordinary working 250GB HDD, and that worked just fine.
    I tried to dump it from an older 20GB disk now from an 2005 phat console and going to try that backup.

    But still, the glitched out screen seems really weird. Like the MS 360 OS,, crashes or something,or gets in some weird GPU glitch state.
  8. Zpidelius

    Zpidelius Member

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Just an update, did not work with that Partition2 backup from the old stock 20GB HDD either, it still gave the same result on both the 320GB and the 250GB HDD's.
    If it would be on just one HDD, I could buy that it could be some defects or problems with the disk, but both have behaved just in the same manner.
    Works just fine otherwise and don't show any symptoms or error messages in FatXplorer.
    So I am just stuck now and puzzled why they don't want to playing along.
  9. Zpidelius

    Zpidelius Member

    Nov 27, 2018
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    Well,, yet another update, incase someone else encounters this problem and search for an answer.
    Problem solved :)
    When the answer is to close it is easily overlooked.
    I found the 320/500GB HDD drives again and gave it a shot.
    Put the 320GB in the computer, did a Partition2 restore,, again, put it in my original Xbox 360, booted up, put in Destroy All Humans since I know it is backwards compatible,, got the same "You need an update of 6MB", choose Download,, it downloaded and got me the black screen,, agaain *–)
    So, I went to Storage in Settings,, formated the drive there,, tried the D.A.H disc and it just threw me back to Dash.
    Sooo,, the solution then.
    The one thing I overlooked on a newly restored, formated HDD drive is that it is completely empty.
    So, I went to profiles, logged in and downloaded my profile to the empty formated HDD so I got connected to Xbox Live,, put the D.A.H disc in again and this time it gave me the same prompt for the needed 6MB update, I clicked on download,, and this time after it downloaded the OG Xbox disc of D.A.H booted up just as it should.
    I put in the Halo disc I tried last time,, worked perfectly.
    So,, solution, log in and download your profile, connect to Xbox Live, put the OG Xbox disc in and Then download the dreaded 6MB update, and it should work just fine (Y)

    Both the 320GB and the 500GB HDD works flawlessly after logging in with a profile and then download the update (Y)
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2019
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  10. szlovak

    szlovak New Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    I've came across this thread after realizing that something wrong is only with old Xbox games on Xbox 360. Original Slim, no RGH etc, no DVD drive hack. DAH downloaded from internet form GWG. On original 250GB drive it works just fine, but not on 500GB prepared one WD drive, with installed firmware like in thread . I've done steps above: wiped drive clean, re downloaded profile. I've tried that also with DAH game, but other don't work the same. It doesn't work at all, that 6MB update doesn't download either. Anyway when I had that 6MB package on 500GB drive it didn't work anyway, the same short popup grey window that tried to download update/run game and the message bla bla bla that it is unable to run the game. Any ideas? it makes that 500GB hack somehow not complete. It was working before, some update broke it. At least games before DAH showed up on GWG
  11. szlovak

    szlovak New Member

    Jul 12, 2020
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    OK, problem solved. I've copied partition 2 form 250GB to that 500GB made one. On 500GB there was no Partition 2 at all. Now it works

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