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AT&T U-Verse Installation Disk for Xbox 360 Download

Discussion in 'Downloadable Content' started by Hoffman, Jan 12, 2011.

  1. srh545

    srh545 New Member

    Nov 7, 2013
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    FYI, this still works. You will NOT NEED an Xbox Live Gold membership OR the HPNA adapter. They'll ask about both. Just tell them you already have them.

    If you have the xbox 360 slim 4GB you will need an internal hard drive otherwise the installation will bark about not having a hard drive installed and subsequently fail. USB Drives will not work.

    You'll also need a sympathetic Tier 2 support agent. The first insisted they stopped provisioning the xbox. The second wasnt sure but was willing to give it a try and got me up and running in about 10 mins.

    So far works just like any other receiver. Thanks to Hoffman for making the iso available and all the great info in this thread.
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Just a heads up for anyone still using this, you will not be able to use the U-verse service on the 360 from the end of the year.


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