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Backbreaker Demo Download

Discussion in 'Demos' started by xzKinGzxBuRnzx, Jun 1, 2010.

  1. xzKinGzxBuRnzx

    xzKinGzxBuRnzx Moderator

    Aug 9, 2008
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    This demo doesn't require a modified console.

    To burn more than one demo to an CD/DVD just download all the demo's you wish, then add all of them into a folder called "0000000000000000" Create it manually. Secondly, create another new folder called "Content". Now move folder "0000000000000000" into folder "Content". Should now appear like this. Congrats, if it does then your ready to burn. Read below for more instructions on how to burn.

    To Inject this to an Xbox 360 hard drive or Flash drive just copy the contents inside the RAR file into "Content" / "0000000000000000". If more than one simply repeat the process.

    Need help with something? Visit our Guides Section

    Description of game:
    Backbreaker is the full-on 11VS. 11, high-impact pro football that outruns, outhits, and flat-out dominates the games of the past. It’s a new generation of football for a new generation of fans.

    1. Inject To Hard Drive
    2. Inject To Flash Drive
    3. Burn To CD/DVD
    4. Enjoy!

    Backbreaker Demo Download

    Backbreaker Purchase - United States

    Attached Files:

  2. Captain Caveman

    Captain Caveman Active Member

    Dec 13, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Thanks bud.. much appreciated!!!

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