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Fallout New Vegas Classic Pack Pre-Order DLC for Xbox 360

Discussion in 'Downloadable Content' started by InsaneNutter, Oct 17, 2010.

  1. InsaneNutter

    InsaneNutter Resident Nutter Staff Member

    Jun 1, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Yorkshire, England
    Depending on where Fallout New Vegas was pre-ordered from the customer would also be given a code to redeem additional packs that would unlock various upgrades in the game.

    This download is for the Classic pack, it contains:

    Armored Vault 13 Suit - Extensively patched up and dotted with piecemeal armor, this outfit is an homage to the classic ending of the original Fallout.

    Vault 13 Canteen - This handy device is useful for staving off dehydration and providing a small amount of healing in the Mojave Wasteland.

    Weathered 10mm Pistol - A well-worn 10mm pistol that packs an extra punch despite its modest size.

    5 Stimpaks - Food and water are good for long-term healing, but when the fighting is fierce, Stimpaks help keep Wastelanders upright.

    How to use:

    Note: For jtagged consoles only

    1. Unzip the content
    2. Copy the files and folders in to the Content\0000000000000000 on your Xbox 360's hard drive.
    3. Play the game and the new content will be available from the pipboy

    Download Fallout New Vegas Classic Pack Pre-Order DLC for Xbox 360

    Attached Files:

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