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Pokemon Colosseum Japanese Bonus Disc (Tokusei Disc) Download [NTSC-J / JPN GameCube]

Discussion in 'Pokemon Demos & Bonus Discs' started by Professor Oak, Jul 22, 2009.

  1. HaxAras

    HaxAras Resident

    Mar 11, 2012
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    I think I'll be working on it later today.
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  2. Ryanx

    Ryanx Member

    Feb 13, 2018
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    I have tried to hack the JP bonus disk so it distributes to north american games. it is not working for me. I did everything exactly. I am trying to run the game through nintendont on the wii. after figuring out what some of the japanese text is saying. turns out it is not detecting my colosseum save file. I have all pokemon caught and purified. even got ho oh
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2018
  3. Ryanx

    Ryanx Member

    Feb 13, 2018
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    I just had a thought. If anyone technical know-how could help. I stumbled on to this https://tcrf.net/Pokémon_Colosseum#Japanese_Bonus_Disc since the bonus disk for Celebi is in the files of the North American colosseum. instead of using an action replay. would it be possible to use a hex editor make the rom boot the bonus disk content instead?
  4. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    We have the following unreleased Pokemon from the American / European versions of Pokemon Colosseum:
    • EN e-Reader Togepi (UNRELEASED, x3)
    • EN e-Reader Mareep (UNRELEASED, x3)
    • EN e-Reader Scizor (UNRELEASED, x3)
    These can be found in the Pokemon GEN3 Legit Event Pokemon Save if that's of any use to you.

    As to using a Hex editor in place of an Action Replay i'm not sure, however it does seem like its possible to convert Action Replay codes to something Nintendont can use.
  5. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    If anyone is still having trouble with this read my notes below and it should hopefully answer any questions you have:

    If using the save in the first post with all 48 shadow Pokemon purified remember to load this up on a Japanese version of Pokemon Colosseum and deposit one of the party Pokemon in to the PC so you have space in your party to receive a Celebi.

    After that you can load the Japanese Pokemon Colosseum bonus disc and receive a Celebi on the save game with the 48 shadow Pokemon purified.

    Once you have done this next time you go though the process of receiving a Celebi on the bonus disc, you will be given the option of connecting a GBA with a Japanese Ruby and Sapphire game in and downloading a Celebi to this game.

    The game you connect must have beat the Elite Four and not previously received a Celebi. You can only download one Celebi per game, so it might be an idea to back your save game up before receiving one if you wish to download another in the future.

    After receiving the Celebi on your Japanese Ruby and Sapphire you can trade this to an different language Pokemon Gen 3 game if you wish.
  6. Rappolt

    Rappolt New Member

    Oct 31, 2019
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    This post is in regards to hex editing the ISOs.

    After being skeptical of why it looked like I was editing the wrong addresses, I realized I was editing the "Kakuchou" v2 JPN Bonus Disc.
    I did some searches and found out what addresses I believe would result in the same edit to allow the JPN disc to export to EN/PAL Colosseum.
    I have not tested this and frankly don't want to.

    The strings are case sensitive.
    String to edit: GC6J to GC6E or GC6P
    Format: Address - String
    v1 Tokusei:
    GC6J Search Results:
    29AB8003 - GC6J
    29F4FEBB - GC6J
    29F50AC3 - GC6J
    44BF772B - gC6j
    4D5084A4 - gC6J
    GC6E Search Results:
    35B1D54A - gc6e
    GC6P Search Results:
    1ECD9AE5 - gc6p
    v2 Kakuchou:
    GC6J Search Results:
    46505A1C - GC6J
    51313FC9 - gc6J
    51DA7351 - gc6J
    56018003 - GC6J
    564AFEBB - GC6J
    564B0AC3 - GC6J
    GC6E Search Results:
    14BCAAD5 - Gc6e
    4D81EF9C - Gc6E
    4F00EEA6 - Gc6E
    4F5E0DF8 - gC6e
    51077466 - GC6e
    51C723C8 - gc6e
    51D2A02B - gC6e
    523385DB - GC6E
    540970E2 - gc6e
    GC6P Search Results:
    4DFB4B31 - GC6P
    50FC1AB0 - gc6P
    52831816 - Gc6P
    539D8D46 - gC6p
    Since we already know the 29xx addresses are what we need to edit the v1 "Tokusei" disc and those strings are all uppercase GC6J and in a cluster, I think it's safe to assume the 56xx addresses from v2 "Kakuchou" are the 3 addresses to edit.
    Out of curiosity, I also searched GC6E and GC6P on both discs and got the results you see. Only 1 E + 1 P in v1 and 9 E + 4 P in v2. I'm hoping these aren't some kind of code being used to block those versions, because that would take more testing.
    I also took screenshots of the search results, since they showed context. You can see a similar GC6P01 in both v1 and v2 in the 29xx and 56xx addresses, respectively.

    The location for the R&S game IDs on the v2 disc starts at 566894A0.

