Which game do you prefer? For me its Crackdown all the way, I loved been able to jump from building to building and the DLC added so much more to the game. With GTA 4 I was bored of the story after a couple of hours and my interest in the multiplayer didn’t last that much longer. If Crackdown supported more than two people in a multiplayer game it would be perfect!
Crackdown is also my choice. GTA4 is ok. I have Crackdown unlike gta. Crackdown has always been better i think. I've not played it in so long though. Talking about it makes me wanna play it. I like being able to make them stronger, able to cheat, able to play online with others, and all the new cars and weapons added in a dlc.
GTA4 for me. It's more realistic than Crackdown which is the biggest point for me. I love the realism in GTA4 and all the cool little things such as smashing the windows of cars to get them open etc.. I agree the multiplayer is not that great except for the racing modes but I love just going around the city with mates doing anything..
GTA IV for me. I really like everything about the game. The story, the characters, the handling of the vehicles, etc. I played the Crackdown demo and thought it was one of the worst sandbox games I've ever played.
I would've probably said Crackdown but I feel I need to give more time to playing GTA IV to really appreciate the scale of it all. I didn't get bored of the missions, just found other games I could spend less time with and enjoy more quickly. As for the multiplayer I've never really given it much of a go so if anyone wants a game over Xmas let me know Heck even a game of Crackdown would be appreciated (still need to finish it and you can complete it in Co-op, unlike GTA )
I'll probably have a game with you on GTA IV if you want, i quite like driving around causing havok That's if I get my 360 back in time!