A tank every 7 mins sounds reasonable to me As for the music we do have a map pack with all the levels and music required for the server, see the first post. When I downloaded the Blood gulch map it never had any music included with it. If you could associate some ill update the Digiex Map pack any levels / music added or modified recently.
Ok for music. I chose music. It's a standard one, already in game. Just install new map, and music will be played. Files ( .ut2 and .uz2) are in Digiex ftp Gorge
Gritwind Hi, I was playing on "Gritwind" map, with Krish, Primebot, .... Players said : " don't use tanks, don't use tanks" Some players were using them anyway => problems So, I made a version without tank, (but with manta ) I have placed on the ftp digiex (.ut2 and .uz2) Gorge
Hey Gorge, don't think I've welcomed you to Digiex yet (posted in the introduction thread yet?). Anyway great player who makes great maps for our server, just wanted to thank you. I played the improved Face Classic map yesterday but couldn't find the secret you and InsaneNutter mentioned... Can't wait to try out this new Bloodgulch map as well, it's always a frantic game when it's played as the bots usually hide around the flag and the map is so small. Also InsaneNutter can you upload a mappack with Gorges improvements as I had to download them when I was on the server yesterday and missed the begginning of quite a few maps?
Myself and Trebor were testing this out earlier, much better without the tank I think. Added it to the server, thanks
Thanks Gorge, some nice improvements your doing to the maps. Do you have anymore planned anytime soon? If not ill update the Digiex map pack.
Ok no problems, is there any VCTF maps anyone enjoys that are not on the server at the moment. We are always on the lookout for new maps
Chute Hello, I have a suggestion for the server vctf. There is a mutator that adds a parachute. It allows to jump from a raptor, or from the top of a tower without damage. It is an additional tactical option for the game. If you are interested, you can test the mutator: I put it on the FTP server. ( ?Mutator=edo_chute1.edo_MutChute ) Gorge
Just in case anyone is wondering, the company we rent the box used for the UT 2004 server are having a couple of problems. All been well the server will be up again very soon.
I'm still wondering why they haven't decided to expand the userbase in UT2004 by making it freeware or some related publishing method. But instead they're still doing their best to push the game on formats like Steam and GOG to squeeze the last few cents out of it, while still banning any CD key that pops the internet in the meantime. UT2004 has the ability to expand because the game's system specs are now matching with the standard cheap office desktop PC's with simple onboard graphics cards. UT3 requires expansive hardware that only gamers would have.
RedRooms map Hello, I made changes to the map RedRooms for my own use : - bots use scorpions now - bots use lava corridors - bots use lifts to jump To force the bots to use the scorpions, the vehicles go to flags. I don't know if you are interested. Tell me. Gorge
Hello, map is now uploaded. Bots are more efficient and intelligent. Maybe, some players didnt like that. Gorge
Nimrod doesn't like it when I take that route. Now you've got the bots doing it too LOL. Great work yet again Gorge.