1. Find the game you want to buy and add it to the basket 2. Find Tony Hawk Ride as this costs £99.99 and add it to the basket 3. View the basket 4. Enter 10100VCGAME in to the code, it should say code accepted! 5. The above code gives you £10 off a £100 order 6. Proceed to fill in your card and address details and progress the order, then complete the order. 7. Once complete it should say manage orders, go to that and Click on cancel for Tony Hawk Ride. 8. Right that should now be cancelled and leave you with only the game you ordered and £10 off. If you do this for something in stock now it will get dispatched, hopefully if you pre order something it won’t get canceld if they notice later down the line.
I tried it with Assassins Creed but was not in stock so i had to do it with the pre owned version which was £9.99. I followed all the steps but at the end when I canceled the tony hawk game, the price for assassins creed was still £9.99. And now I cannot cancel the order lol.. I sent them an email.
Maybe there system is smart enough not to sell you a game for £0, I’m told it works well with MS points, people have been getting 2100 for £7.50 and not £17.50
I want to get something LOL! May have to try the points. I want Assassins Creed for £12.95 but its out of stock.
When cancelling the £99 game i told it it would cancel both orders, however the cheap one still went through and I now have 3x 2100 Xbox Live Points at £7.50 a go Good find
Another two 2100 Points card dispatched at £7.50 a go, 3 months of xbox live gold for £4. Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box for £9 is available to. I love this coupon code!!!!
So it is still working... For me it all ways has the product at normal price after I have removed Tony Hawk. Have you received these codes yet? Are you guys using an account? EDIT: Just tried it with the 2100 points and it seems to have worked.
Everything in the US is cheaper when there are no offers involved. When I get the 2100 points I will order again
Just got an email from Game, looks like they’re going to honour my pre order of Halo 3 ODST Think I might have to order some cheap MS points, although I have 4700 still from a good deal I got last year.
I would milk this thing for all the MS points I could. Especially with the new Fallout 3 DLC relasing tomorrow and upcoming Rock Band DLC.
I’m so tempted, but how many MS points is too many? I always thought having 4700 was a lot lol (did have 8000+ at one point)
You can never have too many points. The more you have, the less you need to worry about not having enough.
I would order alot more but It would get obvious and probably get caught. How long is this code going for?
If it gets caught, on well. You might as well get as much as you can because the points dont have expiry dates! I have now (over the past few days) ordered: 10x 2100 Xbox Live Points @ £7.50 a go 4x 3 Months Xbox Live @ £4 a go Big Surf City DLC + Sonic Unleashed DLC here I come!
£75 worth of MS points Nimrod haha, still a saving of £100 is great stuff! Not sure how long it lasts for just make the most of it Safinn, I’m going to pre order a few games im after as there’s nothing out at the moment that I really want. £10 off Crackdown 2 pre-order I don’t think they will be many pre order deals better than that, Free shipping in time for launch day too.
I want to pre-order Fifa 10, Assassins Ceed 2, already pre-ordered Modern Warfare 2 and maybe Splinter Cell Conviction but I dont have the money LOL.