Bans & Appeals

Discussion in 'Digiex Minecraft Server' started by Skeven, Jul 19, 2011.

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  1. Skeven

    Skeven Elite Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    So you got banned...
    Now what...?

    Well, first thing is first, you should feel really bad about what you did. If you don't, this experience has taught you nothing and you should go to some other server.

    Any ban appeals will get the attention of the server owner, who will remove any bans handed out unfairly by the team here, however if you griefed we have zero interest in any excuses that it was your brother, or your sister, or your grand parents as in 99.9% of cases thats complete rubbish. Most users are just shocked they got caught and go into panic with excuses, and were not interested. Its your Minecraft Account so your responsible for any actions that happen on it.

    By joining our server, you are are agreeing to being logged ingame and being checked against the global banlist which is hosted by MCBans and used on the majority of the Minecraft Servers out there.

    Types of Bans

    Temporary Ban
    Temporary bans are typically given for misbehaviour in chat or user actions. Usually the length of the ban will be specified at the time of temporary banning and it is automatically lifted when that time has been reached.​

    Do not make an appeal for bans of these type.

    Local Ban
    Local bans apply only to the server, however all servers with McBans will be able to see this ban. It does not, however, alter your McBans reputation score. These are typically given for very low level griefs, misbehaviour, not following the rules, being rude to the admins and other players, etc.​

    Local bans can only be appealed on these forums

    Global Ban
    Global Bans are typically given for high level offences on our server. If you are banned for Griefing, Hacking (Xray, FlyMod, Speed) or Hate Speech (Racism, Homophobia) your ban will go global and be shared amongst servers, and it will bring down your rep on this system. Please note on any bans, we instantly write out our Logbook log for your actions, so your highly unlikely to win an appeal if you were banned for the reasons mention above as we will have proof of your actions​

    If globally banned, you have 90 days to appeal your ban here or 30 days on the McBans site. Do remember though, we keep logs and screenshots (if applicable) for all Global bans according to the McBans' standards for retaining evidence.

    How to Appeal

    If appealing through Digiex:
    Create an account (if you don't already have one) and post to THIS THREAD ONLY

    Make sure to state the type of ban you received (local or global), the reasons why you think this ban was wrongly given, and do remember to remain civil.​

    If appealing through McBans:
    Visit MCBans website.​
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2011
  2. Jozo117

    Jozo117 Active Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    South London, Wallington
    Just banned Savagesam for griefing in my house, i was with him and he placed lava everywhere in it. Gave him a local ban then he went on his brothers account (chazza117) to come and grief again but he left after chaz said to not get banned on his account. just wanted to ask if this is a reasonably thing to ban him for.
  3. MrNitvit

    MrNitvit Resident

    Mar 7, 2011
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    Somewhere you don't want to go.
    My friend was trying to connect to digiex and he got rejected saying that he griefed yet he has never been on the server before? The only server he ever played on was reddit c. and s. His username is: epicosity1000
  4. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    He is currently Globaled on the McBans Network, and as such is banned from ours and many other servers in the network.
    I'm affraid we cannot handle his appeal, he will need to do it on to the relevant servers that banned him.
  5. Jozo117

    Jozo117 Active Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    South London, Wallington
    ermm how can i put this.. i need an admin on while im dealing with people trying to grief/steal. A guy named lion_kind just came on as a visitor and was walking around trying to break blocks so i said stop but he carried on and started taking things from locked furnaces and chests, then he went into Chazza117's house and kept opening a door, which when i opened it said 'This door is locked by Chazza117' but he had no problem getting in. So i kicked him after he was doing all these things but he joined again. So i said bye-bye and banned him locally, Since there was no admin on and he kept joining it was the only thing i could do to stop him stealing things. hope this wasnt the wrong thing to do but i have none of the admins msn/skype and whatever i need to communicate with them.
  6. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    I'm not even an Admin and probably not a mod anymore (lol) but you did the right thing to ban him. Hell, it probably should of been a global ban, someone that is gonna go around and completely screw things up doesn't really need to play on any servers at all. So if you see anyone that is messing with other peoples stuff in ways they don't want to and refuse to stop even after being told to do so, just ban 'em.
  7. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    I've sent you a PM with all the Admins Skype's. You did the right thing. Regarding Chests, you can check with with Logblock if you use the usual stick on them to see if they really took items, or just looked. Regarding LWC, this will be raised as the protection should be holding, the only way to open an LWC'ed door is to use a switch, and doing so is a bannable offence.
  8. 2797jake

