Hello! I’ve been having issues with a 360 I’ve purchased a few hours ago. It’s fine and works well, but it’s hitting me with a prompt to update,...
[ATTACH] "A media update is required to play this content." "Status code: 51-C00DF236" Anyone can help me with this? Im using the System Media...
Hey, I recently connected my JTAG xbox 360 to the internet and proceeded to download the prompted update. Although, the download didn't finish. I...
I have an Xbox 360 S, recently I updated it because the Kinect sensor required an update to work. So I updated it from this website below...
I am desperately trying to get my 360 to work but can't stop running into failed update errors. No matter how many different updates i try from...
Thanks for this. I was hoping this would be fix my problem but it doesn't look like it did. Here's the OS I'm dealing with. I don't know if I have...
I was performing a factory reset on my Xbox and unfortunately after the reset process it would not boot back up. After doing some research it...
Hello everyone, I hope you're doing well. Two days ago I brought an Xbox 360 Slim Trinity and tried to update its dashboard to the latest 17559...
Yesterday my console download and try to install new firmware - 16299.4059.amd64fre.rs3_release_xbox_dev_1711.180109-1130, but in process of...
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