Command & Conquer 4 allows C&C fans to finally experience the epic conclusion to one of gaming's most beloved and longest-running series, the 15-year Tiberium saga. Kane. GDI. Nod. Tiberium. How will it end? Find out in Command & Conquer 4, told through persistent player progression, trademark live-action cinematics, and a multitude of innovations to the classic fast and fluid Command & Conquer gameplay. Now is your opportunity to be a part to the development of Command & Conquer 4 by participating in this exclusive Beta program! Choose your class and command more units than EVER in a C&C game, as you team up and take on your opponents in 5-on-5 online battles! Strategize with your teammates or talk smack to your opponents over VOIP in fast, fun, and furious C&C action. We want to hear your feedback to help us deliver the C&C experience that you want when the game ships! Link to get a key Edit - the website is working again, redeem away!
HEHE I signed into Gamespot and it said Welcome Back Commander! If you know anything about the C&C universe you'll know that phrase. This is what I got after I signed up: "Thanks for your interest in the Command & Conquer 4 Open Beta. We're currently limiting the rate at which we're distributing keys, but we've just secured you a place in line. We'll display your key here when we release more keys in the coming days, and we'll be sure to notify you by email as well". Here's hoping!
Thanks, mate! Key just came in a few minutes ago, after getting the same email as Trebor yesterday. Course now I'm getting a Login server is unavailable message when trying to redeem my key Oh well, try again later.
I had the same problem when i tried to redeem my key, it worked about half an hour later for me. The main thing is you have a key i know the initial supply ran out pretty quick.
Not surprised. Recently got a Battlefield Bad Company 2 beta key, the first time I requested one they were out, then tried again later and got one.
Iv just tried getting one and it says they are limiting the amount they give out each time so I'v been put on a short list so when they start giving them out again I will get one Has the BETA started? Can you play now?
Yes you can play as soon as you get a key. I've played it a bit and carn't honestly say I like it that much, then again ive not really enjoyedthe Command and Conquer or Red Alert games since Westwood stopped doing them so take that how you will. It doesn't really feel like a Command & Conquer game to me.
I've been waiting for a key for like a week now, nothing mailed.. This looks like a joke of a beta program. I know the beta has to be limited, but those truly interested in actually previewing the gameplay should definitely get access to it.. Oh and I'm not really enjoying Command & Conquer as a single player game, it just makes the party out of a lan-party.
Thanks InsaneNutter! I'v heard its very different from previouse games. Used to love Red Alert. Wondering how this one plays.
Could it be, that my Gamespot account is a Facebook-connected one, causing the problem? I entered my usual Gmail adress when registering for the beta, not the Facebook proxy redirect.
I think its to do with the time you signed up at, it was posted here before it was front page news on any major gaming websites. I guess after it was spread to a massive website the list for keys got huge. Safinn told me my key was no good to him so once its been used thats it i guess. would be nice if they could have been shared like the RA3 keys.
I got my key yesterday anyway... But the game isn't what i expected and I have no clue on what I can do exactly.
Its beyond a joke. When you start you have access to only the most basic of units like simple tanks and men. How are you suppose to take on people who have played it and have access to motherships etc? Its a rubbish flawed system and the person at EA who decided it should be shot.
yeah, in Hell all games are made by EA. in the red alert 3 beta, they released keys in big blocks, so those of us who are waiting may have to wait until the next block releases. (this is complete hypothesis, but they probably wait until the current batch gets bored with it and stops playing, that way they constantly have players and they dont have to worry about server space) i never enjoyed online multiplayer c&c, i only like LAN games with friends and i always love single player campaigns. there was alot lost when EA bought out Westwood, but the AI has gotten a million times better. of course, that probably wouldve happened anyway, because of industry advances.
They say there are 9 circles of Hell, I say the circles are actually the EA game discs. EA does get it right every now and then with some games though.
'good to hear' that this beta isn't anything too special.. In my opinion, EA's Command & Conquer games are too limited and unbalanced to be serious RTS games, in fact, I dare to say that there is no accurate strategy involved other than knowing your units abilities, trying to know what your opponent does, and most of all, speed. I'm not willing to do custom key bindings and such. Well if you play the good RTS games at hardcore level you'll need speed and key bindings too. It's just that with those games like the classic Command & Conquer, you were always surprised and delighted when something new happened at the battlefield, EA's RTS games don't appear to do that. So in other words, C&C 4 will only be suitable for LAN parties so that you can have fun dazzling arround, don't try to play this hardcore.
I know this thread is a bit old but if anyone has still held on to their beta key even if you have redeemed it I would like to have it if you wouldn't mind. I am willing to give one free redbox movie rental code to a person that sends me their old beta key as a thank you. Please respond by pming me thanks in advance.