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(Custom) Every Gen 3 Distribution Recreated!

Discussion in 'User Created Pokemon Event Distributions' started by UndeadxReality, Mar 26, 2023.

  1. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    Hey there Pokémon Trainers,

    It's been awhile, we hope everyone's been well! We were so excited to post the Holiday surprise which gave us the Top 20 Celebi, Wishmkr Jirachi, Mitsurin Celebi, and Tanabata 2006 Jirachi. Initially, we planned for the rest of the events to be released towards the end of 2022, then mid-January, February, and March 19th... we're sorry for the silence and the delay! However we can say without a doubt it was worth the wait! Let's get into the details!!

    So all of these distributions are based off of the Aura Mew distribution rom... so yes these are rom hacks! However these ROMs are modified to distribute the Pokémon as close to the original as possible (There are some exceptions to this, some of these events weren't preserved in large enough quantities, some weren't preserved in gen 3 format, and some weren't preserved at all so we had to take our best guesses to emulate the event). As with our holiday release, the distribution falls in to 2 categories; (ENG), and (JPN).

    (ENG) This format of the distribution rom which contains 5 regions within the multiboot files (English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish). Most of these distributions appeared only in the USA, however we modified the multiboot software to set the language flag to English, that way you can still receive a legal event Pokémon regardless if your game is English or not!

    (JPN) This format of the distribution rom was modified to only support the Japanese versions of the game. The multiboot software was also edited with Japanese text to simulate what the unpreserved event distribution ROMs would look like!

    Equipment Required:
    • 2x GBA's
    • 1x link cable (original cable works, 3rd party cables might not work)
    • 1x Distribution cart, so you can use a GBA Flash Card or Emulator
    • 1x Pokémon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, LeafGreen, FireRed cart from the language of the distribution you are using.
    How to Distribute:
    1. Save in a Pokémon center and have at least 1 free slot in your party.
    2. Now turn off the receiving system.
    3. Turn on the sending system with the distribution cart inside, connect with a link cable to the receiving system with the Pokémon 3rd gen cart inside and select the Pokémon to transfer.
    4. Turn on the receiving system with the game cart inside and hold start and select as you power the receiving system on. This will make the Nintendo logo disappear.
    5. After a couple seconds you’ll see a colored Nintendo logo appearing on the receiving system and the distribution will then happen automatically
    6. You’ll see a screen that tells you a Pokémon is being received. That Pokémon will now be in your party.

    If we were to describe every event in this release, this post would be super huge! So please watch the video Goppier posted!
    Thank you so much for all the support and we'll see you soon!

    Goppier's video:

    Download Link :

  2. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Amazing! You were absolutely the best! (L)
  3. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Wow, what an amazing accomplishment Goppier & @UndeadxReality - you guys have both done absolutely amazing work here!

    I can't even imagine how many hours it has taken to near enough perfectly re-create just about every Gen 3 distribution during the time you have worked on this.

    I'd been really excited for the eventual release of all your hard work, even more so every time UndeadxReality randomly messaged on Discord with a little teaser.

    Needless to say you will both be remembered indefinitely in Pokemon event preservation history for making almost 20 year old event distributions accessible to everyone for the first time.
  4. Twilight91

    Twilight91 Elite Member

    Sep 14, 2019
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    Very nice. It was worth the wait. Has anyone tried the PCNY distribution?
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2023
    King Impoleon likes this.
  5. ad2099

    ad2099 Member

    Dec 3, 2022
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    Will there be events of which almost no one knows?
  6. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The Hadō Titans is a pretty rare event to have legit Pokemon from.

    We have a genuine Hado Regice and Hado Registeel in the Pokemon GEN3 Legit Event Pokemon Save.

    These came from the now defunct Japanese site here: http://web.archive.org/web/20080916003134/http://www.h6.dion.ne.jp/~taka.999/index.html

    As mentioned in the video more samples in the video are required to ensure legit Hado Titans are generated.
    King Impoleon likes this.
  7. Raydrack

    Raydrack Member

    Aug 1, 2019
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    First of all, thank you infinitely for this and secondly, does anyone know why the Japanese distribution does not work, that is to say, with a Japanese rom of Pokémon Sapphire, it does not work, apparently it does not connect, it runs but at the time of starting the boot it is not sent, the distro room shuts down. freezes
  8. ad2099

    ad2099 Member

    Dec 3, 2022
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    The events of the eggs with the movement wish given in the PCNY were through wonder card?
    I was tracking a wonder card from one of those events and I found a person on reddit who claims to have one of those wonder cards, however the only more or less reliable information is the one found at:

