Im not sure if there is a thread like this already or has been posted yet? Have you ever considered buying a Xbox game, but cant seem to find a review on the game or just want to hear what other peoples responses are on the game that already have the game, like i recently purchased splinter cell (because it was Tom Clancy's, and Graw 2 was amazing) but honestly i dont find the game that appealing! So here's a thread were if you feel you about to purchase a game but want other peoples input/opinions as to wether the game is worth the buy or not?? Like for me im looking to purchase Mortal Kombat vs DC, but not sure if its worth it, it cost's a lot less then it did when i innitially wanted to buy it, but not sure if it is still worth it???
Mortal Kombat is a good game. However the story/campaign I didn't think was all that good. Multi player, great, like always! If your a big Mortal Kombat fan, I don't see why you've not already purchased this, Lol. Though if not, I suggest saving it. There is a few new games gonna be coming out soon. Like the cod mw2. That is one I'm waiting for.
I want to also start collecting all the cod's, i've played abit of world at war and its amazing! so im really going to start collecting all the cod's! but as for Mk vs dc i think im going to pick that up then!
Well, seeing how Resident Evil 5, is released in one week...I THINK I might know the clear winner for now.
I have to disagree. I was really excited about RE5 but I have been reading many reviews saying the game is only about 8 hours in length. I am going to hold off on buying this right away and see how well it is recieved by the gaming community. I did however play three demos today that I must have. They were the Wanted: Weapons of Fate (amazing game and movie!), Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (huge fan of Escape from Butcher Bay), and The Wheelman (suprisingly very entertaining). I know for sure I will be pre-ordering Wanted and Riddick. May just rent RE5.
I don't read reviews anymore. They usually just annoy me and say that the games I like suck. Monster Hunter Freedom 2 for example, GREATEST PSP GAME EVER. It has lasted me OVER 260 hours and I still haven't finished it! Well, i'll be sure to get Resident Evil 5 first day it comes out. I might just have to make a review on this myself when it comes out.
I finnally got my GoW on 360 yesterday, i was so excited to go home and try it out, i ended up playing th game until 1am this morning, i couldnt put the game down!! now i actually ordered gears 2 and cant wait!! but by far, gears is 1 of the best games i have played in a very long time!!