    I don't feel like searching GC6J/E/P in the USA ISO, but if someone really wants me to, I see the notification, and I remember, then I will. I'm just painfully tired right now. Same for the E/P Ruby and Sapphire cart edit.
    v1 GC6E.png v1 GC6J.png v1 GC6P.png v2 GC6E.png v2 GC6J.png v2 GC6P.png
    I dunno if these images are gonna be thumbnails only, expandable thumbnails, attachments, or what, but I hope you can see them.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2019
    Gridelin likes this.
  7. joe_3077

    joe_3077 New Member

    Jun 10, 2020
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    I know its a long time ago that this topic was discussed. But now I found some time to finish my old saves and complete all the Pokédex' of all Gens. Well, the posts in the forums helped a lot and until now everything worked fine so far. But since yesterday I am almost depressed working on the Ageto Celebi download. I hope anybody is active to help or maybe @HaxAras is still available :)

    I will make it short now:
    - Have a Japanese ruby save as champ
    - Have a Media Launcher with swiss.dol
    - Put the bonus disk iso on a SD-Card/MC
    - Put the save file via mcbackup.dol to a (japanese formatted) MC
    - Started the iso and could start the Bonus disk --> Celebi appears and flies away (without asking me to receive it) ... and I don't understand anything what's written there..

    So I think its something about the save, that maybe the colosseum state is not complete? Or was the Celebi received too many times? Even the Pikachu cannot be downloaded. Whats wrong with the save or did I something completely wrong??

    Does anybody have an idea? Thanks for help!!
  8. north13

    north13 Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    1. Did your japanese colosseum save file have all 48 shadow pokemon captured/purified?
    2. Was there an open spot in your party? You could also use the Google translator app on iPhone or android to translate what it is saying, which will probably help figure out what is going on.
    joe_3077 likes this.
  9. joe_3077

    joe_3077 New Member

    Jun 10, 2020
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    Thanks for answering. Sadly I cannot check the save file because I have no Japanese Colosseum and I didn't find an iso...
    I had an open party but that's definitely not the issue, the process for download doesn't start. Then I really tried to find out what's written there but the google translator app switches some weird sentences back and forth... no chance to understand for me :)
  10. north13

    north13 Member

    Jan 4, 2018
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    Are you using the save file from the first post? How did you know you had an open party slot in the gamecube save if you had no colosseum to test it on?
  11. joe_3077

    joe_3077 New Member

    Jun 10, 2020
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    Ahh ok you mean I need a free slot in my party of the colosseum save?!... I thought a free slot in my party of the ruby version! This could be the reason.
    And yes I used the file from the 1st post. But this means I need a Pokemon Colosseum game to set a free slot somewhere and I don't have it. Is there another chance to make this or to get the jap. Colosseum iso?
  12. Boyki

    Boyki Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    I know there are also some save editors for gamecube available. You could use that one to alter the save file to ensure there is a free slot in your party. Also, the disc first needs to distribute a celebi to your colosseum save and after that it can send one to gba.

    For the gamecube save editor I use PkmnGCsaveEditor. I am not sure where I got it form but I think this will help you . https://projectpokemon.org/home/for...saveeditor-a-pokémon-colosseumxd-save-editor/
    joe_3077 likes this.
  13. joe_3077

    joe_3077 New Member

    Jun 10, 2020
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for help! It was the missing slot in the colosseum save. I could editing the save by deleting a Pokemon. Afterwards I could receive the Celebi to the save and thereafter download it to my ruby version.
    Boyki likes this.
  14. PawsofHorror

    PawsofHorror Active Member

    Jan 25, 2019
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    Have you checked this channel bonus dump to see what it has and if it contains any secret events or something

  15. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    I've not personally looked in to this disc, however I'll obtain it and see if I can spot anything of interest.
    PawsofHorror likes this.
  16. zurbglurb

    zurbglurb New Member

    Apr 10, 2022
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    I've read much about this topic on this forum and I followed the first six steps here with changing the hex values and I can get the Bonus Disc to boot on a US Gamecube through swiss, but once I press A in the menu it just goes to a black screen. I would like to know if it is possible at all to convert the bonus disc to US and transfer Celebi to my US save of colosseum which then would get transferred to my US copy of RSE. I feel as if this question may have been answered already somewhere in here, but I'm just confused so I figured I would ask instead.
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 11, 2022
  17. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    I think that the easiest way to do this is to use Dolphin to start the game with the provided save file, redeem the Celebi and then use PKHeX to extract the Celebi ck3 file from the Colosseum save file and finally import it in your GBA save file (extracted directly from your cartridge).
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2022
    InsaneNutter likes this.
  18. zurbglurb

    zurbglurb New Member

    Apr 10, 2022
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    True, but I'm trying my hardest to use official hardware and software as much as I can. One of the times I used the bonus disk on a JP save then "converted" it to a US save, but whenever I would boot up the save file on a US copy of Colosseum and attempt to trade with my GBA it would tell me my Game Pak wasn't an American version, which actually made me audibly laugh. My other attempts have been trying to use a Hex editor to make the bonus disk NA, but whenever it boots it wont get past when I click on the event in the menu. It just goes black. I guess with my save that is NA, but not NA I could buy a JP gen 3 game and trade the Celebi over since it thinks American Game Paks are actually JP Game Paks
  19. Virion

    Virion New Member

    Jun 23, 2022
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    I have a copy of ruby japanese that is complete I was wondering how I would go about transferring the celebi to the ruby I have a home brew wii or an sd media launcher if needed
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 2, 2022
  20. Trip_Away

    Trip_Away Member

    Aug 27, 2022
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    how i get the Pikachu?

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