Source I think that’s quite cheeky to be honest unless it’s going to be free, it’s like saying we will sell you this bit of the game now for £40 then charge you another £8 in a few weeks time to get the next bit of the game we didn’t want to include on the retail disc.
QIA However, seems positive that they feel they have enough DLC to be releasing some straight after release. I think it shows they are already thinkng how they can keep the game fresh and new, as I think that especially with Halo 3 the maps are starting to get a bit dated now (bring on the September updates!!)
Personally I didn't care much for the DLC in Gears 1. Some were fun like the swamp level. Raven down was a big disappointment though. So hopefully given that they have already started, I want to see some awesome ones!
I cared very much for the content in Gears 1 as it gave us Annex. Without that game mode I doubt I'd have played as much Gears online as I have done. If they don't charge us for this content update or release it for free later on I'll be happy.
I agree downloaded content can add many hours of game play to a game, I love the game mode annex added to Gears and some one of new maps happen to be my favs. To be honest I think many developers who are serious about adding to the game ones its released will be at least thinking about what content they can add before its released. However it is annoying when you read “it's currently in the works and will ship "very soon within' the Gears of War 2 launch timeframe” to me that either says we want to give the community a nice Christmas present with some free maps we didn’t quite have time to finish or we can make an extra £8 on these if we don’t ship them with the game. Knowing Epic they will want the maps to be free, but it’s sort of annoying how Microsoft will probably force them to charge for the maps. How so? That’s my fav map for playing Annex on
YAY, I'm glad I didn't waste my microsoft points. Yeah, raven down on annex is pretty sweet. I perfer execution than annex. Cause on annex you'll have a few spawn campers. Some will be right in your spawn waiting for you to spawn with a chainsaw and others are waiting for you to come out with a boomshot or active reloaded sniper. So I really don't care that much for annex and warzone, though there great game modes.