Windows 7: Security software providers There you can get Anti-Virus betas that last longer then only 30 days. The only one I have tried is the Kaspersky Anti-Virus beta and that is all I need. There are several that you can pick from but I HIGHLY recommend using the Kaspersky beta. Though it isn't quite as user friendly (for the more advanced people who have a bit of experience with PC's) as other betas might be it will stop any malacious code from getting into your PC wether its from the internet or from a program. Also the Kaspersky Beta will last for atleast 183 days, which it a good amount of time for a free trial. It does its job and does it well. I don't recommend Norton because its the worst Anti-Virus that I've used in my life and shouldn't even be called an Anti-Virus. (I do know I posted something similar awhile back but the URL was only for the Kaspersky Beta, this has all of the betas)
Nice find there, interesting to see Microsoft’s own security essentials is not on there yet. Ive been testing that out in Windows 7 as mentioned in another thread.
Don't know about running Beta AV software, with kids in the house I need something a bit more tried and tested, in other words, RTM AV software. I've been using Trend Internet Security Suite 2009 under Windows 7 and haven't had any issues. Nice thing about Trend is they have a 64 bit version of it, also the key I have for the IS Suite 2007 worked in the 2009 version for both 32 and 64 bit.
Maybe its because its horrible. I'll probably never use it again. If there was any beta Anti-Virus that you could know would work good its Kaspersky. It works great, I've never had any issues with Kaspersky.
I really doubt it as it is for people testing Windows 7. You can try it but I'm pretty sure it will say your not on Windows 7 and deny you. Although you can get a Anti-Virus beta that will work on Windows XP and Vista here.
What was wrong with it? I used it on a Windows 7 beta install which i have since formatted but I didnt have no real issues with it.
It doesn't find anything. If it actually found things I might like it, it almost reminds me of Norton. It takes forever to scan and doesn't find a damn thing. It also doesn't inform me when things may have entered my PC or if I boot up an executable and there may be a virus inside. Kaspersky will block and executable that you may boot up if it finds or thinks it finds a virus inside of it. Something will pop-up notifying that it may have found something then asks if you liked it to remain blocked or to have it unblocked. It will also stop any malacious code from entering from web browsing, which I've yet to see any other anti-virus do.