Hello! We found the tutorial for capturing 40d programmes & have saved the 1st programme, but have got stuck on mux FLV to MP4. The command prompt didnt get us far as the folder address wasnt recognised....but we found that by going directly to the rip download folder & clicking on the 'command' subfolder [ as seen on the tutorial directly below the CH4 file] we could see for an instance [less that half a second] the C:\Windows\system 32\cmd.exe. black [bios??] display window. Can you Guys help us find that C:\Windows\system 32\cmd.exe. black [bios??] display window. so that we can enter the instruction to convert to MP4? Our rip down load & CH4 programme is in our download folder
I believe you are just having problems opening the command prompt? thats what cmd.exe is. You can find it under accessories in the start menu
Thanks for that ...we had found the link but adding to the users\ etc > Downloads>40d-rip-download-package " is not recognised as an internal or external command operable program or batch file" . Sorry if we are being thick!
Click in the address bar when in the 40d rip package folder and copy + paste what you see here Ill try work out what you are doing wrong then.
Hello ! Thanks for your help so far. This is the address of where the 40d is stored. C:\Users\Claireat111\Downloads\40d-rip-download-package PS how does one take a screen shot as per your image above & the bios black box for the commands?
On your keyboard there should be a key that says PrtScn (if you're using a Win Keyboard, not sure about macs) or something similair. Press it and open up an imaging application such as MS paint. In there right click and choose paste. It should bring up a snap shot. If you want to take a pic of a particular window and not just the whole screen press alt+PrtScn
Keep typing cd.. then press enter in the comment prompt window untill you get to the root of your drive C:\ Then type cd C:\Users\Claireat111\Downloads\40d-rip-download-package you should then be in the correct folder.
Hello all again ! Thanks for all your help...I am feeling very stupid because I cant get off the command prompt screen ...have spent ages trying ! Have tried the windows button+r route too...it wont find the address although the file is there
You have done it in your last attempt on the screenshot, you have navigated to the folder you need to be in So just continue on with the tutorial, type in: "ffmpeg -i CH4_08_02_900_50798001001001_001.flv -vcodec copy -acodec copy your-download.mp4" with no quotes and you will have your download converted. CH4_08_02_900_50798001001001_001.flv is the name if the file ripped from 4od.
Sorry we arent there yet....should I have entered the vcodec copy acodec copy ?...normally I can grasp techno stuff quickly...this is new ground for me
You are trying to move to the folder and convert the video at the same time, you need to be in the folder first before you can run the command to convert the video. So first cd C:\Users\Claireat111\Downloads\40d-rip-download-package Then ffmpeg -i CH4_08_02_900_50798001001001_001.flv -vcodec copy -acodec copy your-download.mp4
sorry to try your patience....have tried to follow the instructions & I think that we have made progress but there is still something not quite right....We went through the entries 3 times but something is missing !!!!!
Looking at your screenshot in the post here your actual download is 0kb, meaning it has failed. Try downloading the program again and you should have then worked out how to convert it to a MP4
40d flvto MP4 Hi InsaneNutter.....that is a disappointment as that episode has gone now ....I will try again with the other two episodes. Many thanks for all your help & patience...hope that the dropbox stuff is useful to you