Snes360 V 0.21 Beta, a Super Nintendo Emulator for the Xbox 360 has been released. Enjoy the screenshots below from the Xbox-Scene announcement. Spoiler * Features - Graphics/Sound - Achievements (don't be a dumbass and use this on live, your console will be banned) - XUI user interface - SRAM save support linked to a user profile - Filters : Simple2x, Scanlines, TV Mode, Super Eagle, Super 2xSAI, HQ2x - Turbo Mode (Right Trigger) - Aspect Ratio/Stretch Mode support - SaveStates (currently 1 per rom) - Previews * Usage This is an Xbox 360 Game On Demand Package. Unrar it and place it in HDD:\Content\0000000000000000\ Roms should be placed in the following: (sorry if you dont like the locations but there a reason for their locations) GAME:\roms\ (dont have to worry about this one since its in the package) USB0:\_Emus\Snes360\Roms\ USB1:\_Emus\Snes360\Roms\ USB2:\_Emus\Snes360\Roms\ DVD:\Roms\ HDD:\Emus\Snes360\Roms\ MEMUNIT0:\Roms\ MEMUNIT1:\Roms\ The PreviewPath tag will specify where you want your Preview Images to be stored. Default is hdd:\EMUS\SNES360\Preview\ Toggle through each device my pressing R-Shoulder in the Rom List. Both sticks during game will pause the current rom and open up the In Game Options * Not Implemented (Yet) - Input Button Mapping - Favorites support - Pixel Shaders to replace Software filters (speed) - Cheat support - IPS support - Multiple ROM Folders - Other misc stuff * Notes This is still an early beta. It may crash in some spots. Most roms run at 60fps. Some slowdown occurs - this will be resolved in future builds as more PPC code optimizations are implemented. More of your favorite emulators/homebrew to donations required... * Greets kl0wn, Odb718, AutoB0t, r0wdy, Redline99, AngerWound, TJ_CRS, Xenon7 MomDad, Direw0lf, idc, Arak0n, Devenic, XanTium and all the rest of the Xbox Scene! Lets take 360 Scene/Development to the next level in 2010! Yes just about anything can emulate the Snes but you need to start somewhere. I quite like the achievements
WoW! lets just hope the next step is n64 for xbox 360! nice news. btw do you have mod ur xbx 360 b4 u can install this.
Yup modded (jtagged) 360's only. Considering what a modded Xbox 1 could do i would really like to see Dreamcast / GameCube emulation on the 360 at some point.
There would probably more likely to be a Gamecube emulator then a Dreamcast emulator, its a hard one to emulate. Also not very many people have a tagged 360.
Either are more than possible I bet, the 360 has the processing power and enough ram to emulate the Xbox, PS2, GameCube / Wii and any console out before them. I do agree the Cube is most likley as it uses a PowerPC processor like the Xbox 360. I got my self a console from Jan 2009 with the 7371 dash, now i need to learn how to solder.
The Wii would be a little too rough for the the Xbox and the Xbox emulator isn't needed. The only reason the Dreamcast would be difficult is because the hardware and the way it runs, very complex system.
The Wii and Cube both share a similar PowerPC processor, which calculates not very different from the Xbox360's. Plus there already is Dolphin, an excelent GameCube/Wii emulator for PC that can already play high-end games (like Mario Kart DD etc etc) without any graphical bugs, making it actually hard to notice the difference between Dolphin and the real Cube/Wii. I'd love to see this emu ported to the 360 at some point. Though I'm not willing to tag my 360's at this point yet.