Digiex Arcade Week 17: Super Mario Flash

Discussion in 'News and Article Submission' started by Nimrod, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    London, United Kingdom
    Its that time of the week, Digiex Arcade Mondays!

    (*) Congratulations mattyd38 who won last weeks Spank the Monkey (*)

    Now on to this weeks game...

    It's time for an Arcade Classic this week with Super Mario. Over 5 levels of pure mario fun to enjoy in classic style. It may be a Flash Game, but its close to the original and sure to bring over an hour of fun.

    Super Mario Flash


    Click here to enter the arcade and play Super Mario Flash
  2. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    Let me apologize in advanced for any problems with the scoring. This game is a buggy port to our Arcade System and as such some people will find there scores just keep submitting as zero.

    Usually that would be a deal breaker but the game is that good that we decided to post it up anyways. (Some people may remember back when we launched, we used this game for our Red Alert 3 CD Key give away). As such, if you wish to screenshot and post it as an attachment to this thread as you lose your last life, if your score is the winning one I will manually insert it into the leaderboard ensuring everyone gets a chance.

    Again I apologize, but this is one of the best Arcade games available and as such the broken scoring system is worth it to have this game
  3. Icharus_Falling

    Icharus_Falling Resident

    Aug 12, 2008
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    Tennessee (OMFG its horrible)
    hehe, i kept getting higher scores, but will upload my highest.

    Attached Files:

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