It appears that Naughty Dog has let the details slip that cross game voice chat will be included in the next PlayStation 3 firmware update. Speaking on the official Forums, a Naughty Dog developer going by the PlayStation Network handle "ReklissAbandon" has confirmed the feature before having his reply deleted. The developer posted the following: "I think they wanted people to have fun and ejoy[sic] the show since all dead players can talk to each other no matter what team you are on. But I will suggest it anyway. Not to mention that the next PS3 firmware update is going to allow cross game chat. So if players use that instead of in game communication then they would also be able to communicate enemies[sic] positions." Many PlayStation 3 users were upset when cross game voice chat was not included in last September's firmware 3.0 update.
I for one am glad this is finally coming. Playstation still has leaps and bounds before they can even come close to Xbox Live's ease of use.
I honestly didn’t know this was something the PS3 still didn’t support, sounds like it will be a welcomed update.