Ok, so here is a quick guide to cleaning skate bearings. (you can click on the pictures to supersize!) I will be cleaning a set of bones reds, and am following instructions found on the bones website. Things you will need: Old newspapers / magazines Kitchen paper Isopropyl alcohol (min 99% pure) Rubber gloves Clean container A container for the waste chemicals Small flat head screw driver Bones speed cream - or lubricant of your choice 1. Remove bearing from your skates 2. Gently insert the head of the screwdriver behind the rubber on your bearing 3. Lever the rubber away from the bearing (being carful not to bend or tear it) 4. Repeat for all your bearings 5. Place your bearings into the clean container 6. Put on your rubber gloves and just cover the bearings with the isopropyl alcohol 7. Agitate each bearing to release any dirt and oil 8. Roll the bearings back and forth holding the centre ring to release any stubborn grit / dirt 9. Remove the bearings from the isopropyl alcohol and place on some clean newspaper on one side to dry (isopropyl alcohol evaporate leaving no residue, this may take as long as 20 mins. also isopropyl alcohol is flammable so don’t attempt to dry them using heat) 10. Tip out the used isopropyl alcohol in to the other container. This will need to be disposed of properly (i.e. not down the sink) 11. After cleaning the container fill it with hot water and put in the rubbers to be cleaned (no need for any detergents) and just gently rub off any grease or dirt with your finger tips. 12. Next place the rubbers on some kitchen paper to dry. 13. Fold the paper over so the tops of the rubbers will dry 14. Once the bearings are dry we can apply the speed cream sparingly (2 - 3 drops is plenty) 15. Gently spin the outside ring whilst holding the inside ring to allow the cream to cover 16. Refit the rubbers by gently pressing them back in place with your fingers 17. Your bearings are clean and lubricated and ready to be fitted back to your skates
i wish i could afford new bearings everytime they needed cleaning! as i skate on quad skates i need 16, that around £30 a set... (for the quality off bearings i need) my bearings have needed cleaning 4 times in the last year ( i have also cleaned bearings for some of the other people on my team) , the supplys cost me about £12 and will last at least 5 years... il let you do the math.