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Dash2Gam V3.1B Download - Replacement Xbox Dashboard

Discussion in 'Dashboards' started by InsaneNutter, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    Dash2Gam is a replacement dashboard for the Xbox console.

    Some features of Dash2Gam are:

    • it is possible to put the dash anywhere you want (except cd/dvd).
    • Embedded FTP Server in the dashboard
    • Embedded Region Free DVD Reader in the dashboard
    • Support the setup of the Xbox LED color
    • Support of the '0' key to switch off the Xbox while a DVD is playing
    • Scan a lot of Hardware informations of the Xbox
    • Display a lot of informations about the Xbox
    • Display of time and date on every screen
    • Display on every screen the soundtrack, name and time of the current background music
    • 29 buttons to set up (launching applications or internal function)
    • Display the amount of space used/free on each drive
    • Skin support
    • Possibility to set a password for each application or internal function
    • Custom Screensaver
    • The choice of the reader (internal or other) for playing a video DVD or audio CD
    • Multi-language: french, english, german, spanish (+ easily other languages)

    Download: Dash2Gam 3.0B Xbox Dashboard
    Download: Dash2Gam 3.1B Patch

    Dash2Gam Screenshot:


    How to use:

    To copy the file ' dvd.dll' with the root of the partition E:
    To copy the file ' Dash2Gam' plus the executable or you want.
    To configure your dashboard by modifying the file ' config.ini' (for the beginners) in the file ' Dash2Gam/2GAM.data/'or the file ' config_pro.ini' (to initiate them) in the file ' Dash2Gam/2GAM.data/' more the files of section in the file ' Dash2Gam/2GAM.data/Datas/Config/'.
    Launch the file 'Dash2Gam.xbe' (as an application or as default dashboard).

    Note: If you wish to use the Config Pro, do not forget to set up JUST the first line of the file 'config.ini' for beginners.

    Button Combos:

    The default button presets are as follow :
    (B) ...................... to restart the Xbox from the Main Menu
    (X) ...................... to display the Music Control Panel (by tHc)
    (BLACK) .................. to play the game MemoryX (by BobMcGee)
    (Right Stick) ............ to take a screenshot of your dashboard. You can snap up to 11 shots per session, they would be saved in the directory 'Screenshot' at the root of your E: drive
    (Left Stick) ............. to load the next Skin
    (Left) + (A) ............. to change the background image
    (Left) + (B) ............. to display or not the Clock
    (Left) + (X) ............. to show informations about your Xbox
    (Left) + (BLACK) ......... to display or not the Audio Vizualizer on Main Menu
    (Left) + (Y) ............. to show or not the soundtrack, name and time of the background music
    (Left) + (Right) + (B) ... to switch off the Xbox
    (Left) + (Right) + (X) ... to open/close the DVD tray

    If you are using the config_pro.ini file, do not forget to fill out the 1st line of the config.ini for beginners
    gatekeeper1122 likes this.

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