Battlefield 3 Early Access Beta Download Here

Discussion in 'News and Article Submission' started by seanpr92, Sep 27, 2011.

  1. gay2max

    gay2max New Member

    Sep 28, 2011
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    no it works nvm about what I posted earlier
  2. Kac903

    Kac903 New Member

    Sep 27, 2011
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  3. D4rth Man7iz

    D4rth Man7iz Member

    Nov 9, 2009
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    Thanks a lot!

    I played like for 5 hours non-stop. For those who are worried about being banned...there is nothing to worry about, there is a lot of difference with the Gears 3 Beta in terms of access options. The Gears 3 Beta was meant to be available for those who purchased Bulletstorm Epic Edition or who pre-ordered at certain retailers so it was not totally 'open'. In comparison the Battlefield 3 Beta will be available for everyone who has a 360/PS3 connected to LIVE/PSN (even silver-free/non-plus member accounts will do), therefore it will be totally open and without any access restrictions.

    So stop being melodramatic and get least you'll have better equipment than those starting on the 29th.

    Battlefield 3 Beta

    Hey it seems Call of Duty is about to face serious competition....besides don't you prefer a more rewarding experience, instead of killing mindless opponents who are just interested in getting the highest killstreak while running around using marathon and cheap tactics? Battlefield might be aimed for a more 'hardcore' and dedicated online community, but when you work as a team and achieve your objectives I think the feeling is a lot more rewarding than getting a Tactical Nuke or some other overpowered CoD killstreak. 360/PS3 graphics may not touch the quality of those on a high-end PC...but the experience is great nonetheless.....ohhh The Sound!!! You can feel gunshots, far away explosions, rockets passing inches away (you gotta' have some nice speakers set-up or headphones of course). Still remember it's a Beta and there will some bugs and glitches here and there, but nothing to be considered as a 'game-breaker'.

    Hope You enjoy the Beta! Thanks again everyone who ripped, upload, host and shared this early access Beta file ;)
  4. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom

    the beta does not carry on into full they wipe stats on 10th
  5. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    anyone noticed you can fall under map and theres loads of weapons and you can kill people lol some sort pothole near base
  6. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    As of now, I have been playing for about an hour and a half.
    Here is a list of Bugs/Glitches I have encountered so far.

    Bug #1: Matchmaking Load Stops
    In the Matchmaking screen and on occasion, the Match Finder suddenly stops.
    Player Solution: Restart Matchmaking.

    Bug #2: Loss of Certain Sounds
    In-game and on occasion, I stop hearing certain sounds, mostly objective and environmental based sounds. I can still hear slight sounds of enemy movement and shots fired. The volume of my own shots being fired and movement is slightly decreased.
    Player Solution: N/A

    Bug #3: Black and White Screen
    In-game and on occasion, upon spawn after being killed, my screen appears in black and white.
    Player Solution: Click "Start" to bring up the in-game menu, this should fix it, until the next time.

    Bug #4: Infinite Loading Screen After Leaving A Game
    In the Loading screen and on occasion, after leaving a game, I get an infinite loading screen (or what seems to be infinite).
    Player Solution: Return to the Xbox Dashboard.

    Bug #5: Missing Gun Model
    In-game and upon spawning, gun models are missing completely.
    Note: It hasn't happened to me so I don't know the exact instance.

    Bug #6: Catapulted While Vaulting
    In-game and rarely, I am catapulted while vaulting over an object.
    Note: You will most likely take damage from this.

    Bug #7: Mic Lag
    In-game and most of the time, voice chat lags and skips.
    Note: This is in-game voice chat, not Xbox Live Party Chat.

    Bug #8: Knife Hit-Detection
    In-game and on occasion, you will miss with your knife. The knives range may be off, or the hit-box may not register the knife.
    Player Solution: Try knifing only while the other player is completely still, or while behind them.

    Bug #9: Bullet Tracers Not Disappearing
    In-game and on occasion, bullet tracers will not disappear, and they will appear to hover in mid-air.

    Bug #10: Floating Environmental Models
    In-game and on occasion, sections of trees, artillery, etc. will appear to float in mid-air after being destroyed.

    Bug #11: Extra Weapon Model
    In-game and on occasion, an extra weapon model appears in front of the original weapon model.

