Facebook Connect Integration FAQ

Discussion in 'General Chat' started by Nimrod, Aug 13, 2010.

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  1. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    As we are now having users join Digiex via Facebook, this FAQ will answer any questions regarding it, as well as to existing members who use the Facebook Connect platform on Digiex.

    First of all, by clicking the Connect button at the top of the site, you are logging into Digiex with your Facebook details, if this is the first time your doing this, you will need to confirm with Facebook that you wish to share your details with Digiex.

    If you are a new member, this information will generate you a quick account on Digiex. The username will become your Facebook name and if your privacy settings allow your profile picture to be shown publically, your Profile picture will be transferred and used as your avatar on Digiex.

    If you are an existing member, first of all, make sure you are logged in Digiex, otherwise you will create yourself a second account. Then when you click the Connect button, your current Digiex account will be linked to your Facebook account and allow you to use the facebook publish settings throughout the site, as well as log in to Digiex just with your Facebook account (if you wish, the old login method still works)

    Q: What details do you take from Facebook?

    A: Regardless of your privacy settings on Facebook, when connecting your account we will take your name, email address and age from Facebook. This is the basic information we need to confirm who you are, and your current age. Your email is taken and stored against your account, but this is only used to ensure your not already a member, and enable you to subscribe to threads if you wish. We NEVER email our members (unless you have selected you want to subscribe to a thread) at Digiex, as none of the staff like email abuse or spam, but at the same time, we have to record it against your username for spam prevention. If your profile picture and privacy settings allow you to be searched and your profile picture shown to the public on Facebook, it will also be transferred across for your avatar on Digiex, very few people have this setting enabled on Facebook so will affect very few people.

    Q: What's the difference between an account with Facebook Connect and a normal Digiex account?

    A: The accounts are identical, except for the fact you can sign into Digiex using your Facebook account, just another easier way to login. If you are logged into Facebook in your browser session, it will auto-sign you into Digiex with no interaction, no having to remember multiple login details. You still have the same privileges regardless of if you connect your accounts or not. However to enable publishing of your posts, blogs, threads and other content (if you wish to - its an option) to Facebook, you have to have a linked account.

    Q: What benefits do you get for connecting an existing account to Facebook or using a Facebook Connected account?

    A: When your writing content on Digiex, you get the option at the bottom of every post, be it a blog post, forum post or article post, which gives you the option to also publish it directly to your Facebook Wall. By doing so, when its published to Digiex, the content is also published on your Facebook wall for everyone to see. This is un-selected by default, and you have to do it on a per-time bases, so if your writing a guide or a blog post, you can automatically publish it to your wall to share with your friends. You also have the ability to login to Digiex using just one login, your Facebook.

    Q: If I change my Facebook details, will this affect my Digiex account?

    A: Providing your still using the same Facebook account, and not a newly created one it will not affect your ability to use your Facebook account with Digiex. Each Facebook account in existence has a "Unique ID" this is what is used to identify your Facebook profile to Digiex. If you change details like your email address on Facebook, next time you sign into Digiex this will automatically be updated. If you do change your Facebook account, you will need to sign into Digiex the traditional way with a Username and Password, and then click the Connect button once signed in, to make a new connection. You can only have one connection at a time, so any new accounts you connect to your Digiex account will overwrite the old one.

    Q: How do I remove the Facebook Connection to Digiex?

    A: Use the edit connections in the User Control Panel. Though if you joined Digiex via Facebook Connect (Existing members who joined Digiex, then later added facebook this doesn't affect you) and you remove the connection, you will need to have set a password manually in the User Control Panel otherwise you won't be able to sign in, as you were signed in via your Facebook account. If you don't have a password set and you removed the connection, you will have to use the password recovery form and enter the email address that your facebook account used when you registered, to get a new password set on your account. Again, this only affects members who used the Facebook Connect to sign up, and have since removed the connection.

    If your removing the connection because you want to close your Digiex account, this method will not close your account, just remove the link between Digiex and Facebook. We don't have an official way to close your account, but if you simple leave it and never sign in to Digiex, it will become inactive and after a year, your details like email will be automatically removed from your profile.

    Q: I want to change my username or password, how do I do that?

    A: You can change all your personal details in the User Control Panel however you can't change your username. If your wanting to change your username for whatever reason, you can either contact a member of staff (Nimrod or Insanenutter) on the forum, or remove the connection between your Facebook account and your Digiex account, then make a new account the traditional way, then link it to Facebook after you registered on Digiex, this allows you to choose your username. While you are in the User Control Panel, its highly recommend you set yourself a password, so that you can sign into Digiex without your Facebook account if you wish to remove the Connection.

    If you have any questions not covered in this, please send me a private message and I'll be sure to answer it, and include it in this FAQ.
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