Bringing back the Digiex Minecraft Server (serious this time, and public!)

Discussion in 'Digiex Minecraft Server' started by Nimrod, Mar 19, 2013.

  1. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    For a long time, people have requested the Digiex Minecraft Server to come back, in the past we have even tried to restore it as a private only server with low spec hardware (due to cost constrants) but due to not being open it never really worked. However SuperCity, a Digiex member has come forward with an offer that can help bring the Digiex Minecraft Server back, sort of.


    He's launched a new Minecraft server at, it's a high spec server that's only just started. The great thing about this server is not only is it friendly and the Digiex Team are transfering over, but it's also public and well funded. So new players will be joining, and over time it be just like it use to be.

    Spec is quite insane:
    Quad Core Xeon E3 1245v2 (8mb Cache) CPU
    32GB DDR3 Ram
    2 x 120GB SSD’s with 1TB External Backup
    Dual Power Supplies
    Dual Networking Cards
    1Gbit Dedicated uplink

    As he has close ties with some of the Digiex members and during a long conversation we have come up with an idea to bring the server back for good this time, and public. But it's not straight forward as planned. Digiex over its time has had over 7 maps, which is just to much to bring across onto a new tidy server with only a couple. So the plan is to take the best from Digiex and place it into their new server, and merge our players. However Digiex has got a good deal for it's players, in return for providing some of our buildings. The best part of this, is this new server is open and public, so over time new players will join expanding the userbase and hopefully providing a long term server enviroment for our players to continue their Minecraft Adventures.

    To begin with, City17 and Orion (from our CityWorld) will be implented into their main map near their capital city. A real effort will be made to bring Minecart Mania back online to get the train system working, if not a working alternative will be brought online. The cities will then be able and further built on by both Digiex Players and new players joining the server. Every month we will get an output of the map from Minetowns which we will backup into the Digiex Server Archeive so any new work is saved in the event that Minetowns close (we kept every Digiex map backed up in two locations, as we never want to loss our great players work).

    Over time, more oppunities will open up for 'the best' parts of the Digiex Server from any of our 7 maps to be imported into the new worlds, though what is, is up for Digiex members to decide on the Digiex forum.

    Now the best bit, we love our members and we secured you a good deal if your happy to move across. On Digiex we had quite a few ranks, including Admin, Mod, Oldie+ (Donator), Oldie and Members. On this merger deal, your old Digiex ranks will move as follows:

    Admin = Staff
    Mod, Oldie+, Oldie = Digiex Custom Usergroup with Digiex Prefix (Mirrors their Donator usergroup, you can read all the perks you get for free here: XA4 Minecraft Server Hosting )
    Members = Members

    Now it is a manual process, so you will need to identify on here if our moving and one of the Digiex Admins will make sure your usergroup is set on the new server. When in the server, we also have a special agreement that the Staff team at Minetowns will leave Digiex players alone (as lets be honest, you don't want some guy you never heard of bossing you around!) and you will be taken care of directly by the Digiex Admin team. However this isnt an excuse to break their server rules.

    There will be a little crossover as Minetowns does have it's own site and rules. To make it simple, anything Digiex specific needs to stay on our forum like requesting usergroups, discussing what needs to be copied across. However any new talk, desire for new server things needs to take place on their forum as normal members.

    In return for all this, Digiex has agreed that once the merger is complete and happy, Digiex will put it's force behind the new server including marketing to our site visitors (including Launcher users) about the server. But this will only happen if our players are treated well and enjoy the new server. So while we are effectivily handing over our players to another server, it should be seen as a merger as we our effectivily joining their server with higher ranks and privilages than their normal members. Your also regularlly find the Digiex Admins playing on the server to. The best parts of the Digiex Maps will be joining you on the new server so before long it will feel like home.

    We hope as many of you join us on this, and would love to hear your feedback on the below. Also please let us know if you will be joining us on the new server, and what you want to come across?

    If you wish to take a look now, connect with Minecraft to and take a look around. This merger will not happen over night so it's likely the new city will not come across until the weekend.
    Rick and supercity like this.
  2. supercity

    supercity Resident

    Sep 3, 2011
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    * Introduces himself.... Helooo *
  3. Jozo117

    Jozo117 Active Member

    Aug 24, 2011
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    South London, Wallington
    OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD Thank you so much SuperCity! I've been waiting for a Digiex regroup and this is our chance, but it will be long term! Sounds like a great idea, and I'm joining right now. Also, Joethegamer123 is joining, a few people will remember him from Digiex.

    Another thing, I don't remember what rank I was. I know I was definately an Oldie, but I don't know what happened to my Moderator status

    Cya in a second guys!!
  4. Strategia

    Strategia Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
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    In your worst nightmares
    All of my yes. Although I'm not entirely sold on the idea of porting the cities over, they're full of houses built by people who aren't playing anymore and huge structures that are empty in the first place (many of C17's skyscrapers, IIRC) and which serve no particular function. Besides, that world is going to cause tremendous chunk generation errors, it's so old. Honestly, I'd rather start over, and start building something new rather than going back to a place that's around two years old or so.
  5. Brett

    Brett New Member

    Mar 7, 2013
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    What.. What... WHAT... WHAT!
    I still remembered being a oldie with the compass of teleportion and being able to white list players
  6. WildStyleZx89

    WildStyleZx89 Active Member

    Jul 19, 2011
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    Awesome, ill deffo check it out. But i wont nearly have as much time as i used to have. Going back to school and all that. But on the side of things. I am learning to become a system network administrator so if ever you got problems with server related things in particular the internet part of it i can probably provide a fix. And on the side i am learning javascript and html5 with CSS3.

    P.S it would be nice to have a IRC channel running as well incase we need an admin or something. (You can also implement IRC with minecraft i believe) Anyway its awesome!
  7. AlleOpsO

    AlleOpsO Member

    Feb 23, 2011
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    Sweden, Stockholm!!
    Well im not sure how to implement IRC with minecraft, but on you can connect to any channels (?) well i created a channel called MineTowns wich ill be on if you need help with anything
  8. Brock

    Brock Elite Member

    Feb 6, 2013
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    Well i know its possible cause of this mod. So somebody could make it for digiex.
  9. dionvc

    dionvc Member

    Aug 4, 2011
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    Maybe I'll get on.
  10. lem_is_cool

    lem_is_cool Resident

    Jun 21, 2010
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    Geelong, Australia
    I've just picked up Minecraft so I may have a float around in this.

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