    Bug #12: Black Screen/Load Freeze
    In the Loading screen and on occasion, the game will freeze upon entering a game and you will see a black screen, but will hear in-game sound.
    Player Solution: Return to the Xbox Dashboard.

    Bug #13: Sprint "Cooldown"
    In-game and occasionally, after running into an object or suddenly stopping, you will be unable to sprint for a short period of time.
    Player Solution: Just wait it out.

    Bug #14: Unable to Aim Down Sight
    In-game and on occasion, you will become unable to zoom in or aim down sights.

    Bug #15: Unable to Fire
    In-game and on occasion, you will become unable to fire your weapon.

    Bug #16: Ragdoll
    In-game and on occasion, dead bodies will move about randomly along the ground.

    Bug #17: Sticking to Objects
    In-game and on occasion, you will stick to an object and be unable to move.

    Bug #18: Screen Flashes
    In-game and on occasion, the screen flashes with colors, such as black, red and green.

    Bug #19: No Reload Animation
    In-game and occasionally, upon reload, no animation appears.

    Bug #20: Matchmaking Doesn't Work with Friends/Squads
    Upon entering matchmaking with friends, you won't be put in the same squad, or some/all, including yourself may not make it into the game entirely.

    Bug #21: Delayed Impact to Explosion Time
    In-game, when you shoot a rocket, there will be a delay from when the rocket impacts a target and the time damage is dealt.
  7. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    I've experienced most of those bugs. Knife detection is just horrific, even worse then Bad Company 2. For Bug #13 if you find yourself unable to sprint, let go of the left analog stick for a split second so it has time to go to its normal resting position, then you can sprint again. For Bug # 14 & 15 if you have trouble shooting or aiming, reload the weapon or swap weapons with the Y button, this will reset the aiming and shooting, allowing you to aim and shoot as normal.

    Personally i'm not that thrilled with the game. I can't play it without hardcore mode as I'd rather not shoot someone 20 times to kill them. Besides that even being able to go prone practically ruins the game. The maps are massive, the game doesn't need prone, it just makes camping even worse and then the drop shotting assholes from CoD also tag along.
  8. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    ive also found potholes on map where you can fall through and shoot people once more find it out im sure they will abuse it,also ive found out once you load this up you can actally log into battlelog which i createad a digiex platoon XD
  9. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    found these on battlelog unlocked with my veteran status

    Attached Files:

  10. Neoteam1

    Neoteam1 Addict

    Apr 10, 2011
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    United Kingdom
    There are so many bugs to this game im getting a bug where you sniper someone and the bullets dont connect.
  11. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    All the bugs aside i really did not rate the game at all, cant really say what it is about the game, I just didn't enjoy it at all.

    The menu's were annoying, the game lay felt pretty slow, I guess I just didn't clicked with the game. Its probably not my thing as ive never been that keen on any of the Battlefield games. Saying that I thought the same about Modern Warfare, then i played Modern Warfare 2 and was hooked instantly.
  12. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom

    yeah i know cod is more action paced where as battlefield is more tactical i also think dice were pressured by ea to make the beta which is probably why it is rushed i can see 2 things happening either they will patch the code this week or next or 2 the game will launch buggy as hell but saying that i havent cancelld my pre order
  13. Dark Scyth

    Dark Scyth Moderator

    Mar 3, 2009
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    Battlefield is a game that takes a bit of time to get used to. At first Bad Company 2 annoyed the hell out of me and I just didn't like it but after I got things down as to what did what and how strong the guns were, then the game became quite enjoyable with the Dedicated servers, for the most part all the bullets actually count instead of MW2 where you have to put several rounds into them unless you're the host.

    Battlefield 3 on the other hand, can't say i'm really liking it so far, not even sure if i'll play the Beta anymore. Every time I tried to invite a friend and start, it would say that you can't connect to the EA servers.
  14. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    Caspian border map on beta

    caspian border will unlock later during the course of the beta ive heard and thats one with tanks jets ect hopefully that map aint so buggy like op metro
  15. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    patches may be incoming if not then live updates

    @JochemJ1 #BF3 #Battlelog Will post a fixlist on battlelog later about the update we´re running now.
  16. seanpr92

    seanpr92 Godlike

    Oct 12, 2010
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    Nottingham, United Kingdom
    EA server temporarily offline in bf3 for maientance

    server is temp offline for maientance patching ect on xbox side you will get connection to ea server lost

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