Working 360 wireless joypad On My psp Hi peeps ive managed to set usb Host/IR 3.6 To allow me to use my Xbox 360 Wireless joypad To Play games on the psp ive got a wireless reciver for pc to use all my 360 wireless accessories on it so i thought they had to be a way to use the IR shell to use wireless gamepad instead of a wired one. Update: you just use usbhostfs_PC_Win_1.5at and IR shell 3.6 providing you got a 360 pc receiver - Run configure_joypad.exe in usbhostfs_PC_Win_1.5at - Config your Wireless joypad 1st then save it in usbhostfs_PC_Win_1.5at folder - Then run usbhostfs_PC_Win_1.5at(make a shortcut to desktop saves time next time ) - Then run IR shell goto IR config settings And set ur usbhost settings like this - then save (press circle) then connectto pc via usbhost on IR (should say device connected on usbhostfs_PC_Win_1.5at Window on pcwhen connected - Your joypad should work a treat As long as you configed the joypad and your IR Nethost settings are correct Also drop your iso folder with ur games in the same folder as usbhosts or visa-versa then select directory view in ir shell then usbhost0:/all your games be there ready to play with your wireless pad dont think they anything i left out. I have not tested this quite yet, I'll be doing that now. My PSP analog stick is messed up so if this works that will be very nice.
Did you have any luck getting this to work? I’m not letting myself play about with this until I’ve finished the rest of my essays. Looks like a very nice hack though, for people who have the PSP slim I guess they could hook it up to the TV and play the PSP with the 360 joy pad like it was a console. (The slim is the one you can connect to a TV isn’t it? I forget )
Yeah, you can hook the slim up to a TV. I still haven't got around to testing this, although this guide is on multiple sites so i'd assume that it works.
It works! I tried this recently and it works. Some games feels better to control with the xbox 360 controller.