looking at the trailer the game looks fun and the fans are not reacting well to the change mainly the whinny teenagers frank woods is alive based around 2050 [video=youtube;x3tedlWs1XY]https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=x3tedlWs1XY#![/video]
I'm looking forward to this , I wasn't a fan of the 1st black ops as they nerfed quick-scoping and drop shotting but as this is set in the near future i'll be spending abit more time on the career than I have done in the previous games
Eh, the only good thing Call of Duty's are good for is social multi player online and lots of trolling for fun. Tho, it sucks when the troll gets trolled. lol
After watching BO2's trailer, I've changed my opinion about the game. The trailer looked really good, not something I would've expected from a yearly CoD game but set in the future with robots, it showed me Activision decided to move forwards to something different although still in FPS genre. Really good trailer! Maybe the Halo fans will call this Call of Halo.