    2797jake Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    hi its 2797jake, you probaly hate me, i was banned for greifing a while back, (global ban i think im so srry) please before you decline this just hear me out and ill understand you desicion. first off i only greifed twice, onece a small abandoned shack that no one was using, and second was part of a building that was mostly already destroyed. now this might not convince you but ill tell you reasons while ill never grief, first off i know know how much it sucks after i was greifed on a different server pyrello, and ive donated $10 to your server (maby 15 i dont remember) but why would i waste my money just to get banned instantly after i grief from logblock? i know you can rollback and log everything done on the server so what would i gain from greifing? you would instantly roll it back and ban me from a server ive payed money for that doesn't make any scene to me why i would greif. the main point is i won't greif i just want to play some minecraft. please at least consider my post because i spent a lot of thought into it, im even ok with being a very low rank and having to earn my way back up. ill do anything u guys ask, and one more reason if i just wanted to grief i would choose some server that don't have a log i mean im not stupid, and why would i spend the time writing this if i wanted to grief?. please consider, i will understand your decision.
    and last off im sorry about all that im now more mature and i just wana play some minecraft.
  9. MrNitvit

    MrNitvit Resident

    Mar 7, 2011
    Likes Received:
    Somewhere you don't want to go.
    Just because you've paid money doesn't mean the rules don't apply to you. I have donated $150 and the apply to me aswell. Even admins have to abide by the rules unless told otherwise.
  10. 2797jake

    2797jake Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    i never said that the rules dont apply to me i just stated that why would i greif and get banned on a server that i payed money to play on?
  11. Strategia

    Strategia Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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    In your worst nightmares
    There's really nothing more I can say.
  12. 2797jake

    2797jake Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    um i wouldn't consider it greing abandoned places that no one uses and i listed y i will never do that again and theres no harm in letting me back on it will take u 2 sec to ban me and use rollback on whatever i greifed wich i wont.
  13. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    You don't know whats Abandoned or not, and clearly one of them wasn't or the player in question wouldn't have found the grief and reported it. Leave the job of tidying up abandoned buildings to the Admin team, and stop 'guessing' whats abandoned, if all our players did that we would have a major grief problem as only the Ops Team knows who is active and who isnt.
  14. 2797jake

    2797jake Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    ok well the point is that i wont destroy anything that i didnt built even if its what i consider abandoned thats the point
  15. Strategia

    Strategia Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    Likes Received:
    In your worst nightmares
    No, the point is that you griefed. You could say you're the emperor of Japan, you're still banned.
  16. 2797jake

    2797jake Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    all im saying is i WONT DO IT AGAIN thats all that matters right? so apparently you dont forgive people for things done in the past. i think thats all that matters just never doin it again, y would i do it again? im not that stupid

    and just please give me a chance, i just want to play minecraft, you can ban me if i do ANYTHING wrong, it will only take a min out of your day to ban me, soy not give me a second chance?
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 28, 2011
  17. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    I'll tell you what, I'm going to go out of character right now and remove your ban, heres the reasons why:

    You fucked up, you finally accept that.
    You actually spent the time to post on this forum, and check on the thread almost hourly
    You donated, which is more than 90% of our players, and considering our server has been unfunded for over 2 months now, I feel those who donate, no matter how small deserve a lot more than those who freeload when its costing $40 a month to keep the server up.
    I'm in a happy mood as we finally got 1.8 on our server.

    Therefore, consider yourself unbanned this once, if anything happens again it be instant rollback and global banned.
  18. 2797jake

    2797jake Member

    Sep 21, 2011
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    ok thank you i will do nothing at all to upset any of you, thanks so much
  19. James_Nitro

    James_Nitro New Member

    Sep 24, 2011
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    I got banned a long time ago. and it was a ban that was totally wrong, i got banned for greifing minerjohns house. He is my big brother in real life and i just trolled him, it wasnt even himself that got me banned he didnt care. he just wanted me to rebuild it, i talked with snookieboy like 6 month ago about getting unbanned. i love your server and i want to return. it have been a pain in ass to always steal my brothers account to play on the server. He also hopes that i can return.
  20. Skeven

    Skeven Elite Member

    Aug 4, 2008
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    The ban wasn't totally wrong, we found what looked to be a grief and took action upon it to prevent further damage.
    Anyhow, if minerjohn can confirm this claim in-game to one of the admins (and make sure he mentions this thread or myself), we can look into it.

    Sorry about the late response, I've taken a short hiatus due to a pretty hectic schedule.
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