Anyone watch The Closer or Saving Grace on TNT? Has anyone seen the new series from TNT called The Closer or Saving Grace? I watch them every monday sometimes even more, depending on if they put some repeats on TV. TNT.TV The below spoiler is a preview of this coming mondays episode of The Closer. Enjoy! Spoiler For a Full episode's of The Closer look below (These are old ones, and IS LEGAL) The Closer is rated TV-14! TNT - DramaVision Did you like it, want more? TNT - DramaVision More? TNT - DramaVision Thanks for viewing. For more, watch every monday starting at 8PM EASTERN TIME on TNT Full epidsode's of saving grace below (These are old shows and are FULLY Legal) Saving Grace is rated TV-MA NO KIDS ALLOWED! TNT - DramaVision Like it want more? Look below! TNT - DramaVision More? TNT - DramaVision Thats all I have. For more start viewing at 10PM EASTERN TIME ON TNT P.S. InsaneNutter, Nimrod I like the spoiler tags. Thanks!
At 10AM EST TIME 08/16/08, The Closer guest starring Jennifer Coolidge which is the women from american pie. (GREAT MOVIE) Will be rerunning last mondays episode. I hope all is watching! I've watched it already but my DVR didn't record it for some reason, so I've got to watch again but I'm happy!!!!!!!!!!!
I dont like this type of series, the fact that they are planty of them out there these days make me almost hate them, whenever you are zaping around there is always one of this kind runnig. Edit: i love gilmore girls, the manliest series ever!
Both of these series are great. If you'll just sit down a watch a few of them you'll change your mind.