Enable Blu-Ray Playback On The PS4, Without The PSN [1.76 Firmware]

Discussion in 'Playstation 4 Guides' started by InsaneNutter, Jul 10, 2016.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    Yorkshire, England
    This tutorial will tech you how to enable Blu-ray playback on the PS4, without connecting to the PSN and updating your PS4.

    Before we begin you will need the following:

    • To to be on firmware 1.76, this is not currently possible on any other firmware.
    • Setup the PS4 Playground which will allow you to exploit a 1.76 PS4.

    Enable Blu-Ray Playback On The PS4

    Presuming you have the PS4 playground setup, go to Settings > User Guide.

    This should load the PS4 Playground.

    Click "Launch FTP" this will enable the FTP server and debug settings on your PS4:


    You should now see you have "Debug Settings" as on option on the PS4's settings menu:


    In the Debug Settings menu, go down to "Licence Activation":


    Enable MPEG-2 and VC-1:


    Congratulations, you can now play Blu-rays on your 1.76 firmware PS4.

    It's worth keeping in mind newer Blu-ray's require the AACS encryption key to be updated for the PS4 to be able to decrypt newer Blu-ray's. This is currently not possible to do without updating your PS4 to a firmware version which is no longer exploitable.

    All Blu-rays released before September 2014 and possibly a few months after that will work fine, i'm not sure when the AACS encryption was updated on newer Blu-rays discs. Firmware 1.76 was released in September 2014, meaning any Blu-ray released before that will work fine.

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