regarding the psn and the millions on lawcases that have been filed against sony could create a ripple effect i see 2 things happening compensate for what has happend shares drop and they may become bust what this means for xbox360/wii users basically developers will put their game prices higher to make up for the loss of the sales on ps3 system but this would be good for microsoft and nintendo as this would mean they would dominate the console market
Why they sue sony is confusing,anyone can break into a network and steal information if its encrypted or not.It would be better if consumers demand sony to find these hackers or legal issues will arise.
well they will also have to file a report to data protection act and if they think not enough has been done they have power to temporarily suspend operations and people are sueing because credit/debit card details were stolen which was sonys rresponsability to keep secure
PSN was hacked by the infamous group of hackers called " Anonymous " they already attacked many servers and they never got caught, whats going to change now ?
annoymous was part of opsony not psn attacks somone framed them by planting a text document with the line we are legion in the psn servers well like the saying goes innocent until proven guilty
I definitely doubt Anon did this as they've always been about protecting freedom of speech among other things, while their approach may not always be the best at least they stand for their rights in ways most people would be afraid to. Anon would know the legal issues something like this would create so they would know better than to plant a doc file like that and the fact they are about protecting freedoms, not stealing credit cards. Days before the attack Sony fired over 200 people from their online department, I know if I were one of them i'd be pretty pissed and it would of been extremely easy for them to create a remote access inside of the servers, sounds pretty plausable to me. Only time will tell if they'll actually find out who did it or at least who they'll try to accuse/plant it on.