FAQ: How to submit a news article

Discussion in 'News and Article Submission' started by Nimrod, Aug 11, 2010.

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  1. Nimrod

    Nimrod Exotic Vendor

    Jun 1, 2007
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    London, United Kingdom
    Any news article posted in this forum which hit these requirements will be published as an article on the front page with full credit giving to the member publishing it.

    • The article must be of true nature, at least to the point where either sources can be provided to confirm the story, or that the author honestly believes it to be of truthful nature. (If something false gets published, it may have to be pulled).

    • The article must either be written completely by the author of the post, or referenced if its a copy and paste / quick re-write of someone else's work. An article can be referenced by placing the text "Source:" followed by the URL of the original author. We hate it when other sites steal our news without referencing us as the authors, so we aim to show the same respect to others.

    • Each article should have an image placed at the top, centered of a reasonable size. The image must somehow related to the news topic, for example an Xbox Live Arcade game news could have the Xbox Live Arcade logo. Google Image Search can help provide images, and then uploading them to our Image Upload Service.. Please DO NOT hotlink images from other sites, save them and upload them to our image service so we are not wasting there bandwidth. While an image is not an absolute requirement to getting an article published, it does mean that a member of staff will have to get an image before publishing it which if the member of staff is busy could mean your article getting overlooked. If you have the time, please place an image up and use the IMG and CENTER tags provided in the editor.

    • We don't mind linking to downloads which back up the news article, say for example a Time Remover for a Demo, however it is again advisable for the download to be uploaded to our Download Center. If not done, a staff member may do it before it hits the front page or again could lead to your article being overlooked.

    • If your looking to become a Moderator or have another role at Digiex, or even looking to ask Digiex for favours (ie Hosting) its advisable to be a regular news poster, as it shows commitment.

    Any news submitted remains owned by the person writing the article, and can be removed by request by the author at any time they wish. We don't own any content you created and instead aim to provide you with a platform to express yourself.

    Thank you for taking the time to read this, we hope to see interesting news to keep you all engaged :)
    tipo114, Michael_T and AntiNaz like this.
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