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[Custom] Distribution ROMs for every Generation IV event! (+ unused content)

Discussion in 'User Created Pokemon Event Distributions' started by piplupness, May 13, 2024.

  1. piplupness

    piplupness Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    after over a month in the making, I can finally release this project here - you can now finally distribute every gen 4 event Pokémon that was available years ago worldwide!

    Depending how you would like to play the game, this release is split in four compressed archives:

    - Restricted (all languages, you can distribute each Wonder Card ID only once and the language/version must be respected)
    - Unrestricted (European / English games)
    - Unrestricted (Japanese games)
    - Unrestricted (Korean games)
    Unrestricted means you can distribute any event from any country to any game language you wish infinitely! Also both Restricted and Unrestricted don't have any end period so you won't need to change your DS date.

    How to use these ROMs: (you will need 2 DS/3DS systems, the game and Twilight Menu++ installed or a flashcart)

    - First of all, if you are using an European ROM, change the language of the distributing DS accordingly to the game (not necessary if it's a Japanese or Korean ROM)
    - Launch the event you want to distribute on the distributing system
    - From the other system, launch the game, go to Mystery Gift (if it's not unlocked yet, the game will automatically unlock it for you once it gets the signal from the other DS), select Receive gift, and then via Wireless and press A on the distributing device.
    - If done correctly, you should receive your desired event!

    All these event Pokémon are fully legal and they can be transferred all the way up to Pokémon HOME as they are identical to the original events. But there are some exceptions:
    - Oak's Letter and Member Card have been unlocked to be distributed to Diamond and Pearl games, but they won't be legal in those games (as they were intended for Platinum only). Also Korean Platinum never got the Oak's Letter so the Shaymin will be illegal.
    - The Manaphy Egg (Custom Wonder Card ID 216) will be illegal in Korean games but legal in other languages as Pokémon Ranger never released there.
    - If you are using the unrestricted versions, any Korean Pokémon distributed to non-Korean games are still legal despite PKHeX says invalid (that's because it assumes you are not on a Korean save file, but that doesn't matter since the data is still legal, in fact after transferring up to gen 5 it will say legal), that means they can be sent to Pokémon HOME with no issues.
    - Unlike PurpleOrange's events for gen 5, there is no nickname issue in gen 4, so the event Pokémon will keep their original nickname in any language.
    - The Korean Wonder Cards in non-Korean games will appear blank or with question marks, but it's normal as the games never supported Korean characters yet. Don't worry if your distributed Pokémon has a blank name, it's normal. The name will come back after trading it to a Korean game (via Wiimmfi) or migrating it up to gen 5.

    Also, this release will not just allow you to distribute event Pokémon. You can also obtain more unused content! No, it's not just the classic Azure Flute, Stopwatch and Alarm Clock app, there is way more! Here's the list:

    201 Pokétch: Stopwatch
    202 Pokétch: Alarm Clock
    203 Azure Flute
    [Ball Capsules]
    204 Liquid Seal
    205 Burst Seal
    206 Twinkle Seal
    [Fashion Case content]
    208 Comet
    209 Theater
    [Underground goods]
    210 Great Trophy
    211 Ball Ornament
    212 Round Ornament
    213 Clear Ornament
    214 Manaphy Doll
    215 Magnezone Doll
    [Miscellaneous events]
    216 Manaphy Egg
    217 My Pokémon Ranch Goruko Octillery
    218 My Pokémon Ranch Baba Flygon
    219 My Pokémon Ranch Yukkiina Meowth
    220 My Pokémon Ranch Akiyama Slaking
    221 My Pokémon Ranch Red Metagross
    [TM95 Snarl]
    248 Lock Capsule

    You can find more info on the README file inside the archive! If I did any mistake with some of the ROMs, for example accidentally distributing the wrong language or bug reports, feel free to reply on this thread or hit me up on Discord @piplupness_

    Enjoy the events! (will update this post with images later)

    (Also I recommend having at least 500 MB or more available on your SD card, these archives are just under a 1MB each compressed)

    If this is your first time browsing Digiex and you have previously bought some of the GBA/DS "ultimate distribution cartridge", sorry but you have been SCAMMED and you should absolutely get your money back.
    Unfortunately, you can find online some "reproduction event carts" for sale on various websites including just content already available by the community for free from Digiex and ProjectPokemon. They are just cheap DS flashcarts/GBA multicarts you can buy for very cheap (5-10 bucks) and being resold starting usually from 30 bucks to prices that can go for 150 bucks by just reflashing stuff from here with some relabeling.
    Also be aware of various YouTube videos uploaded by sellers of these carts or even by some unexperienced "PokéTubers" making content on these carts without any disclaimer, this is not something you should buy and selling ROMs/stealing others work is not something worth supporting. I will not mention any seller/YouTube channels and I will not link any images because... bad publicity is still good publicity for them.

    Same goes if you are actually going to collect real GBA distribution cartridges, they can be easily cloned. (read here)

    That being said, this release (and also any other thread here) is not for sale, everyone should enjoy event Pokémon for free, especially with the inevitable closure of Pokémon Bank which is yet unknown.

