Whenever i start up C&C RA3 i keep getting the "A required security module cannot be activated. This program cannot be executed (5002)" error. Googling hasn't helped me as it comes up with the same error, but with a different number at the end, and im not sure how that is affecting it. If you need to know, i bought the game retail, and it doesn't use Steam or Origin or anything. My PC is: Windows 7 Professional x64 Service Pack 1 16GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM AMD FX 8180 8 Core Processor 3.60GHz (Overclocked to 4.2GHz) AMD Radeon 7950 3GB GDDR5 AMD 990x + SB950 Motherboard Chipset Can anyone help me get the game running?
The number on that error is different (7001 compared to 5002 for me) and i don't know it that means a slightly different error, and i don't have any updates on it yet as i can't find where to download the latest one. :/
All i can say is you should of never got it. Its a crap game and doesn't belong in the same category as the red alert series.
Well, i got the game ages ago, but only just got around to re-installing it on my new PC. It's my first (and only still) C&C game i've played. I enjoyed it the last time i played it, but i feel like playing it again and it doesn't seem to want to work. I've found out i'm having the same error with Sims 2 Bon Voyage as well, now that i've re-installed that too.
Ok, well, after restarting my PC, i ran RA3 straight off (before running anything else) and it worked... weird...