Erf, seems down again. I can still access other game servers fine, so the problem seems to be on the Digiex end. Any theories as to what could be causing these shutdowns? I'm not much of a technician so I can't offer any ideas of my own, sorry. I don't want to spam the forum with these requests. From now on, I'll just send a PM to the admins ... unless they prefer that I post such notices here? Btw Gorge, I'm keen to try out your modified AtomicSands map. Fewer tank spawns should definitely change the battle dynamics. Did you make any other changes?
Hello, not exactly 'again'. Not a server loop, server is now offline. @ Panetta Changes for AtomicsSands: - more time before tanks respawning (as Satin wanted) - 2 jump pads added, for flag carrier escape - 'glitch' fixed Gorge
that sounds interesting, I'll have to try Atomic Sands now. BTW the server is offline (I think) now, has been since last night, when performance badly degraded even with only 2 human players on. I couldn't explain why.
Script for Server Hello, here a script to restart server. It is an infinite loop and it runs the game each loop. Modify the GAMEPATH = / path/to/where/you/installed/ut2004 / to point to the folder of your server and the game (VCTF) and muts. 1- Type touch start-service 2- Type chmod +x start-service 3- Then open start-service in a text editor and copy and paste the following text: #!/bin/sh GAMEPATH=/path/to/where/you/installed/ut2004/ while true do ${GAMEPATH}./ucc-bin server blablabla.ut2 -nohomedir echo "Server crashed on " >> ${GAMEPATH}/crash.log echo `date +%Y-%m-%d_%H.%M` >> ${GAMEPATH}/crash.log done 4- Change the GAMEPATH= part to match where you installed ut2004 5- Save this file and exit the editor program. 6- Then type sh ./start-service to start the server. Gorge
Script Hello, with Ubuntu 8.04 LiveCD, I wrote the script (with Gedit). See FTP. Name is 'start-service', with no extension. You have to edit it (with a Linux text editor).See my post above. If you don't have, try a Linux LiveCD. Gorge
Gorge, thanks for your script. At the moment we are using the script below to start, stop, and check the server is running. The end result is we can just ssh in to the server and type ./ut2004server start to set it running again. or check to check the status of it and stop to stop it. I believe we need to get the script to run as a cron job (system service) under Linux, then it can check the server is running say every 5 mins and re start it if it has failed. I dont really have a lot of time at the moment, got two assignments in next week sadly and Linux is not really my strongest point. If anyone has experience in setting up a cron job that would be a great help, i have looked at a few guides but as you can probably guess Ive not been successful in doing so.... yet! Code: #!/bin/bash # # Universal start/stop script # - small modifications made for Ut2k4 # ! IF you want to use it for other games REMOVE these lines # -> cd ${basedir}/System # NOT THESE cd ${basedir} # # Script Version: 0.3 # # ! awk needs to be installed ! # # !! WARNING !! # I am not responsible for damage caused by misconfigurations # to your installation or any other damage that may occure. # # Info: # This script is made by SkuLLy <> # # Support: # sign up on the forums # # # Read the INSTALL file for more info about this script and ways # to install it in crontab. # # Script is universal for different linux distro's # this is done on purpose to make it easy to use # and portable. We are NOT using start/stop daemon # tools written for each distro e.g. start-stop-daemon # on Debian. # # Vars # basedir = game install directory without trailing slash! # gamebin = name of the server executable # gameopt = commandline options # gamepid = process id file. Dont change it when not needed. # gamelog = name and path of the logfile # # !! ONLY USE THIS WHEN YOU KNOW WHAT YOU ARE DOING !! # s_enable = make use of screen when 1 # s_name = screen session name. # # Use different names for each session for easy use. # # Tested on: # Debian # CentOS 4.4 # Ubuntu # ################################################### # #Config these setting according to your setup. basedir="/digiex/ut2004" gamename="Ut2k4" gamebin="System/ucc-bin" gamepid="${basedir}/" gamelog="ut2k4.log" gameopt="server VCTF-FaceClassic-SE-V2A?game=XGame.xVehicleCTFGame?mutator=XWeapons.MutNoSuperWeapon -multihome= ini=UT2004.ini log=UT2004.log -nohomedir &" # #Screen config # #ONLY USE SCREEN IF YOU KNOW HOW IT WORKS AND WANT IT. #MAKE SURE SCREEN IS INSTALLED!! s_enable=0 s_name="ut2k4_1" ################################################## # NO CHANGES BELOW. ELSE ITS ON YOUR OWN RISK # #Checking the stuff if [ ${s_enable} == 1 ] ; then screen=`which screen` fi if [ -f "${basedir}/${gamebin}" ]; then if [ ! -x "${basedir}/${gamebin}" ]; then echo -e "${gamebin} file is not executable" echo -e "Please fix this and try again" exit 2 fi else echo "cannot find ${gamebin}!" echo "If this is not correct edit the start script" exit 2 fi case "$1" in start) echo -n "Starting $gamename dedicated server: " cd ${basedir}/System if ps -ef |grep ${basedir}/${gamebin}|awk -F" " -v game=${basedir}/${gamebin} 'BEGIN {status=1} ; $8 == game {status=0} ; END {exit status}' ; then echo -e "already active" exit 3 else if [ ${s_enable} == 1 ] ; then cd ${basedir} cp ${gamelog} ${gamelog}.crash cd ${basedir}/System ${screen} -d -m -L -S ${s_name} $0 debug else cd ${basedir} cp ${gamelog} ${gamelog}.crash cd ${basedir}/System if ${basedir}/${gamebin} ${gameopt} >> ${basedir}/${gamelog} & sleep 1 ; then pid=`ps -ef |grep ${basedir}/${gamebin}|awk -F" " -v game=${basedir}/${gamebin} 'BEGIN {status=1} ; $8 == game { print $2 } ; END {exit status}'` echo ${pid} > ${gamepid} if [ -f "${gamepid}" ] && ps h `cat "${gamepid}"` >/dev/null; then echo -e "....Started!" exit 0 else echo -e "....Failed to start. Check logfile or run in debug!" exit 1 fi else echo -e "Failed" fi fi fi ;; stop) echo -n "Stopping $gamename dedicated server: " if ! ps -ef |grep ${basedir}/${gamebin}|awk -F" " -v game=${basedir}/${gamebin} 'BEGIN {status=1} ; $8 == game {status=0} ; END {exit status}' ; then echo -e "server not running or crashed." else pid=`ps -ef |grep ${basedir}/${gamebin}|awk -F" " -v game=${basedir}/${gamebin} 'BEGIN {status=1} ; $8 == game { print $2 } ; END {exit status}'` echo ${pid} > ${gamepid} kill -9 `cat ${gamepid}` if ! ps -ef |grep ${basedir}/${gamebin}|awk -F" " -v game=${basedir}/${gamebin} 'BEGIN {status=1} ; $8 == game {status=0} ; END {exit status}' ; then echo -e "stopped" exit 0 else echo -e "unable to stop server or server crashed" fi fi ;; status) echo -n "`date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"` Checking $gamename dedicated server status: " if ! ps -ef |grep ${basedir}/${gamebin}|awk -F" " -v game=${basedir}/${gamebin} 'BEGIN {status=1} ; $8 == game {status=0} ; END {exit status}' ; then echo -e "server not running or crashed... Restarting" if [ ${s_enable} == 1 ] ; then cd ${basedir} ${screen} -d -m -L -S ${s_name} $0 debug else $0 start fi else echo -e "Server still running." fi ;; check) echo -n "Checking $gamename dedicated server status: " if ! ps -ef |grep ${basedir}/${gamebin}|awk -F" " -v game=${basedir}/${gamebin} 'BEGIN {status=1} ; $8 == game {status=0} ; END {exit status}' ; then echo -e "offline" else echo -e "online" fi ;; restart) echo -e "Restarting $gamename dedicated server... " $0 stop && $0 start ;; debug) echo -n "Starting debug mode for $gamename dedicated server: " cd ${basedir} if ps -ef |grep ${basedir}/${gamebin}|awk -F" " -v game=${basedir}/${gamebin} 'BEGIN {status=1} ; $8 == game {status=0} ; END {exit status}' ; then echo -e "already active" exit 3 else echo "--DEBUG will appear on screen!" echo "--Hit CTRL+C to kill the server!" cd ${basedir} cp ${gamelog} ${gamelog}.crash cd ${basedir}/System ${basedir}/${gamebin} ${gameopt} fi ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status|check|debug}" exit 1 esac Im gonna speak to our host as the server seems to be down everytime i come on here now, the logs dont show anything as to why the server could have crashed.
Hello, the script that I proposed just restarts automatically the server if it crashes. It is used to start the server : just type start-service. But infortunatly, it doesn't do other things that your script does. If you wish, I'd like to have an idea of the log contents (not all, of course). Gorge
Our host is performing scheduled maintenance on there network and machines from 11pm to 1am GMT tonight, the UT 2004 server will be offline during that time however Digiex its self and any other services will remain online.
MCMDX is being accused of using an aim-bot by Scrappy.DLL, I don't know if its true or not, but even at high lag he almost never misses, is there a way to verify/have a chat with him
Hello techguyone, It's strange : You don't say Leecher is a cheater, with his efficiency. And you accuse MCMDX, who plays less well. Just because for Scrappy, ALL players better than him are cheaters. Even if AntiTCC prevents cheating. MCMDX is not and definetly not a cheater. Before accusing someone, check who is the accuser. My advice to Scrappy : learn to play. Gorge
I do Some of us found out last year that this guy was cheating (aimbot AND wallhack). It's making me angry if someone uses cheats to compensate his own weakness. But that is not the point. (Well, I leave when he joins.) At first, hi everyone. I just had a crazy situation. While a bot catches the flag, he often doesn't finish his run back to our base. He starts to run around just in front of our flag. Somtimes he takes a vehicle and than he tries to get to our base instead of run. *-) I also think, we don't need maps like RedSands. For instagib those maps are too big. In MistyGlen tanks spoil the gameplay. They're turrets, jeeps and scorpions. There is no more space for IMBA tanks imo. Thanks and bye!
Hello BabaJaga, Yes, it's problem, but no solution. This is due to bots artificial intelligence. When I debug a map, I can see the bots decisions (see screenshots) based on circumstances : ' attack or not, take the path on left or right, lift, etc.' There are algorithms for the choices. In VCTF mod, the bots are programmed to take vehicles in priority. I can change that : no tanks, or more time before respawning, or an other vehicle. But only if an admin wants first. Gorge
Hi again, if there is a possibility, ingame speech-channel should be switched off! Some guys just use it to play music or to talk bullshit. That is so annoying! There is no need for ingame speech. If someone needs it, he/she can use Teamspeak or whatever. Thanks! (*back to game*)