    The ROMs: piplupness (using Pokémon Distro ROM Editor v2.0 by Julian_89_)
    Italian localization: piplupness
    French localization: neilo, mrthomas20121
    German localization: NickPlayeZ, Choko, kallum_dx
    Spanish localization: Kdekalcio, sergiotarxz

    Special thanks to:

    RETIRE - documenting and researching gen 4 ACE/ASE through mystery gifts, finding how data works on Wonder Cards. This knowledge made the unused items possible.
    Goppier and UndeadxReality: inspirating me to make my own events thanks to their work on gen 3.
    PurpleOrange: same as above but for gen 5.
    InsaneNutter: hosting Digiex.net and giving me the opportunity to share this with everyone :)

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 13, 2024
  2. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    What a fantastic release, thank you for taking the time to make all these custom Gen 4 distributions!

    I've a feeling these will be extremely popular over the coming years.
    Blaker62 and piplupness like this.
  3. Kdekalcio

    Kdekalcio New Member

    May 13, 2024
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    ¡¡¡¡VIVA CHILEEEEE!!!!
    Kdekalcio here! Just made an account to say that I'm glad to have helped! If you ever need me again, it'll be an honour!
    Also MUM I'M FAMOUS!!!1!!!11!!1!1!!!!
    I wish everyone a good life from this point onward! ^_^
  4. Blaker62

    Blaker62 Member

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Pas-de-Calais, France
    This is incredible.
    Apart from the azure flute and the locked capsule, i never knew there were this much unused content in gen4.
    piplupness likes this.
  5. piplupness

    piplupness Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    Blaker62 likes this.
  6. Blaker62

    Blaker62 Member

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Pas-de-Calais, France
    whoa, that's a lot of data unused, it's very impressive. Thank you.
    piplupness likes this.
  7. Tokkyu

    Tokkyu New Member

    May 14, 2024
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    hi made a new account to rely here. what do i do if i can't unzip the files? having trouble getting the rom
  8. Blaker62

    Blaker62 Member

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Pas-de-Calais, France
    Hey, what kind of extraction tool are you using ? winrar ? 7zip ?
  9. Tokkyu

    Tokkyu New Member

    May 14, 2024
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    i am using windows file exploer
  10. Blaker62

    Blaker62 Member

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Pas-de-Calais, France
    I may be wrong, but i don't think windows files explorer can extract .rar or .zip files. I would recommand you to install an extraction tool such as winrar or 7zip.
  11. Kdekalcio

    Kdekalcio New Member

    May 13, 2024
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    ¡¡¡¡VIVA CHILEEEEE!!!!
    You should get WinRAR, it's totally free and the "free trial" doesn't actually ever end even if the program says otherwise. If you need help with it, we'll be here. :)
    Blaker62 likes this.
  12. piplupness

    piplupness Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    I used WinRAR to compress the archive as much as I can, you can download it and you are done
  13. Tokkyu

    Tokkyu New Member

    May 14, 2024
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    thank you all for helping!
    Kdekalcio, piplupness and Blaker62 like this.
  14. AlamosIT

    AlamosIT Backup Master

    Jun 21, 2020
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    Che bello vedere altri appassionati di eventi Pokémon dall'Italia (L)

    How beautiful to see other Pokémon event fans from Italy (L)
    piplupness likes this.
  15. piplupness

    piplupness Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    W l'Italia!
    AlamosIT likes this.
  16. yarib

    yarib Member

    Mar 16, 2023
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    Awesome! Thanks for sharing, I've downloaded the European/English Unrestricted and can see you put a lot of effort into it.

    I was specifically looking for the USA ones. As a tip for anyone looking for the same, search for "USA" with the file explorer's function to find them all at once as there are many folders without USA releases.

    I've only tested with USA(TRU/NYPC) Alamos Darkrai. The rom under the name 007 Movie Darkrai ENG-USA (EUR)(DP), I've tested a few things and found some nice features that were not mentioned.
    First, the Unrestricted nature allows you to claim it multiple times at once, meaning, you can start with 0 wonder cards and stack 3 of the same one and claim all 3 at once. This saves time if your goal is to claim more than 1, which I assume would be the case for anyone wanting the unrestricted.
    Secondly, it does indeed work even if you have already claimed the same event through a previous cart/method that only allows claiming once.
    Thirdly, these wondercards can be shared, meaning the games that have recieved the wondercards from these roms can also now be used to distribute the event.

    Also, the definition of Unrestricted in the OP saying "Unrestricted means you can distribute any event from any country to any game language you wish infinitely" is a little confusing. I assume this applies to the European roms and European languages. Without giving it a second thought i tried distributing to japanese games before realizing I needed the Japanese download.
  17. Blaker62

    Blaker62 Member

    Jan 24, 2020
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    Pas-de-Calais, France
    Really ? I don't find them confusing at all.
    The korean games download is meant to be ditributed on korean games only, the japanese games download is meant to be distributed on japanese games only, the europe+english downlaod is meant to be distributed on all european language games and the restricted download is meant to be like the original distributions only in their respective regions.

    By the way, i wasn't paying attention when distributing with the unrestricted europe files and managed to distribute diamond-pearl distributions on my french soulsilver, truly unrestricted.
  18. yarib

    yarib Member

    Mar 16, 2023
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    Exactly, If you read my post the confusing part was in him saying "Unrestricted means you can distribute any event from any country to any game language you wish infinitely". My point is that it would be better to put it, the way you put it, Korean for Korean, Japan for Japan, and Europe is the only one that distributes to any European included language, not any country to any game language.
  19. Bug Catcher Anakin

    Bug Catcher Anakin Member

    Apr 17, 2022
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    Amazing work, thank you (L)
    piplupness likes this.
  20. saco_web

    saco_web New Member

    May 31, 2024
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    Can you please add the 018 member card and 020 oak letter USA versions please, for the restricted roms

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