    I see that within all the files of many sites dedicated to pokemon, none of these wonder cards are found, so I began to doubt their existence

    in Vba it works correctly, make sure you are in the pkmn center with an empty space in your team
  9. Raydrack

    Raydrack Member

    Aug 1, 2019
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    I tried with Myboy and with the rom distros in English it works perfectly but the Japanese roms, for example ANA Pikachu-Pokemon Sapphire jpn, don't work. The multicolor screen works but the rom distro freezes when trying to send the pokemon.
  10. King Impoleon

    King Impoleon Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    yes i tried it, but only the first week
    it's nice...i thought it begins from A, but looks like it doesnt exist
  11. Invader TAK

    Invader TAK Elite Member

    May 28, 2016
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    Illinois, United States
    Very nice work as always!

    Also protip for the PCNY distros: set the save type to FLASH 128k, otherwise the Trainer IDs won't increment properly.
    AlamosIT and InsaneNutter like this.
  12. King Impoleon

    King Impoleon Well-Known Member

    Jan 22, 2017
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    what is the Maximum of IDnr can be reached?
  13. Lexi

    Lexi Elite Member

    Dec 31, 2018
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    Are the hado regis the only events that utilized ds download play? That might be critical to figuring out the "method" used for creating their data structure and stats. I don't remember how but iirc some pokemon dsdownload play minigames were preserved like the magikarp fishing minigame though I seem to be having trouble finding these preserved minigames. Its almost a shot in the dark but maybe just maybe something useful could be burried in one of these ds dl play minigames.
    King Impoleon likes this.
  14. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    The PokePark Meowth and PokePark Eggs were also distributed by DS Download Play.
    In addition one of the ways the Old Sea Map was distributed was also via DS Download Play.

    Archived link with info on the Hadō Titans: http://web.archive.org/web/20051018164431/http://www.pokepark.jp/news/050309_01.html

    In regards to the PokePark: Fishing Rally DS game, I believe someone did manage to obtain that at the time by dumping wireless network packets as it was distributed and re-assembling a working rom from this.
    Pretty sure this was a forum post somewhere detailing this somewhere (not on Digiex), however I can't remember where or find this again now. (So please don't take it as fact that's exactly what happened.)

    Sadly I don't think this was ever released, from what I recall the person who dumped it did not wish to share it and only uploaded a video of it running on an emulator at some point.
    King Impoleon likes this.
  15. Raydrack

    Raydrack Member

    Aug 1, 2019
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    ¿Hay alguna forma de hacer esto pero para los juegos de segunda generación con los pokemon y huevos que se distribuían en el PCNY tipo Squirtle con electrocañón?
  16. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    Aún no hemos comenzado las distribuciones de generación 2, ¡estén atentos!

    We haven't started the generation 2 distributions yet, stay tuned!
    Raydrack and AlamosIT like this.
  17. Raydrack

    Raydrack Member

    Aug 1, 2019
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    So yes there is hope that it will happen... wow thank you very much we will be attentive
  18. Raydrack

    Raydrack Member

    Aug 1, 2019
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    Buenas, cual de las roms japonesas es la que tiene estos eventos de huevo? IMG_20230511_160002.jpg

    Attached Files:

  19. UndeadxReality

    UndeadxReality Active Member

    Apr 28, 2018
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    That's using the joyspot software... stay tuned!
    King Impoleon and Raydrack like this.
  20. laytr

    laytr New Member

    May 12, 2023
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    Great work.

    I distributed to JP Ruby and Sapphire using BUUJ - Pokemon Box Eggs (JPN).
    When I open the save file in PKHex, the Origin Game is blank and it says "Analysis not available for the Pokémon" and I cannot analyze it.

    I also output the data in pk3.
    When I get the Sapphire, 0x46-0x47 should be 80 A0(Ruby is 00 A1), but it is 80 A6.
    Is the Origin Game for the Pokémon box fixed at this value?
    EM, FR, and LG seem to contain the correct values.

    The pk3 output in the vanilla state distributed with your roms and the pk3 with only Origin Game changes have different status values.
    The status values are from 0x54 to 0x63.
    The current status may not be calculated correctly.
    Last edited: May 12, 2023

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