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Doom 1 Arcade |TriaL|

Discussion in 'Arcade Game Trials' started by Scarface0415, Jun 24, 2010.

  1. Scarface0415

    Scarface0415 Banned

    Jun 19, 2010
    Likes Received:
    WT,NY soon to be GA

    This arcade trial doesn't require a modified console.

    To burn more than one arcade trial to an CD/DVD just download all the arcade trial's you wish, then add all of them into a folder called "
    0000000000000000" Create it manually. Secondly, create another new folder called "Content". Now move folder "0000000000000000" into folder "Content". Should now appear like this. Congrats, if it does then your ready to burn.
    To Inject this to an Xbox 360 hard drive or Flash drive just copy the contents inside the RAR file into "Content" / "0000000000000000". If more than one simply repeat the process.


    Attached Files:

    • Doom.rar
      File size:
      11.4 MB
    andrewsqual and InsaneNutter like this.

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