I think Farcry2 will have better graphics, since Crysis has been out there for a while.. Gameplay wise i'm waiting for Crysis Warhead because i want to see the second part of the triology
Graphics are fairly subjective anyway. It all comes down to the gameplay, and Farcry 2's looks great, where as Crysis was just kinda a technical demo showing off next-gen graphics (at the time), and the gameplay isn't too solid. Farcry 2 gameplay reminds me a little of Oblivion but set in Africa during modern time, which sounds badass.
HEHE I think he meant Far Cry 1 or the fact that after seeing Far Cry 2 he thinks he'd still prefer Crysis over it. Personally I never gather an opinion on a game until I've played it but some trailers and screenshots can convince me otherwise.
I prefer Crysis over FarCry because of the fantastic singleplayer Crysis has. Im allready waiting for the expansion pack to Crysis!
Well i only played Crysis and as far i saw its a good game, the other i only can talk about from what i have read so i dont have a basic opinion about it.
Between these 2, i prefer far cry 2 over crysis because it is more optimized and i like far cry 2 gameplay. And the bright light effect is called HDR right?
I think Crysis is better. I am curious to see what Crysis 2 will look like when it is released on the 360.
I say Crisis, though I haven't played it. I seen a vid on youtube that had the most amazing graphics. It wasn't like anything else that I've seen, I was practically drooling. (lol @ this) [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG5qDeWHNmk"]YouTube - Crysis Physics - 3'000 barrel explosion[/ame]
O me too. When I looked at screenshots and videos for Crysis, all I could think was "yum, yum, yum!" That game has the most amazing graphics and I hope to one day get a decent gaming computer to play it.
graphic wise i think crysis is better, but i dunno about which game is better. i heard both of these game are good, but if i had to pick then id say crysis.
I know, right? I probably could play it decent is my graphics card wasn't wretched. If that Onlive EVER comes out that might actually happen.
you could get a really decnt mobo for 500 quid. e.g all this custom pc from £499.95 quiete cheap compared to prices in pcworld.
I upgraded my PC 2 years ago for £300ish and its still playing the latest games in high detail that are out today. If you want to play games on the pc the golden rule is don’t buy a laptop!
Surprisingly I could play Crysis on Medium graphics with no problem. I got the demo and it came with Sand Box, so i've been on that the whole time.