If you are part of the Xbox One Insider program, you were able to play a Test for there upcoming cloud based game. I think it was great, I had alot of fun blowing up the city with 5 other people on my team, it always felt new because every round, the building would break in different ways. I am looking forward to the Release of Crackdown 3 Also, I think I played a round with Terry Crews o.O ------------------------------------------------------------- Join the Crackdown 3 multiplayer technical test to help stress test the multiplayer servers for Wrecking Zone, an explosive 5v5 multiplayer competition. The development team needs your help to load test our brand new cloud based destruction using a test map and mode from the final game. Gameplay is still considered in-progress and will be used for testing purposes only. Sunday 2/10, 12pm - 2pm PST: Sunday 2/10, 7pm-9pm PST: Thursday 2/7, 12pm - 2pm PST: COMPLETE! Thanks! Thursday 2/7, 7pm-9pm PST: COMPLETE! Thanks!
Nice screenshots / footage! So that's 8pm to 10pm thus Sunday here in the UK, I'm must remember to try check this out! I've some how not watched any gameplay of Crackdown 3 yet, I only realised the other day it would be released soon after been delayed I dont know how many times now.
I've done just that, its downloaded and ready to play on Sunday! I also managed to level up on the Xbox Insider App, I should really check that more often.
I must admit I quite enjoyed the Agent Hunter game mode, it was a lot more fun than Apex Legends I tried on Friday. The Territories game mode was unavailable, I presume that was probably in the next test session which would have been 3am to 5am here, way too late when your up at 6:30am for work! I still think co-op and the campaign will be where Crackdown 3 shines.