Carmageddon: Reincarnation for PC: Q1 2014 on Steam Early Access

Discussion in 'Gaming Hangout' started by InsaneNutter, Sep 26, 2013.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    Carmageddon: Reincarnation for PC is launching via an Early Access programme on Steam in Q1 2014.

    Thursday, 26th September 2013. Isle of Wight, UK. Stainless Games today announced that it is to launch an Early Access release programme for its car combat game, “Carmageddon: Reincarnation”, during Q1 of 2014. Early Access will be available for PC, via Steam.

    “Early Access” is an option that’s becoming an increasingly popular delivery method, as it allows fans to start playing the game before the “final release” date. The Early Access game will be released with a number of levels, cars and game modes, and more content will then be added in updates over the following months.

    Once the Early Access programme launches, players will have the option to buy the game content at a variety of tiered prices, starting with the standard game package and leading up to a full package bundle that will include all DLC and all future released material at an all-inclusive price. (All the Kickstarter and Paypal Backers who pledged $15 or more for the game will receive the standard game package bundle for free, as that content is released.)

    Jason Garber, Publishing Director at Stainless Games said, “We are delighted to be making this announcement today. Anticipation for the arrival of this new chapter in the life of the Carmageddon Brand has been building since we regained the rights. The existing Carmageddon community and a whole new generation of fans is out there waiting for this, and with Early Access on Steam they’ll be able to play, engage with us and give feedback as we continue towards the full release.”

    Carmageddon: Reincarnation will reintroduce the gaming public to the anarchic physics playground, where your car is your weapon and the world is awash with crazy power-ups, adrenaline pumping events and mad challenges. The original Carmageddon was released in 1997, and pioneered the concept of “drive anywhere, play the way you want to play” gaming. It was both celebrated and controversial in equal measure, winning awards while gaining notoriety as the poster child for everything that’s wrong – and therefore right – in videogames.

    Neil Barnden, Stainless Co-Founder and Brand Director said, “We’re really excited that the world will soon have Carmageddon unleashed upon it again. The good, the bad, and the elderly… they’re all fair game on the streets of Bleak City where the cars are carnivores and the cows’ bowels are loosening. Max Damage is BACK – and he wants to make a hood ornament out of your granny’s giblets!”

    The new game will also be released on next gen console during 2014, with Mac and Linux versions coming too.

    Stainless Games CEO Patrick Buckland said, “Carmageddon: Reincarnation is coming. You cannot run. You cannot hide. All you can do is to play it, or die.”

  2. MonsterMMORPG

    MonsterMMORPG Resident

    Feb 7, 2013
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    one of the lots of games i have played when i was young :D

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