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DuckTales Remastered + Trailer Xbox Live Arcade Download (Delisted from XBLA)

Discussion in 'Delisted Marketplace Content' started by HandMaskTar, Dec 24, 2019.

  1. HandMaskTar

    HandMaskTar New Member

    Aug 8, 2019
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    About the game:

    DuckTales: Remastered is a hand-crafted, beautiful reimagining of one of the most cherished 8-bit titles of all time. Go back to one of the golden ages of gaming, but now refined with a level of detail that will please the most hardened devoted Disney or retro Capcom fan, alike.
    Featuring hand-drawn animated sprites, authentic Disney character voices talent and richly painted level backgrounds from the classic cartoon TV series, Scrooge McDuck and family come to life like never before. The gameplay retains the authenticity of its 8-bit predecessor, simple and fun, with slight modifications to improve gameplay flow and design. Embark on an authentic DuckTales adventure, as Scrooge McDuck and his three nephews Huey, Dewey and Louie travel to exotic locations throughout the world in their quest to retrieve the five Legendary Treasures.


    Downolad DuckTales Remastered (Google Drive)

    How to use / play / unlock / additional information:

    This game will work as the trial game on any Xbox 360, it can however be unlocked to work as the full game for Jtag hacked Xbox 360's using YarisSwap.

    More information on delisted Xbox Live Arcade games
    DrigerMS_GX and InsaneNutter like this.
  2. Trojans Ghost

    Trojans Ghost Resident

    Jul 1, 2021
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    This doesn't seem to be working correctly. Can it be re-uploaded please?


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