1. Welcome to the Digiex Download Center, you are welcome to download anything you like here, no registration is required! We offer direct download links with no captchas or wait times.
    We do our best to ensure no content infringes copyrights, and provide a DMCA Takedown Request Form to request the removal of content from Digiex

Digiex Download Center: Misc [Read Me]

Discussion in 'Misc' started by InsaneNutter, Dec 22, 2008.

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  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    • The main focus of the Download Center is to provide unique or rare content that is hard to find elsewhere on the internet, we also encourage user created content to be uploaded.

    • Can we ask that all downloads are uploaded as an attachment to the forum, we allow up to 10mb zip or rar's. For bigger files please speak to myself or Nimrod about the download and we will let you upload it to the Digiex FTP.

    • We are not a warez forum, please don’t upload cracked applications, newly released games, movies, music cd’s or TV shows.

    • This forum is not for posting threads requesting content or asking about content (reply to a thread with it if you have a question), its solely for posting threads containing a download. If you wish to make a request, please do so in the Requests Forum.

    Example of a Misc Download
    Basically as the title says a download that doesn’t fit in to any other categories, for example a trainer for a game, a game guide or something like a dream scene for Windows Vista.

    All uploaders are required to ensure all content is legal to share (you agreed to this when you signed up!), though at times content may slip through and not be noticed straight away by the Administration. Copyright is strongly enforced by Digiex and if you feel we have missed any content which isn’t free to share, contact us straight away by clicking here.

    All Copyrighted material reported to us will be taken down within 24 hours.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2012
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